
Chapter 1: Quirk Evaluation

I am Solomon Castor and I was just you average guy and you see one day I was reincarnated into a world where Heroes and Villains run rampant.

Ever since I heard the word quirk I knew exactly what world I was in this was the world of MHA or rather its longer version my hero academia and today, I'm supposed to be going to the QAC(quirk evaluation center) to see if i have a quirk or not and even if i do have a quirk i just hope its a useful one.

Now before we get there let me tell you a little about myself well my name is exactly the same as my past life Solomon Caster and i have the same appearance as Solomon the king of magicraft from the fate series. I was born in new york Manhattan and I am currently 4 years old I have a mother who is the head of an orphanage her name is Isabella Caster and as for my siblings I only have one blood related one.

His name is Ray Caster and he's 1 year's old as for my life up to now well its pretty nice I have a family and lots of freedom me being a 18 year old in my past life i don't really speak to the other kids that live at the orphanage but there is a group that I stay around often to read books too and they happen to be the younger kids which I work well with and help mama to educate them

and while doing this I myself have be learning as well since in my past life I already knew perfect english i wanted to see now that i'm a kid again since kids absorb things faster than other that maybe a could learn another language or two.

So I happened to be extremely easier than I thought I'd be i've already completely learn the two languages French and Japanese and i'm already starting on a new one and unlike in my past like i've takin a liking to science and not only that but i just have a sudden urge every now and again to either break, make, or disassemble something which might be related to my now almost awakened quirk

so hopping out of the now parked car me and mama walking into the building as we waited at the front desk and after mama had a chat with the lady at the front desk a couple minutes later we where brought to mostly white room which had all sorts of advanced medical machines and technology around as i suddenly got an urge to dismantle and take apart the machines to see what makes them tick

Nurse "ah miss caster it is nice to meet you anyway if you can just step out really quickly as i need to perform a few quick tests and he'll be right out ok"

Isabella "oh yes mam see you soon my little angel"

Solomon "yes mama i'll see you soon"

and after about 30 minutes of boring test it was finally over as my mother was then allowed to enter the room

Isabella "so what are the results"

"well your son has a quirk and from the test I've preformed it should be of the emitter type now Solomon if you would focus on that feeling deep in your stomach that i told you about"

o-ok so closing my eyes i focused until i felt this burning sensation in my stomach as if it was trapped inside me all along and it just needed me to set it free so thats what i did i set it free but nothing happened so i opened my eyes and all of the technology began to flout towards me as the doctor lady began to write down on a notepad and then i got that sudden urge to build things that i would normally get so i did just that and just as quickly as the equipment flew towards me i dismantled it in mere seconds and as i completed it and what now stood in front of me flouting in the air was a small futuristic railgun which could be handheld it unlike its outer appearance was much lighter than assumed

as all the information on all of its functions was transferred to my mind again i saw the lady doctor continue to write In her notepad after a couple of seconds of being shocked as she then asked me what are the functions of the railgun how it felt when i was making it and how exactly did this come to mind to make and how did i even make it using only Hospital equipments in the first place

well you see i don't actually know it just came to me and then my hands started to move on there own as for how i felt i felt natural to me as if I've been doing this even before i was even born as if i were a professional and how i made it only using basic and some advanced hospital equipment well you see ther….. and just like that I went ranting about all the different components and factors i had to go through while making the railgun but what the lady doctor also found out about my quirk is that it must give my brain an extremely fast processing speed and maybe even super intelligence as well seeing as how to me it felt like hours of work while in reality it was only like 10 seconds

Nurse "ok where done here so now miss Caster would you like for us the QEC to name the quirk or would you allow you son to name it himself"

Isabella "oh yes i think my little Sal here can name it himself you see he's always been a big boy never crying always good and taking care of all the other children so i think he's responsible enough"

Solomon "um excuse me lady doctor mam what about the equipment that i used in my creation"

Solomon "oh you don't have to worry about that i could always buy newer better equipment anyway think of a gift to you for showing me such an amazing quirk"