
Chapter 7

"Ms. Sparrow, why are you late?" Asked my teacher when I walked in

"I'm one minute late and I had a mission."

"Why wasn't your absence excused then?"

"I left before anyone was up. There wasn't anyone in the office."

"Sounds like you're making excuses. Detention."

I sighed. I had detention almost every day since I was always out on a mission and got stuck because of the crowds. Still, this wasn't a great way to start the day. Today we were training against each other. I didn't know everyone's power with some new students in the class so I was in for a surprise. I ended up fighting some blonde with electric powers. He kept glancing at the two next to us nervously. One blonde and one with purple hair. After I defeated him quickly, we watched the other two fight. They both fought well although they seemed reluctant to hit each other. I noticed neither one used any powers. They moved closer and closer to us until the blonde's arm brushed against mine.

"Oops sorry." He said before reaching over to tap the electric blonde's shoulder

I could've sworn he winked before he continued the fight. As they kept fighting I noticed the blonde had started using electricity. I figured that was his power until the purple haired guy suddenly stopped fighting. He came and sat on the bench next to the electric blonde who was laughing.

"Nice work Nei." he said "I think he knew what you were doing all along he just couldn't get you to talk."

"Yeah well her power's more powerful than his." He gestured towards me, "Neito Monoma." He said to me "This is Denki Kaminari and Hitoshi Shinso."

The boy with purple hair, Hitoshi, stirred and seemed as if he woke from a daze.

"Nice work Nei." He said sarcastically "How'd you know her power?"

"Well it was pretty obvious af-" he suddenly stopped and his eyes glowed purple

He started to walk away while Denki and Hitoshi just laughed.

"He got what he deserved." Said Denki "Now let him go."

Hitoshi sighed "Fine"

"Come on Toshi!" Neito yelled as his eyes stopped glowing

He started to say something else but Hitoshi interrupted him with a kiss.

"Sorry we aren't being very polite." Denki said to me "Hitoshi's power is mind control and he likes to play little pranks on us. When Neito figured out who you were he saw the perfect opportunity to get back at him."

"What do you mean by opportunity? What does that have to do with me?"

"I can copy powers." Said Neito breaking away from Hitoshi "I can hold up to four at a time but yours is way more powerful than Hitoshi's. He can only use it when someone answers him verbally."

"Yeah but you can't forget how many times I've caught you with my capture cloth." Hitoshi bragged "Or how many villains I've defeated with my mask."

"So your power's electricity, yours is mind control, and yours is copying. Correct?" I asked

"Yeah and you're THE Violet Skull." said Neito "We're not all that impressive compared to you."

"I think your power's pretty cool." I said to him "Plus aren't you the son of ElecTricks?" I asked Denki and he nodded "And you have a villain's power but still are at a school for heroes." I said to Hitoshi "I'd call that pretty impressive."

"Thanks but y-" Neito was cut off as the teacher called us back inside

I smiled at the boys as I headed back to class with them trailing behind me. Hitoshi and Neito made a cute couple and Denki seemed like a nice friend. I decided I would do everything in my power to be nice to the three and keep them safe. After all, we wouldn't want to lose any of our new heroes.