
44 The Calling

After meeting with Aizawa and getting an intern partner right off the bat I went back to class. When I reched class I saw that everyone was here so I went to my seat and sat down. As soon I reached my seat Momo asked "Hey, where are you going to intern? Shoto is going to his dad's, Fumikage is going to Hawks and I going to Uwabami."

"Eraser Head."

"What?" Momo.

"I will be interning with Aizawa sensei. I just got his permission."

"So you're telling me that you're going to interning with Aizawa sensei when you could easily go to any of the top 10 heroes right?" Fumikage.

"Yes. I want to go with him it'll be fun and worthwhile. That's what my gut say's."

"Still..... " Momo

"Ah.. Momo, an advice from me. If you want to get what heroes really do you should change from Uwabami to someone else. From what I've heard, most of the time she'll be doing tv programs, and if my guess is correct she chose you because you're cute."

"No way you're lying. She chose me seeing my performance in the sports festival."

"That too. It your choice I won't meddle in it anymore."

After that classes startes most of the time I was just thinking what should I do with Ingenium. 'Should I heal him and All Might using the watered down of Extermis so that they won't get the pyrokinesis. Ah... decisions I want to make are lot.'

After the class ended I left school to home. Today I need to take Hana to the new restaurant that opened near by. It's reviews are good, I just hope that it'll be good food.

As I was walking towards home I started hear a voice suddenly. So I stopped and looked around but there was no one near me. So thinking that I'm just imagining it I walked along the path. And again I heard a voice, but this time I could understand it, it said "Help" in small voice.

Since this time I heard the voice clearly I looked around more carefully but I couldn't find the source of it either, so I walked into the alleyway and looked around but there was nothing there. Confused I started to walk to my home again. But I didn't hear that voice again even when I reached home.

When I reached home I saw Hana flying around inside the house. Ever since she sprouted her wings she's been flying inside the house a lot, maybe I should take her to the training area mom and dad gave me near U.A.

After a bath and change of clothes I went out with Hana. She was over the moon, since it has been some time that she's been asking me to take her to the restaurant.

As we were on the way to the restaurant, I heard the voice again. So I stopped and asked Hana "Hey do you hear that?"


"You know, that sound? Can't you hear it?"

"What sound? I can't hear anything. Maybe you're just imagining it."

"Mmmm may be." I didn't reject that idea, but something is telling me to reach out for this person some how.

At th restaurant too I heard the sound but I didn't react to it at there.

After we ate the food we left the place and went back home. After tucking Hana in bed, I went to my room and told Ax 'Axel, Mark 1 please'

[Yes sir.]

After that my body was covered in the first suit i designed as the hero suit but put on hold since mom and dad will doubt about where I got these from. Anyway after getting suited up I placed hard light projector that I made in my free time to project a image of me sleeping on the bed. After that was set I jumped out of the window and flew away from my house to investigate about the voice I've been hearing.

After couple of rounds of patrol I was unable to find the sourse so I was returning to home when I suddenly heard the voice again "Help... me... It.... hurts.... " It was breaking up, so instead of just ignoring it like I did till now I spoke to no one hoping that my voice will reach the person who's been asking for help "Hey.... I don't know if you can hear me, but I promise I'll help you okay. I just need to find where you are, and I'll be there to save you okay?" I told whoever it was as calm as possible.

"... " There was no more sounds that means maybe I was going crazy after all this time, just as that thought passed through my mind the sound returned "Really..... you'll.... save.... me... from.... here..... "

"Yes. I will."

"Who....are.... you..... "


"My.... n...a...me... is..... i" That's all I heard from the sound. I waited for mor but nothing came so I went back to my home. I have to save that person no matter what.


In an enclosed space we can see a single bed with a pillow and a sheet on it. And in the corner of this space we can see a little girl hugging her knees and saying "Help me.... it.. hurts"

Suddenly she hears a sweet voice "Hey.... I don't know if you can hear me, but I promise I'll help you okay. I just need to find where you are, and I'll be there to save you okay?"

She looked around to see the source of the sound, not finding anyone near her she spoke in small voice because she can't imagine who would come here to find "Really..... you'll.... save.... me... from.... here..... "

"Yes. I will." Was what she got as a reply. She was happy hearing that someone will come to save her eventually so she asked "Who are you?"

"Azrael" When the person said the name she wanted to let Azrael know her name too so she said "My.... n...a...me... is..... e..r...i" But befor she could get a reply she fell asleep due to exhaustion.




-----------Chapter 44 End----------

//AN: I don't know if you guy's know, but I'm writing another MHA ff, it's name is MHA: RED HOOD. So if you read that leave a comment as opinion. //