
40 Dinner At Todoroki Abode

After reaching home we ate dinner as a celebration of my victory. After that mom made Hana sleep earlier than usual. Me and was sitting on our roof and talked about things other than about the sport's festival.

Half an hour later mom came to the roof and sat down opposite to me, right besides dad. As soon as she sat down dad asked me "So, is there any explanation for what happened today?"

"Do i have to?"

"Of course you have to. How on earth did you get that strong huh?"

"Ah... well... "

After a long explanation from my part I was finished.

Right after that dad asked me "Mmm that's a bit complicated for me."

Mom asked me "So you're saying that you could almost reach the level of All Might in strength, speed, agility and stamina for five straight hours. And you can't do it for a week right?"

"Yeah... But i think that I could make the cool down time shorter if I train properly."

"Yoh can. But after you have mastered your wings and darkness only. Got that young man?"


"Good. Now to the important matter. Who will you be under as an intern, knowing you, you might have already a person in your mind so say it."

"Eraser Head."

"Shota? Ah.. he's a good kid. A little lazy but good. It's a good choice he'll teach you everything to avoid the media altogether." Dad said.

"Mmmhmmm true. That boy always hated the media." Saying that both of them was about to get up and leave.

"Wait, there's another thing. Endeavor has invited me to have dinner with his family tomorrow at his home."

"At Fuyumis house right?" Mom asked me.

"Yeah." I had a bad premonition right after insaid that.

"Oh.... then we have to change your wardrobe entirely." Saying that she went downstairs.

Suddenly dad out hi hand on my shoulder and said "Good luck. You'll need it." Saying that he also left to downstairs and I just stood there looking at the moon and thought 'What have I done to myself?'


Just as I thought, the premonition I got became reality. A shopping spree with mom and Hana. It was a headache, they won't even let me select a cloth for me. All the way through the shopping they just bought anything that might seem good for a fifteen year boy.

As I was resting at a cafe Fuyumi started to speak to me via shadow telepathy 'Hey, why couldn't I contact you at the sports festival using the bird???'

'Well. there was a reason I'll tell you later. So why was you trying to contact me again?'

'You do know that my dad invited you to have dinner right?'

'Yeah. Touya invited me yesterday, so that's it?'

'That's not it... Mom told everyone yesterday that I have boyfriend and he'll be coming today to have dinner with us.'

When I heard that my mind just went blank for a second. Not wasting any time I asked her 'What was their reaction?'

'Ah.... that... amm.... wel.. dad and Touya-nii is super mad right now, Natsuo and Shoto are in like a neutral parties her.'

'Great, so are you telling me that the Number 2 hero and his first born son the Flame Hero Blaze is pissed at your boyfriend?'

'Yeah..... '

'Do they who your boyfriend is?'

'Nope. Just know that you'll be coming at dinner time.'

'Ah... God.... what am I gonna do?'

'I don't know. I had to inform you this as fast as possible. Now that you know please be ready for a one sided beating or I don't know. Just good luck.'

After saying that she didn't speak anything.

'Oh God you have to help me when I get ther.'

As I was thinking about the consequences I would have face at Togoroki household, mom and Hana came to find me in the cafe and dragged me out for more shopping. 'Yeah God, scratch what I said before. Help me now!!!'


It's six o'clock. Right now I'm at the gates of hell-- no scratch that. Right now I'm at the gate of my girlfriends home. Mom and Hana bought some formal clothes and made me wear it, and since thanks to them I was almost late, thanks to that they left me here as soon as we got here and wished me luck.

Well looking down at what they bought for me to wear I sighed. I was wearing a bright red formal suit with white shirt, just seeing this make me look like a clown. So I decided to change it and went near a tree and camouflaged myself in the shadow and spoke to Axel 'Buddy, you there?'

[Yes Sir.]

'Absorb the suit. And change it into a casual black suit, with blue shirt.'

[Sky blue or Dark blue sir?]

'Sky blue.'

[Done sir.]

'Thanks And

[You're welcome sir.

And sir, Good Luck]

'Yeah I need that very much now.'

After my clothes were set I deactivated the camouflage and walked towards the house.

A couple of minutes later I reached the door and knocked. A second later I could hear rapid footsteps, so deciding it was best to move out of the way I moved to the side. And thank god I had to think like that, because right after I moved from there the door opened and a Katana was swung downward. If I was there that would have hit me hard on the head.

After that the katana was pulled back *shing* and I heard it going back into its sheath. A second later a head greeted me "Hello Haruto, sorry for the surprise."

"Hey Touya." Yeah the person whose head just greeted me is Touya and I pretty sure he was the one who sliced downwards with a katana right after the door was opend.

"Come in. Everyone is waiting."


After that we entered the house. It's built in the classic style, because of that there's lot's of wood 'Doesn't this burn down now and then? Don't they have like three fire user's?'

As I was thinking that we reached at the dining hall and I could clearly saw a sheathed katana near Endeavor.

"Hey dad. False alarm it's Haruto."

"Hello." I greeted him. He just nodded at me,'A man of few words I think.'

"Go on sit down. We'll be having dinner after one more guest arrive."

"Alright." Not gonna ask who they both are waiting for.

Well I sat down near Shoto and whispered to him "What's going on?"

"Sister. Boyfriend. Coming." He didn't even elaborate it, just said some words and omitted the most important words.

"Nii-san, I don't think he'll come anymore let's eat I'm hungry." A white haired boy said. Knowing that I'm in the home of Todoroki I'm sure that is Natsuo.

"Natsua-nii is right Touya-nii, let's eat. Haruto came after all."

"Yeah you're right. Sorry for the disturbance Haruto."

"Alright now eat kids I've made everything you like. Shoto told me what you ate normally at school so I made ramen specially made for you."

"Yeah, you already know Shoto and dad right? That one besides Shoto is Natsuo my first brother, the beauty near dad is my mom Rei and sitting besides her is my sister Fuyumi." Touya introduced each of them including my girlfriend. The irony.

After that we started to eat. Shoto like me was eating ramen, Touya and Endeavor was eating rice and meat. Natsuo was eating noodles, Fuyumi amd her mom was eating udon. Seeing all this I looked at Rei and praised her by saying "It's good. You got nice cooking skills."

"Thanks" Was her reply.

"Oh yeah Fuyumi." Touya started to speak at the same time Shoto turned to look at Natsuo to say something while drinking water.

"Where's your boyfriend again. I didn't see him here."

Instead of Fuyumi it's Rei who replied to his question while looking at me "What are you talking about Touya, he's sitting right besides you. Right Haruto-kun?"

Hearing this Shoto sprayed the water in his mouth towards Natsuo, and Natsuo dropped his chopsticks, Touya just sat ther frozen, Fuyumi looking downward, Rei looking at me with a teasing smile. Then I heard *swoosh* *shing* a fire erupted near Natsuo and a Katana was unsheathed. Looking at the source of the sound I saw Endeavor with a katana in his right hand and flames dancing on his back like never before, and he looked like an Asura right now and he uttered only four words "In.The. Dojo. Now"

Well it's decided I'm fighting against the No. 2 pro hero Endeavor with his full wrath. 'Save me!!!' I made that look while looking at Rei.




-----------Chapter 40 End----------