
mha: broken mind

izuku made a promise and he will make sure that he fulfill it ———————————————————— I don't own mha nor the images used

Daoist_fungust · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

chapter 2: One side of the world

Pov all might:

It was an ordinary day

I was getting some groceries after a long day of hero work

'I'm almost at my limit' I thoughtI guess I'm getting too old for this

'I can feel my limit decrease every day it may not be obvious but it's there, at this rate in 3 years I wouldn't be able to transform into my buff form anymore'

As I walked out of the store thinking about the urgent need to find a good successor for one for all

I heard some screams that drew my attention

I saw a villain made of... sludge? Running(?) Away from some local heroes

I sight before transforming into my buff form 'evil never sleep and so is justice'

The sludge villain started to panic as he saw me going after him he started going in some alleyways to try and loss me

'I might be old but not to the point where...shit' that was what's on my mind when I saw him trying to take over the body of some middle schooler

I couldn't control my anger as I threw a punch strong enough to get him away from the kid but not strong enough where it hurt the boy

The sludge villain was sent flying away Hitting the wall making him temporarily unable to move from the shock

I took a moment to check on the kid

Only to find him unconscious but breathing

'thank God'

after that I went to put the villain in a random bottle I found in the ground puting him firmly in my pocket when I was done I started collecting the boy's things mostly school books as they all fell from his backpack

One particular burned notebook caught my attention titled "hero analysis n°13"

I read a little bit of it (my curiosity got the better of me)

It mostly has the names of heroes, their quirks (oddly detailed),costume design and some interesting facts that most people won't know about it

I couldn't help but chuckle on the "sexy" note on Mount lady page 'ahh the true villain of this world, puberty'

I also found a page fully dedicated for my orthographe as it says "in case I meet all might" I obviously signed it

After signing the book I went over him and gave him a few slaps to what him up

It took him a couple moments to remember what happened only to freak out when he recognized me I spent some time calming him down before jumping into the distance

I felt a little guilty for leaving because it looked like he was about to ask me something but unfortunately I had a clear limit

'I really need to find a successor to carry on the legacy, I would've spent more time with him if it wasn't for that damed injury' I didn't have time to curse all for one as I heard someone calling me from behind

And low and behold it was that kid holding my leg "jeez kid let go of me your gonna get hurt" I said in a panicked tone

"I..cinnn't...I wi..willdie"the boy responded(barley) making realize how stupid I sounded

I choosed some building that was close to land and giving the boy a heads up before doing that

As we both landed I was ready to berate him for doing something so stupid but he spoke first bowing and closing his eyes

"I'M SORRY ALL MIGHT!...but I really need to ask you something...the thing is..." I couldn't catch what he said after that as I started to panic because I reached my limit thus transforming to my true form


The kid finally asking his question opened his eyes expecting to see all might with the all of muscle and the unwavering smile only to find a skinny man in his place

So like any normal person would react in this situation he thought I was an imposter

"Where's all might? Are you all might?!areyouanimposter!!?"

'fuck, just like that a top level secret is out

At least the kid is a fan so he can hold this secret (I hope)'

"Listen kid, izuku was it?"he nods giving me the chance to explain myself

"I am not an imposter it's just that this is what I look like off duty"

"Is that your quirk? Everyone had theories on what it might be, do you have a time limit..." The kid kept talking some much to the point that I was slightly annoyed so I interpreted him

"No that is not my quirk..." I hesitated before finally lifting my shirt showing the injury, he visibly flinched at the sight of it

"Some years ago I fought a villain a powerful one it was a hard fight but I won, at the cost of my stomach and most of my respiratory system to the point where I'm barely standing" I took a few moment of silence to let him understand what I'm saying

"So.. that's why your hero activity was decreasing each year..." he kept on muttering probably remembering something he read on the internet

"Young izuku, I understand that this is too surprising but I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this"

"I... I understand all might, I promise" izuku responded giving a determined nod

After some awkward moments I broken the silence approaching the subject of his question

"For your question young izuku in all honesty you can..." as I was about to tell him that he can be a hero I froze when I saw his hopeful eyes reminding me of the dangers of this world

The new heroes that died young, the cruelty of the villains that will target everything that you hold dear and finally their strength how they can destroy building,cities without breaking a sweat

'I...I can't do it, if I say this and anything happens to him I won't (can't) forgive myself'

"You can't be a hero" the words that oppose everything that I stand for got out of my mouth, my heart tightening as I saw his once hopeful face filled with nothing but despair

"W..what" tha was the only thing he managed to say

'this is not good he might break if I don't say anything soothing'

"You can be police officer a fireman even a detective if You want they might not be as popular but You can still help people" that should help him a bit after all in my time these jobs where also popular

Walking inside the building I couldn't help but to give a final advice to him fearing that he would do something stupid

"You can have dreams young izuku, just keep them realistic"

Walking down the stairs I realize that the sludge villain was still in my pocket and that I need to take him to the police

*A few minutes later*

Finally reaching the exit puting my hand on the door about to open it


I heard a sound

My body froze, my mind Replaying the what I said my heart beating faster than the time my master died faster than the time I fought all for one

'No no nonononono it can't be him it just can't !'

Finally regaining control over my body I opened the the door only to see what I feared the most

The broken body of izuku in the red floor with his bones sticking out of his skin

His skull was destroyed a the left part of his brain is visible, his left eye nowhere to be seen and his right one barley noticable I wouldn't know it's still there if it wasn't for the tears running down on what's left of his face

"No, NOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lounge transforming to my buff form and going as fast as I could to his side

But before I reached him a black portal opened taking him to God's where

I stayed there helplessly for a couple seconds behind snapping back to reality

'I need to find him but how...."I grit my teeth trying to find a solution

'yes, I need nezu he can help me find him' with that I went on running to UA cursing myself on the way