
New Beginnings

[A/N: Hello readers, and welcome to Bakugo Reloaded. I am writing this because I see a lot of stories about people taking over Izuku's body and getting a system, but there hasn't been much, or possibly any, with Bakugo. 

So, I took it upon myself to write it, but I don't like canon rehashes, especially MHA fics, so early warning that canon is a suggestion, not a law.

Also, saying this because people don't read tags for some reason. This fanfic is a harem, has a lot of slice of life chapters and might be slow, MC has a system(that doesn't give quests), Izuku is a girl because I dislike when fics focus on him, but if he is a waifu, then any emphasis isn't as tedious as it could be, because ya know, she is breedable now lol, and finally , updates might be slow.

I recommend saving this to your library and waiting for ten or so chapters to see if you like it.

That's pretty much it, hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it! ]








'My body just moved on its own.'

For Ryan, he never really understood how anyone could do that. 

He had always over-thought before he made a choice, analyzed every detail far longer than he should have, focused on one possible avenue before jumping to the next a moment later, weighed the pros and cons a dozen times until exhaustion, and by then, whatever opportunity or choice he had to make would have already passed or been made for him.

He was just wired that way, not accepting any favors unless he heard everything, never gambled on things that were clearly not in his favor no matter how great the potential reward, and avoided situations where he was put on the spot every chance he got.

Predictably, that led to him being reserved and 'quiet', even going as far as to be labeled introverted despite the fact he never really had any issues going to events or social outings.

It was just more often than not, silence was his best friend, and he found that in staying quiet, he was given more information than he ever would by asking questions that would put most on guard.

Because of this, his life was relatively peaceful. Boring, yes, but not every bright eyed young kid had to take the world by storm, some like him just wanted to live, no matter how plain that was.

So, for all that Ryan knew, for all that he had acted for his nineteen years of life, he had no idea why he suddenly got out of his vehicle.

He had been previously sitting in shock, both hands gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, gaze locked ahead as he waited and waited: hoping that someone would step up and be the hero.

Unsurprisingly, everyone else that had pulled over on the road had stayed in their vehicles, unwilling to step out to save the day.

Ryan couldn't blame them, he never would either, and he thought he would likely do the same in every other situation.

However, for the first time in his life, he made a decision without a second thought.

The overturned eighteen wheeler was already on fire by this point, and as Ryan's eyes honed in on the pillars of black smoke and ever brightening blaze, he knew time was running out.

His legs that ignored every thought of his own survival pulled him into a full fledged sprint, passing other cars that had pulled over on the highway.  

The majority of the occupants inside were stunned still, a few clearly dialing 911, others simply watching in curiosity, while a scant few had their phones out recording.

The news never truly showed how quickly a collision happened, one minute Ryan was listening to a podcast as he drove back home from college for the summer, nothing wrong, then the very next everything changed with a sudden screech of metal hitting metal at speeds just over 70mph. 

Even more absurdly though, was that Ryan was actively running toward the crash, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he knew full well that the driver hadn't gotten out yet.

They could be already dead, maybe unconscious, stuck, or mangled beyond recognition. Ryan didn't know, but despite that, a single sentence permeated through the unnatural quietness of his mind.

'Please be okay.'

He didn't have much time to think about anything else, especially as he was suddenly caught off guard, a thick curtain of heat washing over him, the sharp uptake in temperature so unpleasant he almost fell over, any ideas of cold fleeing him in an instant.

Still, with gritted teeth, he pushed through, moving into action immediately as he finally reached the overturned driver's cabin. 

He grasped the edge of the side step, eternally grateful that he was fit enough to pull himself up and over with relative ease. 

He crouched on the dented door, the heat quickly becoming more unbearable, and for the first time since the crash, he started thinking.

His coat came off, the Texas winter chill the least of his worries as quickly threw it over his head, tying the sleeves at the front while leaving his eyes and nose visible. 

He knew he was supposed to wet it, and if his coat did catch fire his money maker might forever be gone, but the constant assault of heatwaves on his face was making it hard to focus, and though his exposed arms began to bristle in protest, the heat was a bit more manageable now.

For a moment, Ryab forcibly calmed his breathing, smiling slightly as he saw his luck hadn't failed him yet by the already shattered window.

Peering through, his breath caught as he saw an Indian man hanging from his seat belt toward the passenger side, bleeding from cuts on his arms and groaning loudly.

Ryan reached through the window, unlocked the door, and with a bit of effort, pried the slightly mangled piece of metal upwards. 

Without a second thought, he sat on the edge of the door, scooted closer, and dropped downwards.

He landed awkwardly, twisting his ankle in a way it shouldn't have, but fought through the immediate feedback of pain to grab the man who was still dazed.

"Can you hear me?!" His voice was hoarse and loud enough that the truck driver seemed to finally fully wake, eyes going wide as he quickly grabbed for his seat belt and tried to yank it off.

"Calm down!" Ryan shouted, but once he saw the sheer shock and fear on the man's face, he knew that words weren't going to work.

Instead, even though he knew it wasn't the best bedside care, he violently shoved the man back in his seat with one hand, the other going to unlock the seat belt. 

The cry of pain from the man made him regret it, but he could apologize later when they both escaped the ever encroaching flames.

However, his hope was fading, because despite pressing hard enough to turn the tip of his fingers white, nothing was happening, and as the Indian man's eyes met his, an understanding was shared between the two.

"M-my knife," his accent was thick, but Ryan's eyes widened as he realized there was still a chance to save him.

Following where he was pointing, a large hunter's knife still in its sheath was sticking up from between the seats, teetering on the side of the center console and threatening to fall.

He didn't hesitate, grabbing the weapon, revealing the black blade and gripping the man's seat belt to pull it away from his body.

"It's gonna go slack so-" Ryan suddenly gagged, coughing hard as he noticed smoke was already filling the cabin.

"Shit! Hold yourself up!" He shouted, adjusting his grip on the seatbelt and pulling toward him as much as he could, knife coming forward and slashing across in one smooth motion.

Luckily, the knife was sharp, sharper than it ever should be, but that was the least of his worries for the moment.

Now free, the truck driver seemed to stop panicking, although he was still gripping the seat for dear life while resembling a deer that was caught in the headlights.

In contrast, Ryan was surprisingly calm, dropping the knife and once again grabbing the edge of the doorway to pull himself up.

"Don't leave me!" He heard the cry behind him, but this was not the moment to spell out he had literally been doing the opposite for the last minute.

Wincing as he put weight on his bad ankle, he turned, dropping both arms into the doorway and yelling at the still dangling man that he needed to grab on.

He felt antsy, watching impatiently as the truck driver used the driver's seat as a makeshift ladder to get higher up. 

Biting his lip, he checked his surroundings with a quick glance, eyes widening as he saw the red blaze only a mere few feet away, the tires next to him already being deformed by the heat..

Thankfully, it seemed fear of dying made the Indian man hurry, clasping both of Ryan's hands, and with the combined effort of both of them pulling, managed to bring him up and over.

Most of everything around them was shrouded in black clouds by now, smoke billowing out like a sandstorm and blocking anything else but the asphalt they had to drop down to.

The truck driver went first, almost diving off the edge, and only by sheer chance managed to stay upright as he madly scrambled toward the direction that wasn't fire.

Ryan was just as fast to follow, but when he landed, the very same ankle he twisted from before shot sudden pain up his body stronger than it had before, vision flashing white as he collapsed front first onto the asphalt.

Gnashing his teeth, he did his best to ignore the pain and got up. 

Suddenly aware, the sensory details around him came to him. The distant sirens, the unrelenting heat still bombarding him without care, the stench of burned rubber and possibly chemicals stinging his nostrils, and finally the sudden roughness of the street knocking the wind out of him as he went tumbling down again.

Ryan shuddered, turning to look at his ankle, already knowing and fearing what happened.

His left foot's achilles, it had snapped, and Ryan suddenly found that his dormant and silent mind reverted back to normal, the one that never stopped thinking of every possible outcome.

To no one's surprise, the future currently painted in his head was far from ideal, and for a moment he lay there, only able to continue breathing hard.

However, he threw away the looming thoughts swirling in his head, managing to get to his one good leg, hopping forward as fast as possible, but losing hope again as the world began to tilt as he fell to his knees.

His vision started going blurry, his breath was shortening, and the idea of laying down and taking a nice long nap didn't sound too bad at the moment.

The smoke, he knew it would be an issue, but despite feeling like his entire harrowing rescue was fast, it hadn't been fast enough apparently.

For what felt like the hundredth time, Ryan fell, any air leaving him as he thudded against the hot asphalt, mind racing for other options, but every idea slipped from him as the amount of smoke around him got worse.

He was going to die, and funnily enough, the realization seemed to get rid of most of the brian fog, as if he suddenly became sober after a long night of drinking.

Now, barely able to think clearly, his hands came up, digging and clawing as he started to crawl forward, every ounce of his being screaming out that he was going to live no matter what.

And maybe, as small as the chance was, he would have.

But a feeling surfaced, and with a look back at the eighteen wheeler now fully engulfed in flames, Ryan somehow knew he was already dead.

The explosion that came next made that abundantly clear, everything in his vision going red for a fraction of a second, a small flash of pain assaulting every part of his body before darkness consumed him.








[System Initializing…]

[Finding a Suitable Body For a New Host…]

[!Found! Host Body Minoru Mineta being prepared- ERROR….. ERROR]

[System Functions Overridden… Host Body Katsuki Bakugo(Iteration 117) Selected]

[System Etching interface onto skeletal structure, please be patient….]

[System Installation Complete]

[ERROR… System Functions Overridden… Quest Tab added,]

[Quest Issued… 

Be Better: Stand at the end of MHA's canon, or what's left of it, as a better hero, friend, and lover than Bakugo ever could be.

-Completion Reward- Admin Level access to all system functions.

-Failure Punishment- Loss of System and any upgrades used.]

[Beginning -Wake Up—ERROR… System Functions Overridden… Quest Tab removed]

[.....One moment, please wait….]

[Reengaging - Wake Up Protocol- welcome User -Katsuki Bakugo-]

Ryan's conscience stirred.

His mind felt slow however, any thought he tried to form having felt like it needed to pass through a mile of mud, lagging behind and eventually fading before a new one tried to push through.

For a while, he did nothing, only able to simply exist for what felt like hours.

In this trance-like state, he wasn't sure exactly where he was or what was going on, but eventually, as more time blurred by his mind began to head toward the general direction of functionality.

His touch came back first oddly enough, something soft beneath him while a thin layer wrapped around his body did little to fight back the cold that seeped into his bones.

Next came sound, the patter of rain hitting a window, the rhythmic beep of some machine off to his right, and muffled voices and footsteps further off that he couldn't quite discern.

Third, and with the least  going on, was smell, and despite nothing of note, the sheer lack of it other than the faintest touch of lavender put him on edge.

Finally, with a few short blinks, the first thing he saw was dim white lights, although still bright enough that he brought a hand up to shield his eyes.

A yawn suddenly came to him, and Ryan sat up while he stifled it, confusion flooding him as he saw a generic hospital room with white tiles, blue walls, and a window with the blinds open showing gray skies and the rain it brought.


A voice, one that sounded deep yet juvenile—oddly in a language he recognized as Japanese— entered his ears.

Ryan turned, but the confusion that he had just gotten rid of came back, eyebrows raised as he tried to look for the person who spoke.

The room was void of anyone.


He paused, and everything else became irrelevant, a hand coming up to gently touch his throat, able to feel the vibrations as he spoke in a language he shouldn't know and somehow understand it as well.

"Hello…" He swallowed hard. "No way."

He didn't know if getting caught in an explosion made one able to speak Japanese, but there was a first for everything.

Yet, in that same vein of sarcastic thought, he realized how odd it was that he was relatively fine, especially since he had no problems remembering what happened before everything went dark.

The fire, the truck driver, his ankle, the explosion, and the fact he had acted to save someone's life when he never had or even thought of doing it before.

My body just moved on its own.

He laughed, softly at first, but soon his entire body joined in, making his laugh that clearly wasn't his echo off the walls.

Shit, it's obvious what's going on, but why me…

Delirious, a dream, maybe a hallucination?


He didn't lack common sense, and no matter how much he felt lost and confused, even a bit fearful, the fact he could feel everything and think somewhat clearly told him this was all too real.

Throw in the fact his skin was a different shade, his arms were more muscular than they ever were, he could see tips of sandy blonde hair that should be black in his vision, he would have to be mentally challenged f he couldn't figure it out by now.

A mirror.

He needed a mirror, but for the first time, there wasn't one around, so he had to settle for feeling his face, and that all but confirmed he wasn't in his body when didn't find anything familiar.

He sighed, knowing the obvious answer, but some part of him still refused to admit it.

He died, the memories hadn't faded, and for all that he could tell the explosion felt like it happened moments ago.

However, he wondered why he hadn't broken down yet, possibly trying to close his eyes and hope he would wake up back in his dorm room, or even realize he wouldn't be seeing a lot of people he cared about.

His best guess was shock, and as he brought a hand up, seeing calluses he didn't earn himself, he frowned.

He was sure that the tears and the reality of never seeing his family again would hit him eventually, but right now, curiosity and some base survival instinct was keeping his mind racing and everything else at bay.

To start off, he probably had to figure out the basics of who, what, where, and if it was a ber going to be possible, why. 

However, he should have really expected he would never get the chance.

The door to the hospital room slammed open, a foot tucked into a pink slipper hanging in the air where it was a moment ago.

"He better be awake, or I'll shove my fist so far up your a-"

Ryan blinked slowly, and for a split second he met a pair of crimson eyes, and as he drug his eyes up to see spiky blonde hair, then back down to see a beautiful woman, then further to see the rest of her, he never expected to find familiarity in the first person he met.

Mitsuki Bakugo, a woman that should be fiction, yet stood before him clear as day, had tears forming in her eyes as she practically teleported across the room.

"Katsuki," her voice was trembling, her arms wrapping around Ryan and forcing the air out of him. "My baby."

Every muscle in his body tensed, and Ryan's mouth fell open, eyes wide as dinner plates, the name Katsuki playing in his head over and over again.

No way, there is no fuc-

Fortunately, his oncoming panic attack stopped, unfortunately, he was suddenly bombarded with flashing images. And without any say, he was dragged along in a roller coaster ride made up of someone else's life. 

Most of it passed by in quick flashes, Ryan barely able to catch glimpses of a childhood, one where Bakugo was accompanied by a small green haired girl that was quirkless.

The same 'Deku' that clung to his side, never getting the hint that he hated her, how pathetic she was with her without a quirk, or how she could never be his type of woman.

There was no pain as Ryan was bombarded with Bakugo's memories, but the feelings, the emotions they brought, it all flowed through him without a moment for him to digest it.

Anger at most things, the insecurities when he didn't know an answer in class, the pain from practicing his Quirk alone in the backyard and failing miserably time and time again, the pride as he was praised, the sadness when Izumi was diagnosed Quirkless, and the shame of being held hostage by the sludge villain and being saved by her.

However, just as quickly as he got onto the burning bus that was Katsuki Bakugo's life, Ryan was just as quickly thrown off, mind going blank as his vision grew blurry.

Then, when everything finally fit snugly inside his head like a puzzle, he immediately passed out.