
Chapter 13

" Heroics is often misunderstood by the public and by heroes in training as merely defeating villains and stopping criminals. However, that's nothing more than stupidity. Our jobs include things like disaster relief and other civil services to the public like responding to accidents. " Aizawa said as he looked towards his students.

" As such, today's training exercise is different than others. It's rescue training. We will board a bus to go to the intended location where you will train in different scenarios. " He said as he pressed a button to reveal the class's hero costumes.

" You can wear your hero costumes or just wear the UA training suits. Either is optimal. Anyways stop wasting time and choose. Be sure to arrive at the bus after changing in 10 minutes. " Aizawa said as he walked out of the classroom.

Axel decided to change into his hero costume as he liked it more than the UA training suit. Walking to the bus, Iida and Momo started to give instructions to the class.

Axel walked into the bus and sat down at one of the seats near the window as he scrolled down his phone. Jiro sat next to him and looked at him.

" Can't choose a song? " Jiro asked.

" Yep. Too many options. " Axel responded. Jiro looked at his phone and the songs listed while Axel scrolled down.

" Listen to that one. " Jiro said as she pointed to the song on the screen. Axel looked at it and nodded as the song loaded while he placed his headphones on.

Jiro plugged her ear jack into her phone to listen to music as the bus left UA. Everyone on the bus decided to strike up conversations with each other before Tsuyu spoke up.

" Midoriya, I'm usually blunt so I'll speak my mind. Your quirk is very similar to All Might. " Tsuyu said to Midoriya.

Midoriya panicked as he denied the claim saying it wasn't true. Axel lowered the volume of his phone to listen in on the conversation.

" No, she's right. In some ways, it's quite similar. The only difference is that All Might doesn't break his bones after using it. " Kirishima said.

" Yeah? That's true. " Midoriya said as he lowered his head.

' What Kirishima said is true, but the breaking bones is because Midoriya can't control his quirk. When he used his finger to flick the ball, a gust of wind slammed into us. It wasn't that strong but it's very similar to All Might attacks. ' Axel thought.

" Besides it's really flashy. Mine can only harden my body. " Kirishima said.

" That's not true plus it's a pretty cool quirk. " Midoriya quickly said.

" Thanks, man. " Kirishima said.

" Besides if you want to talk flashy then you have Todoroki, Bakugou, and Axel. " Denki said.

" Yeah but Bakugou won't be popular. " Tsuyu said.

" What did you say from face? " Bakugou asked calmly.

" Point proven. " Tsuyu said.

" Face Bakugou, you have the personality of sewage water that was drained into a well with a dirty sock. " Denki said.

" I dare you to say that again knock-off Pikachu! " Bakugou said while releasing small explosions.

" See. " Denki said as he pointed at Bakugou while the rest of the class laughed.

The bus soon arrived at the location as all of them stepped off the bus. When they got off, they saw another hero there wearing a space costume.

" Welcome everyone to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. USJ for short. " The person said.

"It's the space hero Thirteen. He's a hero who specializes in rescue operations. " Midoriya fanboyed over the heroes with Uraraka fangirling next to him.

Aizawa took Thirteen to the side to talk to him.

" He hasn't shown up yet. " Aizawa said.

" He called me. Apparently, he is doing hero work. " Thirteen said.

" That dumbass. He's a teacher now. Leave the villains to the other heroes. " Aizawa muttered.

Thirteen then walked to the front as she gathered the attention of the students.

" In today's super-powered society, the use of quirks is heavily monitored and restricted. It may look like a stable system, but make no mistake as all it takes is one uncontrolled quirk to kill a lot of people.

An example would be my quirk which is Blackhole. It works just as the name suggests so you can understand already what I can do if I aimed it at a person.

However, I found a way to use my quirk to help others in the form of rescue by using my quirk to remove debris that got in the way.

This will provide you with a new perspective. With this lesson you will learn that your quirks were not meant to harm others, they were meant to save people!

That is all. Thank you for listening. " Thirteen said.

The entire class was affected by the speech including Bakugou who stayed silent.

" Alright then let's begin. Follow me inside. " Aizawa said.

Opening the doors of the USJ the students looked inside to find multiple scenarios. Axel noticed they had floods, landslides, and much more to offer.

' How much money does this cost? Also what happened if any of this is damaged? How much does it cost to repair everything? ' Axel thought at the sheer amount of money needed to run this place.

" Alright. We will be splitting into groups for the first exercise... " Aizawa said before stopping as he watched a purple mist from inside the USJ.

Everyone watched as people came out from the portal

" Thirteen protect the students and get them out of here. " Aizawa said knowing who they were.

" Wow, you even have fake villains. " Denki said.

" Those are real villains. " Aizawa stated as everyone looked at him in shock.

Axel looked at the villains as he watched the last of the people come through the mist.

One guy had hands on his body, the other had a bird beak with his brain exposed and the purple mist transformed into a person with yellow eyes with a face.

" All Might isn't here. " The hand guy said as he scratched his neck. He then looked at the students and grinned.

" That's unfortunate. Well, he will probably come here faster after we kill some kids. "



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The start of the USJ arc. Axel questioning Midoriyas quirk and is abput yo take on some villains.

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