
MHA: A Titan's Journey (Dropped)

What if an otaku brought the powers of the 9 titan shifters to the world of My Hero Academia as a quirk? Follow our MC in the vast and strange world of quirks where he makes a name for himself and uses the titans to protect his loved ones and develop them more than their counterparts did in Attack on Titan. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Discord: Abyss (Rahul)#8342 This is my first fan-fic and honestly I'm just writing this for my own amusement. Like all authors, I do expect criticism but try to go on me too hard. For why I'm writing this, I read a similar fan-fiction and it really got my mind rolling about the potential it had but sadly it had so few chapters that it made it hard to enjoy it so I hope to at least make a 100 chapter fan-fic. Also I'm writing this as I was kind of disappointed with the Titan powers and shifters themselves in AOT as their titans had so much potential but the 13 year lifespan and the shifters themselves kind of ruined it so I hope to develop them in my fan-fic. Also tell me in the comments where I should nerf his powers (if should desired) and improvements. Also I am keeping the harem as I feel like for a story like this having one girl would be a little boring and reputative and I don't have the confidence to write more than 2 girls (3 at most cause I have somewhat an idea). Lastly I don't own any of the My Hero Academia or Attack on Titan characters and plots (series in general) and all credit goes to the original authors. Thank you for reading this and enjoy Disclaimer: The image does NOT belong to me. All credits go to the original artist. Image URL: https://attackontitanime.blogspot.com/2019/04/attack-on-titan-9-original-titans.html If you want the image taken down, message me on discord and I'll take it down.

Abyss_123 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Eri and Spinal Fluid

(Kodai POV)

Another year passes and something has been on my mind since my Quirk manifested, whether I should save Eri earlier or follow the plot. When I was watching the cannon in my previous life, it saddened me so much to see her experimented on and practically destroyed and rebuilt using Overhaul's Quirk. It maddened me seeing how a grown man could experiment on a harmless little girl and the GRANDAUGHTER of the guy he serves!

Also, he has such an over powered Quirk and instead of using it for actual good, he uses it to torture little girls to make a Quirk destroying drug which he was going to use himself as well. I mean what an idiot?!

Anyway, I was debating whether I should take the initiative to storm their base with my Titans or if I should wait until the plot happens. There are both pro's and con's no matter which path I tread on. If I decide to save her earlier, that means I would have to take on the whole Shie Hassaikai all on my own as I don't want the government getting their hands on her as that's practically no different from the Yakuza. If I decide to save her later though, that means she has through 2 years of torture as she would have just turned 4 and had her Quirk manifest thereby reversing her dad into nothingness leading to her disownment. Since the yakuza haven't done anything yet, my family could be charged with kidnapping without any proof if we decide to save her now and that would put a stain on my dad's campaign which I do not want to happen.

All in all, I decided to save her once I'm physically ready much to the aching of my heart as I need legitimate proof to wreak havoc on their base. Once I do get the evidence, it would be easier to save her from there and turn their base into a wasteland.

You might ask why I'm so eager to save Eri now and not wait for the plot to happen and save her then?

One of the reason's would be to save a innocent girl from inhumane torture and give her a proper home and family where she would be loved. The other, which might be a little more important than the first reason, would be the unlimited potential of her Quirk. In the cannon, it was showed that she had the power to destroy a person or more importantly their Quirk as seen with Mirio later on. If she could reverse a person to the point where their Quirk factor remained dormant, then she could do the opposite by regaining peoples Quirk that they've lost due to All for One. She could just be the linchpin that could solve the threat of All for One once and for all. The only weakness right now would be her lack of control but that can easily be gained with practice on insects or other small animals.

So though Eri could play a crucial role in my plan to take down All for One, it has to wait and I have to get stronger.

I also started to experiment with the last wish I made to ROB before I came here, that is, my spinal fluid. I tried to refrain from experimenting with anything regarding my spine as I don't want to take chances and remain paralysed even If I have enhanced regeneration like the shifters. I especially didn't want to try anything when I was so young to avoid any lifetime injuries should something go wrong. But with all the problems that's coming in the near future, I need to explore ALL my abilities whether they are dangerous or not so that I know what exactly is in my arsenal.

But the problem was, how I was going to extract it?

There was no way I could do it myself as the whole process would first be questioned by the doctors in charge and second my family would definitely be opposed to such a dangerous operation involving the spine. I also didn't want to tell them about my spinal fluid ability as I don't want that leaking to the government and me becoming a glorified labour slave. I could also be eliminated due to the danger of my Quirk.

I was in my room sitting on the couch thinking what to do when a bird caught my eye. Then it hit me.

"Why should I control only humans? Couldn't I control animals as well? The Titan's has to have some correlation to animals due to the beast Titan form! Just because they didn't try spinal fluid injection on animals in AoT doesn't mean it isn't possible, and plus this could be the perfect excuse to tell my parents on why I need to extract my spinal fluid!" I exclaimed as new thoughts and plans started to formulate in my head.

'If I could control rats and insects, then its possible to collect evidence on the Yakuza covertly and set Eri free!'

Once this thought got into my head, I started to think more and more and finally decided to tell my parents about my spinal fluid ability. I ran downstairs and went to my dads office where my parents were having a meeting about their businesses'. Due to the increase in influence of my family, my family's companies and image that are viewed by the public have a strict management so that no bad reviews can topple our reign. Due to this, my parents have been busier and busier and often come home to do more work hence the serious meeting that they were having.

Besides the point, I knocked on the door where I could hear my parents talking about some stuff regarding the law firm. They stopped talking and looked at the door with curiosity as I almost never interrupt them in their meetings unless its something really important. I waited a while with no answer and was about to knock again when I finally heard my fathers voice.

"Yes Kodai, what is it? Oh and you can come in, we were just cleaning some stuff." said my father as I could hear the rustling of the stacks of paper that I presumed he put in the drawer of the desk.

I came in and saw both my parents were sitting next to each other with curiosity of what i was going to tell them.

I stared at them for a while collecting my thoughts and then took a deep breath and told them about my ability.

"Mom, Dad, I found a new ability when exploring my Quirk and you could say its a bit....complicated" I told my parents with a worried expression as i prepared to tell them what's next.

Once they heard this, it earned an eyebrow raise from my father and an intrigued expression from my mother. My father finally asked. "Complicated how? It can't be more surprising then discovering you can transform into different Titan forms and destroying our back yard right" my father joked remembering the shock it gave them when their son can transform into more than one form.

"Yeah! We are still fixing up the mess you made Ko-Chan!" my mother complained as she pouted thinking of the walking disaster that is me always making a mess of their garden.

I looked embarrassedly at my parents before replying the intended words of why I came here.

"No, its not a new Titan form. Although I'm working on attaining the others this ability is something different. I got information from my Quirk that I have the ability to control animals and make them Titan's as well, but the condition to activate this ability is that it needs a certain body fluid to be ingested or inhaled by them. " I said as I looked at the wide eyed stares coming from my parents.

"What is the body fluid you need? You wouldn't be coming to us if it was something common like your blood or a certain white fluid ( A/N: I don't want to say the word until I do my first lemon scene), It should be something that's hard and dangerous to get." my father calmly analysed as the politician he is upon hearing my new ability.

I was mildly surprised that my dad quickly caught on but then thought it was natural considering the career my father chose.

I nodded and said " Yes, the fluid I need is my spinal fluid.". Once my parents heard of this they immediately rejected the idea of experimenting with it. Are they crazy? Messing with the spine is incredibly dangerous, especially at the age I am right now as one wrong move and it could lead to permanent damage. I knew that they wouldn't agree to it immediately so I prepared something that would lower their wariness and concern.

"But this is a part of my Quirk guys, It shouldn't hurt me! Why do you think it only gave information about the ability now? It must be because my body is ready to handle the dangers of the operation and don't forget my otherworldly healing factor!" I explained to my parents to try and gat them to do this operation.

Yes, you heard it right. I have the ability to regrow limbs just like the Titan shifters in AoT. But the way I found out wasn't so pretty. Loong story short due to me not looking at my surroundings in Titan form caused a tree to fall on me in my human form before I had time to sense it with my enhanced senses. My limbs were crushed and the doctors had to amputate it. Just after they have amputated my limbs, rainbow tendrils came from my stub's and started re-growing my limbs almost similar to how my mother can create extra limbs. From that day on I knew I had the insane healing ability.

Besides to point, thanks to the ability to regrow limbs and have an insane healing factor gave me hope that I could convince my parents to agree with extracting my spinal fluid. Once they heard that my parents hesitated but were still persistent in their initial answer. I kept pleading them and used ultimate skill, Dogeza in front of the door so they couldn't escape and kept on pleading. Seeing my insistence, my parents couldn't handle it anymore and just agreed but on the condition that they were present during the operation and hired the best doctors for the extraction. I was obviously ecstatic and decided to prepare for the operation as it was a week from now.

'Now with this I can safely gather evidence and save Eri!' I psyched myself up before entering my room.


Hey guys, Author here. I know this chapter is a short chapter but I didn't want to drag this on as there isn't much I can do in the saving Eri department as of yet and I tried to explore the uses of spinal fluid.

Next chapter is UA Recommendation exam and Kodai's first step into becoming a hero.

Thanks guys for reading!!!

As always thanks for reading and if you want more chapters and releases then make sure to like and if you could drop a power stone. It is much appreciated.

Abyss_123creators' thoughts