
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Kỳ huyễn
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117 Chs

The Lana Twins Problems

In a room filled with tables, tubes, glasses, vials, cauldrons, flames and all sorts of things for concocting potions. A green haired lady was staring at a holographic screen of a pair of beautiful twins sobbing silently while wiping their eyes occasionally.

The woman was staring at them with an expressionless face, not in anyway moved by the cries of the pretty girls.

"Are you done?" The lady added more pain to their already broken heart without any remorse. "I was in the middle of concocting a mixture for a client and had to pause it to attend to my babies because we haven't spoken in a long time, and this is how you welcome me, with cries and sniffles, this is not how I trained you, you're meant to be strong ladies who can stand on your own in times of crisis, not this softies that can easily be blown away by the wind."

The twins immediately seized their sobs and stared at their hands while fiddling with their fingers.

"Tell me, what's wrong with the two of you?" The ladies tone and words didn't match at all, she souded as if they were pissing her off, while her words at first sounded harsh, but soon turned into care and again turned harsh. "And make it quick."

"Our friend Nate that we told you about." After fumbling for some seconds, the twin to the right said.

"He was poisoned right under our noses." The second twin to the left continued.

"And we weren't able to do anything about it." First twin.

"We weren't strong enough to scare away the perpetrators." Second twin.

"Neither did we have a strong enough backing to help us." First twin.

"We're scared mum." Both of them chorused this time with some beads of tears escaping their eyes. They controlled their emotions this time and continued their explanation, alternating their sentences between themselves.

"Our friends have gone their seperate ways to get stronger."

"We need to do the same to not lag behind."

"Please help us." They said together and stared at their mother with their glistening brown eyes.

It could have been a beautiful sight and would have moved someone with a heart of stone, if not for the red veins showing vividly in their eyes.

The pretty twins had been crying for a long time and had their face get considerably swollen from crying too much. Their mother stared at them for some seconds with the same expressionless look, but deep down in her mind, she was having a tough battle.

'Sigh! I don't want to risk my daughters lives for some unreasonable breakthrough in science, but I don't just have the heart to say no to them, I've never done so and don't plan on doing so for now, they always have a good reason behind every request they make.'

'I'm not hundred percent sure that the potion will work on them, but they seemed to have met most of the conditions nonetheless, I'll tell them about it and let them decide.'

'Argh No!! Should I really be doing this? I'm sure that they'll accept in a heartbeat, as long as the end result is what they need, they won't think about the process. Sigh! I guess I have no choice.'

"I think I have a way to solve your problem." The lady uttered silently. The twins perked up at that statement, their faces immediately filled with hope.

"Do you now about the Convergence of Fate potion?"

"..." The dumbfounded twins stared with scared looks on their faces.

"Is that a Yes or No." The mother asked while staring at the twins frozen faces. "Answer already!!"

The twins snapped out of their daze and nodded gloomily.

"Good, are you willing to us...."



'Figures.' The green haired lady thought with a small smile blossoming on her face.

"You sure? You two know the chances of success are slim? I don't want my babies to get hurt. The green haired lady said with warmth this time, causing the twins to start beaming with joy and giggling cutely.

"Though you two will have to come over here yourselves." The lady continued. "You will have to grow stronger through the well known way."

"Kill beasts, acquire their Energy Orbs, exchange them for skills, or a new Mech Suit. And above all..." The ladies voice turned absolutely serious.

"...under no circumstances must you use a Bion type Mech Suit. Not even in a life and death situation. You might be wondering why, but I know why I'm saying this, so don't ever forget what I just said, understood?"

The Lana twins nodded their heads in sync, making their mothers face crack and bring out her sweetest smile.

"As I was saying, you two will have to get to where I am, you must have the strengths, funds, and intelligence to get to where I am, it's quite far away you know?"

"The only way right now is by using a spaceship, you both are to work hard to get strong enough to own a spaceship with a lifelong license, pass through the perils of the vast cosmos while bringing along some items I will be sending to you, and touchdown safely on the planet I'm currently residing. By then, all the preparations for the potion will be ready."

"But mum, why can't you just send a fleet to pick up up?"

"Do we really have to face so much danger?"

"What if we died out there in the endless universe?"

"There will be no one to find our bodies and give us a proper burial."

The perplexed look of their mother finally shut them up. "Who told you two you had the right to die? lf you die, you won't like what I'll do to you."

Lucy and Lewis giggled at their mother's frowning face, their mother smiled in turn and they began to chat like a normal mother and daughter would have, talking about their well-being and how they had been doing for the whole time they were seperated.

"So about this your big brother Jayden, he's at the Arena right? You should have gone with him and might have learned a thing or two from the fights."

"We were too down to think straight."

"So we just locked ourselves indoors."

"Don't worry my little cutie pies, when we're finally back together, I'll deal with anyone who tries to harm you alright?"

The twins smiled again and were about to cut the video call when they remembered something.

"Mum, what planet did you say you were again?"

"Ohh... I didn't tell you."

The twins shook their heads simultaneously like programmed robots, making their hair bounce.

"I could have sword I said it." She muttered to herself. "Well, it's a planet called...


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