
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Kỳ huyễn
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117 Chs

Principal Luka's Interference.

Some hours later, Jayden could be seen laying down on his bed sleeping peacefully.


"We should be taking the students out to show them around, the two days rest period before the next matches will not be wasted with them sitting idly in their rooms, THEY MIGHT LOOSE THEIR MINDS FROM BOREDOM GODDAMMIT!!!!." Mr Vane argued loudly.

"I DISAGREE!!! We should take them to the Arena to let them watch the sub matches or the gladiator fights. THEY WILL LEARN SOME THINGS FROM THE FIGHTS!!!" Sir Julius countered.

"Is it always teaching about fighting that's in your head, we are not at war with anyone Julius, so give the students a break and let them have some fun. All work and no play makes Deckard a dull man."

Teacher Deckard who was staring at a hologram and smiling, turned his attention to the duo arguing and glared at Mr Vane. "What does this have to do with me."

"THAT'S NOT EVEN HOW THE SAYING GOES." Sir Julius screamed in frustration and pulled at his hair.

Principal Luka who was sitting while cradling a mug of coffee and shaking it lightly, didn't bother to mind the weird trio. He had his businesses to attend to than mind his teachers trying to beat themselves up.

Mr Vane and Sir Julius continued to argue for a while, not caring about the place they were in.

Principal Luka stopped shaking his mug, pressed a button by his chair and said. "Come in."

The door opened, showing the frozen figure of a person who was about to knock, the person snapped out of her daze and muttered to herself. "Everytime."

Mr Vane and Sir Julius stopped arguing for a second to take a looks at the guest.

Short blonde hair, amber eyes, wearing a white bodysuit with a golden eagle etched on her left boob.

'Miss Claudia of the Golden Eagles House.' Sir Julius and Mr Vane came to the same conclusion before resuming their quarrel.

"How can they be so... so.... Urghh, I don't even know how to classify these two idiots." Miss Claudia spoke to herself. 'Julius is an overconfident prick, Vane is hot blooded and carefree, and then Deckard.... where's that creep?'

"Hi." A voice resounded behind her, scaring her and making her jump reflexively. 'How did he get here so fast.' She thought as she eyed Teacher Deckard who was standing behind her with a creepy smile on his face.

Principal Luka, who seemed to have been waiting for Miss Claudia, dropped his empty mug. The moment the mugs base made contact with the table, a black aura burst out of his body, seeping into the pores of everyone in the room and freezing them on the spot.

"Sit." Principal Luka said lightly.

And like robots, the four teachers of the four top houses of the Science Sage School, sat down in their respective sits with a straight lifeless face.

The black aura disappeared just like it appeared, freeing the teachers from his control.

"ARHHH!!! What happened?" Sir Julius was the first to come to his senses and directed his healing ray at his head to ease the sudden headache that assaulted him.

"Wait, why am I sitting?" He threw another question at no one in particular.

The rest recovered some seconds later and showed the same confusion as Sir Julius, only Miss Claudia knew what had happened.

'Its just like Miss Diana said, he can control people with his Dark Intent, and they wouldn't know what happened after.'

Principal Luka stared at each of them and spoke lightly.

"The students will be going on a tour around the Arena. Make sure nothing happens to them, also, let Mr Nova do what he wants, whether he wants to rest in his room or he wants to go alone, just let him be. Dismissed." Principal Luka poured some coffee in his large mug and began to sip away slowly as if what he just said wasn't his concern.

The teachers didn't waste anymore time, they rushed out of the room immediately to not anger the principal. He hated when he gave orders and they weren't followed immediately.

The teachers got outside and Mr Vane immediately started taunting Sir Julius.

"Hey bro, I know it's hard sometimes to be stupid, just pull through and you'll learn a few things from me."

Sir Julius maintained his calm and walked ahead, not caring about Mr vane who kept on talking with a smug smile on his face.

"Why did Principal Luka tell us to let Mr Nova, whoever that is, to do whatever he wants. Is he his student?" Miss Claudia asked.

Sir Julius turned to her and shrugged his shoulders. Miss Claudia saw his reaction and knew that he knew something but didn't want to spill it for some unknown reasons.

'I'll follow him and see for myself.' She said while eyeing secretly.


Jayden slept peacefully in his room, not knowing that one of his problems had just been solved without difficulty.


Jayden woke up the next morning, feeling refreshed. He took care of his bowels, took his bath and put on his bodysuit.

He layed down on his bed and began to fomulate his plan, after making sure everything was in order, he got up to leave the room when he heard the signal of Mr Vane for all the students to 'GET THEIR LAME ASSES DOWN THERE IN TEN MINUTES'.

Jayden grinned and got there in no time, while some students still found it hard to navigate through the large expanse of the hotel to get to the reception.

As Jayden stood to the side, he didn't miss the weird stares the teachers –including the teacher of the Golden Eagles house that had joined them for the first time– were giving him, but he ignored it and waited by the side while Mr Vane was berating the students who didn't arrive in time.

In the reception, the robot was typing away on a holographic screen with focus, while glancing at Jayden from time to time.

Mr Vane returned to the rest with a smile plastered on his face and the other students that were as pale as a sheet of paper, they walked towards a circle and left the building just to arrive in front of a tall black tower.

"This is HOH, short for Hall Of Heores." Teacher Deckard said while gesturing at the black tower.

"We will be taking you all on a tour to tell you about the past heroes of our galaxy and neigbhouring galaxies." He said and stared at Jayden.

"As for you Mr Nova, you're allowed to leave, I know this will be boring to you and you've received permission from the principal to do as you like."

The students gasped and looked at Jayden, Jayden wasn't an exception, he sucked in a cold breath in utter shock. 'What?!! Why is the principal doing this? Well does it matter, as long as it helps me achieve my aim, I'll accept it.'

Jayden opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by a hand wave from Teacher Deckard. "Thank the principal yourself. The rest of you, lets get going."

And that's how Jayden was left standing in the middle of 'nowhere' with a stunned expression affixed on his face.
