
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Kỳ huyễn
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117 Chs

Man VS Wolf {I}

[It seems like you are going to be completing another daily task sooner than you expected]

Jayden wasn't paying attention to Nahshon's remarks but was staring at the entrance of the cave intently.

A large shadow was cast on the ground, which showed that the adversary was a four legged beast. Draven growled with a challenge at the beast entering the cave.

Jayden was not in the right shape to fight with a beast at the moment, he had just finished walking his ass off and needed quality rest but it seemed like the gods didn't want that to happen.

He looked at Draven who kept on growling at the shadow. Perhaps he didn't know that the beast was leagues above him, or he was just trying to protect him just like he did with his mother, Jayden couldn't tell.

Jayden picked Draven from the ground without exerting too much of his strength, and placed him in his arms like a baby, Draven shrunk down and lay properly before proceeding to sleep without a care in the world.

Jayden slowly crept to the entrance without making any noise, he even forced himself to regulate his previously erratic breathing to minimize the sounds he made, but what he didnt account for, was his smell.

As he got to a boulder that separated him from the entrance, he took a peek just to see a two meter tall wolf staring right at him.

It looked him in the eye with savage sentience and howled before charging at him. It's claws dug into the ground, giving it a solid footing to move with blurring speed. It jumped from left to right to confuse Jayden, but Jayden, a talented warrior, couldn't fall for that kind of little trick.

Jayden pulled his Mech Suit out of the Void space and activated it while bracing himself for the Wolf to attack, and when the Wolf jumped with its mouth agape, Jayden swerved and used the third combination.

[Velocity Punch and Energy Blast]

His punch carried a power he didn't know he had, he watched as the Wolf was thrown across to the other side of the cave with stunning speed.

"This isn't even my full strength!" Jayden exclaimed.

[If you circulate energy around your body after your daily workout everyday, you will see an incredible increase in your strength]

"So that's why cultivation is meant to be after workout." Jayden said as he realized the Rogue System's reason for its actions. His thoughts were interrupted by the wolf charging at him once again. Jayden dropped Draven into the Void Space to let him nap in peace. He didn't want any hindrance in his battle, after all, the exercises had already taken a toll on his body.

[Name: Lone Wolf Hunter]

[Tier: Evolved]

[Stage: High]

[Partially injured]

Nodding at what he saw, the tension in his body subsided a little. Wolves were known to hunt in packs, and those packs fought with an unprecedented type of synergy, they were almost like a single organism and were always hard to kill, and seeing that it was alone, he knew that defeating it won't be impossible.

The Lone Wolf Hunter reached him in no time and swiped at him with its paws, Jayden jumped back and landed with grace, the wolf not letting up continued to swipe and bite at him at a fast pace.

Jayden did nothing but dodge, he was testing his new strength to know how much increase he had gotten, he could have just checked his stats, but that won't give him a proper detail of what he could do.

The relentless attack continued for a whole minute before the Wolf stopped, it growled menacingly at Jayden. It's approach had been rendered useless in the face of Jayden's prowess.

The Wolf's legs began to emit sparks, the blue sparks soon turned into bolts of lightning running up and down it's legs. At this point, Jayden knew what was to come next.

"Ohh...shit!!!" The Lone Wolf Hunter moved and the ground beneath it was scorched and reduced to rubles and dust.

The Wolf's speed seemed to have been tripled as it ran around Jayden to confuse him. Sparks were left in its wake as it moved at a speed only attainable at the next tier.

"I've faced stronger and faster beasts, your speed won't make a difference." Jayden said with a resolute expression on his face.

"But that will." Jayden said as his expression changed drastically. A blue bolt of lightning the size of a pen hit him on his bulky chest.

Jayden tried to resist the pen sized lightning bolt paralysis effect and block the Wolf's follow up attack.

Jayden screamed as he raised his arms just in time to block a slash from the Wolf. Jayden was pushed back a little and was again momentarily paralyzed by the lightning running all over the Wolves legs.

"Nahshon, I need your help!!" Jayden voice was filled with urgency at the dire situation he was in.

[Rogue System in temporal shut down while retrieving data]

[23% Retrieved]

Jayden was in shock, he didn't know when the system began to retrieve data. If he had known, he would have asked for help earlier.

"But why is this data retrieval taking so long?" Jayden gritted his teeth as he was yet again hit with another bolt of lightning.

[30% Retrieved]

Jayden could have summoned Draven, but he was still to weak to make a difference. He was napping peacefully to properly absorb the Energy Orbs he had given him to evolve.

The Lone Wolf Hunter jumped at him with attacks from all directions trying to wear him out, Jayden noticed this and came to a conclusion.

'There seems to be a limited time for it to use those lightning attacks, even its lightning bolts are smaller and weaker than that of an Evolved Tier Beast. It's mastery over the lightning element is low, if not for its affinity with lightning, it won't even be able to manifest that lightning coating around it's legs.

[Data Retrieval Complete]

[You can now see a person or be....]

"Nahshon, I need help!! Quick!!" Jayden cut the system with his weak voice, the lightning bolts had already given him critical internal injuries that the Creation Orb was struggling to heal.

[I wanted to give this to you when you are about to enter the Interstellar Tournament, but a dead man can't wield it] The Rogue System said with a light chuckle.

[Make good use of it Jayden]

Nahshon said as a crack in space was seen beside Jayden, Jayden ignored the new look of the Void Space and directly plundged his hand into it.

And as he slowly retracted his hands....

....out came a long black sword made of Radianium.