
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

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Meta Essence CYOA 75

Essence of The Magical Warrior

 Inspiration was drawn from Crystalwatcher's magical girl quest.


 By drinking this Essence you become capable of transforming into a Magical Warrior capable of driving back all of existence if you have to.

 You gain the following:

 A willpower that is honed to a fine, unbreakable edge.

 Pain, adversity and difficulty of any level will not deter you from your objectives, nor will fear or other emotions distract you from your purpose.

 Killing is effortless for you and you suffer no guilt, regret or remorse unless you wish to.

 You gain an unreal, supernatural mastery of the weapon you have chosen to wield, this includes unarmed fighting as well, you become better with training as well to an infinite extent.

 You can rapidly notice and become familiar with even the most intricate details and hidden weaknesses of unfamiliar forms and beings.

 You gain an innate grasp on the body-language and emotional state of anything you've studied sufficiently, allowing you to nearly read their mind for all that their thoughts and emotions become clear to you from the tiniest of twitches or movements.

 A body, mind and soul at peak racial standard, it is honed to a superhuman edge, capable of withstanding a tremendous amount of trauma and keep on going.

 You are capable of enduring physical, mental and magical exertion for weeks, this increases as you grow stronger.

 Your Instincts, reflexes and thoughtspeed always allow you to easily use your body, magic and weapon to the limits of their capabilities.

 You no longer have any bodily needs to survive.

 As such you no longer need to drink, eat, sleep, breath, urinate or defecate.

 You are always clean and smell fresh no matter what you do.

 If you are a woman you will never menstruate again, unless you command your body to do something different, as a male you can choose to be infertile until you choose otherwise.

 If you want to you can still indulge yourself by drinking, eating or sleeping per your wishes.

 You are eternally in your prime or whatever age you prefer.

 You do not age, your body and mind are in perfect condition and your memory is limitless and records everything perfectly.

 You will never have any issues remembering or recalling information.

 Your mind and soul can be considered to be Inviolable.

 You will always regenerate from your wounds even from lost limbs in a day or so, this does not apply if you are dead.

 You gain an innate grasp on strategy and tactics on a personal scale, this will rapidly grow and expand until you can only be defeated by being so utterly outmatched that this trait does not even apply or by things you don't know about.

 Capabilities gained from this essence, and those you pick up in the future, will never degrade due to lack of training or the passage of time.

 The ability to damage anything no matter what.

 In this essence the peak human capabilities for Lifting, Running, Accelerating and Punching are:

 Lifting 300 pounds

 Being capable of running 26 km an hour.

 Starting from full stop to running 100 meters in 9.58 seconds.

 1300 pounds of force per punch

 Raw Core Stats to pounds or speed are:

 To lose 1 health point, it takes 100 pounds of force.

 1 Resilience point Stops 100 Pounds of force.

 1 Damage Point is equal to 100 pounds per punch

 The lifting stat is only increased when transformed, by the magic modifier.

 In which case it is 10 pounds of lifting per 1 point in magic.

 For running/accelerating see abilities.

 Do remember these are not at the end of calculation so take into regard Abilities Weapon and Spells, before finalizing the total Health, Resilience, Damage Output.

 These capabilities are the base upon which the transformation works.

 Optionally you may decide that you don't need the capabilities described above, and you may remove them from your character list if you want to.

 Making an character list that includes all that you have is recommended.

On Magic

 Magic is basically what your character believes it is, it however becomes much easier to handle when they understand it more, however this also specializes your character.

 Thus we have Affinities.

 You do not have to consider anything like mana reserves or regeneration of it, it simply doesn't exist in this essence, so sling your spells away.

 You will still tire though.


 Your starting Affinity

 These can be literally anything, you can select three for free.

 The Affinities that you choose are what influences your magic to do interesting things, such as with the concept of Fire and Piercing if you fire a beam of magic and apply said Affinities to it, which allows you to pierce through multiple enemies and set them on fire as an example.

 You can get more Affinities for a starting price of 100.000 Experience points, double its price per successive purchase.

 The Affinities are this expensive as they allow you to augment your Health, Resilience, Damage and Magic Abilities, Weapons and Spells without having to buy those separately.

 You have full control of how these manifest in them.

Core Stats

 You gain a base Stat for all categories of 13 points from Peak Human

 You have 4 Core Stats, upon drinking this essence you have 300 points to divide between the following stats.

 Base Health applies at a flat rate to all things that involve your Health

 Base Resilience applies at a flat rate to all things that involve your Resilience

 Base Damage applies at a flat rate to all things that involve your Damage

 Magic Modifier applies at a flat rate to all things that involve your Magic.

 You may use 10 Experience Points to raise a Core Stat by 1 Point, this only applies when you actually have earned Experience.

 Your Health is basically, how much you can take qua damage before it forces you out of your Transformation and therefore damage your body, whilst outside your transformation it functions as a form of protection to insure your survival till you transform.

 Resilience is pretty much your innate protection that an enemy needs to overcome before it can damage your health and body.

 Your stats with exception of Health and Defense will only work when transformed and then the modifiers will start applying.

 Even then, without transforming your Body will not be more capable than peak race capability, your Defense however is fully active.


 When you are in your transformed state you take 50% less damage at end calculation.

 To damage you they will need to do more damage than your Effective Resilience, see math section.

 The transformation initially applies no multiplier to all stats at level 1.

 An example of level 2 is that it doubles your stats, at level three your stats double again cumulatively, this will continue onward like that.

 Be aware that upgrading your transformation will get costly very soon.

 For example, to level your Transformation it takes 100 Experience Points that you have earned in total..

 The next level will double said cost, and so on.

 To level your Transformation will not cost you EXP rather you need to have earned the required amount for it.

Conceptual Weight

 As you fight and defeat your opponents you attain a Conceptual Weight, this is roughly 1 point for every 100 enemies you have defeated, elite or higher enemies count as 1 point themself.

 These conceptual Weight points are added to the final count for damage dealing and taking.

 There's no limit to the amount of points that you can accumulate, however as you get more and more points your enemies will begin to instinctively feel your presence and understand that death awaits them if they attack you, weaker enemies will be put to flight.

 This boost will also apply to your allies, giving them comfort and bravery from your mere presence, this will also make them more capable and your enemies weaker.

 Your conceptual weight can only be countered by other beings with it.

 For example if you have 100 points and your opponent has 90 then when you attack you will deal 10 more damage, the same when defending from their attack with them dealing 10 less damage.

 When you have gained around a million of these points it gets interesting.

 While before your presence was a thing to behold, it has now reached the point where words can no longer describe it.

 Everywhere where you go and where you were at one point is bathed in the effects of your

 presence, boosting beings you would ally with and weakening beings you would fight even

 without you being there.

 And when you are there? Your weaker foes burn up in your presence, scattering as ash, with only those truly far more powerful then you not dying simply by virtue of your presence.

 You can also add another affinity for free to your Magical girl affinities as if it

 was your first concept, this will not increase the price of the next one.

 You can dial this weight and presence up and down as needed.


 Your Magical Warrior name Shapes how your abilities/weapon/spells shape themselves.

 Think of it as your theme.

 For example you can also use a character from an anime or something else.


 Design your Magical Warrior outfit.

 It can look however you like and even if it's a skimpy bikini it will still protect your entire body.

 How? Magic, I don't have to explain shit.

 Your outfits durability scales with your Base Resilience, any affinities that apply to it, Abilities may apply as well, as do some spells.

 Meaning that even when you are a cosmic horror it will still protect you.


 You may create and customize your abilities as you want.

 As a start you may create up to three abilities for your character for free.

 They have to resonate within your chosen theme/name/affinities.

 After your first three abilities have been created the start up cost for each additional ability doubles.

 The fourth purchase of an ability cost's 1000 Experience points.

 It takes 10 + (10 x level) amount of points to level an Ability.

 As an Example of Abilities, Weapon, Spell's and Name i will reference Crystalwatchers magical girl quest, a link to it will be at the bottom of this essence.

 The following abilities are from Magical Girl Son Goku (Magical Girl Quest Jumpchain edition)(see full character sheet in the author notes)


 Boost EXP gained from combat by x(Health lost/10)

 Ultra Instinct (Level 1)

Counter any attack sent at you that is weaker than 30% Base Damage + Magic

 Modifier without taking Damage.

 It takes 10 x (10 x level) amount of points to level this ability

 For this ability when leveled up you gain an 1% percentage increase.(to 31% base damage modifier).

 For a big list of abilities see the link at the bottom of the essence.


 Like all Magical Warriors, you possess a Weapon unique to you.

 This can be anything, from a sword to a giant chainsaw, or even just a piece of cheese.

 Like your outfit, this weapon grows with you, being basically an extension of yourself.

 You may buy more weapons at a cost of 1000 x ( 1x amount of weapons) per purchase.

 You are free to modify your waepon to include more affinities or abilities, however you must pay 100 EXP per inclusion.

 A example from Crystalwatcher's quest is "Magical Girl War Chaser" (full character list in author notes)

 Godlight Starbow

 Level 1

 Attack Per Turn: 3

 Affinity: Justice

 Ability: Trans Smasher

 The total cost for this weapon would be 1060 Exp if you were to buy it as a second weapon.

 The Experience needed to increase the level of your weapon is 10 + (10 x level of weapon)

 You get to decide how this empowers your weapon.


 As a start you can freely create 3 spells using your affinity/name at no cost involved

 New spell costs start at a price of 100 Experience Points and double in price per purchase.

 The Experience needed to increase the level of your spell is 10 + (10 x level of weapon)

 You are free to add to an existing spell more affinity's or abilities, however these cost 100 exp per inclusion.

 The following example will be from Magical Girl Solid Core, Crystalwatcher's protagonist.

 Now take note, this is not a level 1 character.

 Celestial Severance

 -A One-Hit linear attack that obliterates everything in its path.

 Level 17

 Base Damage: 3,276,800 x2

 Magic Modifier: 450 +25

 Affinity: Purity | Divinity

 Ability: Unstoppable | Prime Evil Slayer | Double Cast | Echo


 -Watch the sky fall.

 Level 17

 Base Damage: 3,508 x1.25

 Magic Modifier: N/A

 Affinity: Purity | Divinity

 Ability: Rain of Light | Prime Evil Slayer | Quadra-Magic | Target: Army

Experience Points

 For every enemy(Mook rank) you kill you get 3 Experience points.

 For every elite or higher enemy encounter you gain 100 Experience by simply surviving.

 For every elite you kill you get 30 Experience points.

 For every Boss character you get 300 Experience points.

 For every 1000 words your author writes you get 100 Experience.

 For every Epic Feat you perform you also get points that are based on the author's wishes.

 Affinities, Abilities and Spells may increase these amounts listed here.

Battle Order

 (mostly copied over from the mechanics of Crystalwatcher's quest and altered to fit this essence)

 The Battle system works off narrative flow and several 'soft' mechanics.


 When battle starts, initiative goes to whatever group has the greatest call to surprise: for example if your character bursts through the wall and starts shooting everything in sight, you get initiative.

 Or if an enemy bursts through a wall and tackles you as, it gets initiative.

 So on.

 If neither side has a lead on surprise, then it boils down to relevance to the story.

 As the Main Character, you will always have initiative in an open battle, regardless of speed.

 After it goes, then whoever has greater narrative importance to the story goes next.

 For example a boss tier enemy has more narrative importance than someone like elite tier enemy Thus, the boss goes before the elite.

 If two individuals have the same narrative importance then whoever has more attacks per turn goes first.

 Due to this mechanic, Mooks always go last, Always.

 Unless they get the jump on you and you fail your perception check.

 Automatic Combat Actions:

 These are actions taken by characters that follow a 'common sense list'.

 For example, you see someone leaping at you with a giant sword your instinct would be to dodge.

 If actually dodging a blow fits into the narrative flow, the character will dodge it.

 For example, you're standing in the middle of a street with a tank flying through the air at you: you'll leap out of the way.

 The reverse also holds true: If you're laying in the middle of the road because of something and you see the same tank, your kinda fucked.

 If you're in a fight and a grenade lands at our feet, you'll try to leap away if possible, a sword is coming at you, you'd try to dodge it, and so on.

 In-Combat Roll Modifiers:

 These are put in place when the actions you'd take from the previous section come up short due to circumstances.

 For example, the first story post had you trying to dodge an attack, but due to unfamiliarity you botched it and got whacked.

 If an action is attempted but fails, it will lead to a modifier being added to the calculations depending on how close you were to pulling it off, or how much of a bad idea it was at the time.

 For example: dodging a sword, just to leap into a hammer would lead to extra damage from the hammer.

 Trying to dodge the flying tank example from earlier, but tripping due to uneven terrain would still reduce the damage somewhat.

 This can also lead to bad-luck ends like tripping while trying to dodge a sword strike, and your neck falling into the path of the blade. Poor Nepgear is one head shorter, and you'd need to vote again.

 Affinity Interactions:

 This is a lot more straightforward and hard-form.

 Specific Affinities will lead to extra or reduced damage from another Affinity.

 A good example will be between Purity and Horror: Purity as an affinity causes extra damage to 'evil' things like zombies, demons, and eldritch omfgwhatisthatthing type creatures.

 Basic affinities from these are things like 'Blood' and 'Chaos'.

 Purity will do minor bonus damage to either of these as a simple matter of fact.

 The deeper into the 'Dark' affinities one goes though, the more damage Purity will exact from its target.

 The reverse is also true though, as 'Corruptive' affinities (Slaughter and Evil being two of them) will do more damage to Purity the higher they are.

 Other affinities also have cross-countering of each other, or a resistance to a massive boost given.

 For Example: Divinity gets a bonus damage count against nearly everything.

 But Mythical, Legend, and Epic affinities get varying levels of durability when clashing against it.

 But these tend to be mostly rare cases.

Combat Math

 I bet you thought you never had to use math in an essence before didn't ya?

 Okay so first off, What is Combat Math?

 Well, to put it simply it's all those little strings of numbers and dice that sometimes pop up in updates that involve, you guessed it, combat.

 Now, to break it down for you, combat math generally has three sections:

 Offensive String

 Defensive String

 Final String

 Offensive String:

 The Offensive String is where the power of an attack is calculated.

 The number of possible modifiers that can go in this String is theoretically limitless, but in practice you generally only get a few Situational Modifiers and Weapon Abilities, along with the two numbers that you will basically always see.

 What are the numbers, you ask? They're Base Damage and Magic Modifier.

 Base Damage is how much damage your attacks deal, well, at base.

 Take, for instance, Magical Girl Sparkle.

 Sparkle's Magical Girl weapon is a stick, the Magic Stick.

 The Magic Stick, at base, deals 50 damage.

 Next, Magic Modifier is how much magical enhancement is put into a given attack, represented by a die roll on a die with a number of faces equal to one's MM.

 In our example, Sparkle has an MM of 50, and for the sake of simple math we'll assume she rolled a natural 50.

 After that there are Ability Modifiers, which source from either Personal Abilities belonging to a combatant, or Weapon Abilities tied to the attack in use.

 Magical Girl Sparkle doesn't have any Ability Modifiers in play right now, but don't worry, we'll come back to this later.

 And finally, we have Situational Modifiers, such as how the demon Sparkle is smacking with her stick and left himself wide open. Situational Modifiers run the gamut from little things like a +5 here or a -10 there, to several-digit monsters used to indicate that yes, you did just run over that guy's face with a freight train, and no, he was not prepared.

 Put all of these things together, and we get our first Offensive String:

 Offensive String

 Magic Stick: 50 Base Damage, +50 Dice, +10 Opening= 110 Total Damage

 Now, if you've been following along you should be able to tell me what each of those numbers corresponds to, but if you can't, the answer is Base Damage, Magic Modifier, and a Situational Modifier, respectively.

 That final number that says "total damage"? That there is what we'll henceforth be referring to as an Offensive Total.

 As a side note, Offensive Strings always start with the name of the weapon or spell they correspond to, so you know who's doing what.

 Defensive String:

 The Defensive String is the Offensive String's opposite number: While the Offensive String is there to calculate how well one attacks, the Defensive String is there to calculate how well one takes an attack.

 The Defensive String has almost all the same modifiers that the Offensive String does, like MM, Abilities, and Situational Modifiers, but rather than Base Damage we have Base Resilience.

 Base Resilience is, as its name might imply, the measure of how tough you are, be it through immense and terrible mystic power, or just having really hard abs.

 Now in our example, Mr. Demon is kinda dumb and not very magical, so he has a Magic Modifier of 0, but he never ever skips gym day, so in addition to being able to use his torso as an impromptu cheese grater, he has a Base Resilience of 100.

 And so, our Defensive String looks like this:

 Defensive String

 Mr. Demon: 100 Base Resilience, +0 Dice, -10 Distracted = 90 Damage Reduction

 That final number there is what we'll call a Defensive Total from here on out.

 Now, before we move on to the next String, some of you may notice that the Situational Modifier of being open isn't listed here.

 That's because it was an Offensive modifier for Sparkle, and as a general rule (though not an absolute), Situational Modifiers don't apply twice to different Strings.

 However, you'll also notice that -10 for Distraction, which was the reason he was open in the first place.

 Final String:

 And now we have the Final String.

 The Final String is where we take our Offensive Total and our Defensive Total, and subtract the latter from the former to get our Total End Damage, which is then subtracted from the target's Health.

 Health (abbreviated as HP because reasons) is the measure of how much damage you can take before you go down. Depending on the context of a fight, hitting 0 health can do different things.

 In a sparring match it might knock you out, and in a gunfight it might give the wall behind you a new coat of paint.

 The Final String generally looks something like this:

 Final String

 20 Total End Damage

 Mr. Demon: 500 - 20 = 480 Remaining

 But, sometimes, another modifier will come into play. Any modifier that affects the Final String will always be an Ability Modifier. For instance, if Magical Girl Sparkle spent all her EXP to buy an ability that doubled her End Damage against Evil enemies like Mr. Demon, it would look like this:

 Final String

 20 Total End Damage

 Sparkle Power: x2

 40 Final End Damage

 Mr. Demon: 500 - 40 = 460 Remaining

 And that's the Final String. Putting it all together, Magical Girl Sparkle's turn looks like this:

 Sparkle's Turn

 Magic Stick: 50 Base Damage, +50 Dice, +10 Opening= 110 Total Damage

 Mr. Demon: 100 Base Resilience, +0 Dice, -10 Distracted = 90 Damage Reduction

 20 Total End Damage

 Sparkle Power: x2

 40 Final End Damage

 Mr. Demon: 500 - 40 = 460 Remaining

 Side note: in the event Conditional Modifiers that key off End Damage come into conflict, the Defensive ability will proc first, and, if that renders the Offensive ability moot, negate the Offensive one.

 And that wraps up the basics. Now we move on to the complex stuff. First off, a topic delayed earlier and the main source of complexity in the system:

 Ability Modifiers:

 Ability Modifiers are... honestly a pain at times.

 There are so many of them, and so many things they can do.

 Ability Modifiers come in two types: Personal Abilities and Weapon Abilities.

 Personal Abilities are those listed in the "Abilities" tab of one's Character Sheet.

 Things like Flight are good examples, but the expanse of what's possible with Personal Abilities is limited almost exclusively by the imagination of the person writing the sheet.

 Weapon Abilities are the things listed on the "Ability" line in the description of the relevant weapon. (Although the term "weapon abilities" is something of a misnomer, as they can also apply to spells.)

 Unlike Personal Abilities, Weapon Abilities aren't defined within the text of the character sheet itself, and instead we have an external reference for them because, as a cursory glance will reveal, the full list of defined Weapon Abilities is far too long for most people to remember off the tops of their heads.


 Intercept is an Ability that can be found in either category of Ability Modifiers, and possesses a few variants.

 At base, however, it causes an Intercept Conflict, wherein you compare Offensive Strings, and whoever has the higher Offensive Total wins, and treats the other guy's String as a Defensive String to solve for End Damage, or rather, Intercept Damage.

 Intercept Damage is then used as Base Damage for another Offensive String against the loser's regular Defensive String, and combat resolves normally from there.


 Occasionally, an Ability Modifier will key off the total of a String, but for some reason can't be included in the string itself, or the subsequent string. In these cases, it prompts a Sub-string for application of the modifier, placed between the String whose Total it is modifying and the subsequent String.

 Multipliers and O-Ops:

 Now, in the course of applying the various modifiers to the relevant Strings, you'll encounter four relevant symbols. Listed, they are:

 + (Additive)

 - (Subtractive)

 % (Percentage)

 x (Multiplier)

 Take special note of that last one, it's funky.

 Additives and Subtractives are fairly simple; you simply add or subtract the relevant number from your current subtotal of the String in question as you follow the Order of Operations, or O-Ops for short. We'll cover that in a bit more detail momentarily.

 The next Modifier Symbol we have is a Percentage.

 Percentages are almost always part of Ability Modifiers, and never show up explicitly in the Offensive or Defensive Strings. Where Additives or Subtractives are flat number changes like +10 or -5, Percentages scale proportionately to something.

 However, they're calculated before addition to a String and applied as an Additive or Subtractive.

 The exception here is the Final String, where Percentages can appear as explicit modifiers, but they're always supposed to be paired with an Additive or Subtractive to indicate whether they're an increase or a reduction.

 And finally, the Multiplier, the odd duck out. Multipliers, uniquely, are not a flat bonus, but instead affect the entire subtotal of the entire String.

 For example, in Magical Girl Sparkle's Offensive String above, a damage bonus of 100% would be represented as a +50 for an Offensive Total of 160, while a x2 Multiplier would double the entire Offensive Total for a result of 220.

 It's important to note that Multipliers in the same String apply to each-other additively (lowercase "a", not to be confused with Additive Modifiers), so Multipliers of a x2 and one of x3 in the same String would result in a final Multiplier of x5, not x6.

 However, if the Multiplier(s) in question apply on separate strings in the same calculation, it can become self-compounding.

 Divisors also exist, but don't get a symbol because it's not standard on English keyboards, and they're pretty rare besides.

 Due to the lack of the symbol, Divisors generally prompt Sub-strings where they come into play.

 Otherwise, they function identically to Multipliers, just in the opposite direction.

 Now, as far as O-Ops goes, for the Offensive and Defensive Strings, always read Left to Right, while for the Final String, if there are any modifiers they apply from Top to Bottom.

 It's important to note that Multipliers are always listed at the end of the O-Ops list, after all the Additives and Subtractives have been applied.

 As a general note, whenever something results in a fraction, it's rounded to a whole number. Whether that's up or down depends on context; it rounds in whichever direction in most inconvenient to the protagonist.

On Divine Beings and Defensive and Offensive tiering.

 And the sheer bullshit scaling that is the following. (copied over from the quest for sheer information value)

 Divine Beings

 The term 'Divine Beings' in this essence is a catch-all term for entities that can operate on planetary or inter-planetary scale.

 Nine times out of ten they resemble floating masses of pure energy that can direct their own actions by a defined will.

 Genius Loci that cover entire planets or solar systems, like Gaia, also fall under this catch-all term as well.

 They don't tend to get involved in 'mortal' matters mostly because 'mortals' aren't really capable of effecting beings on their level save for rare cases (Humanity is one of those rare cases but more on that later.)

 All Divine beings share several universal traits amongst each other, and these traits are as follows:

 They all have a minimum of Seven Affinities.

 The weakest Divine Beings have Seven while the average goes up to nine or ten.

 Each Affinity over ten, they grow an order of magnitude scarier to other Divine Beings.

 Gaia, having twelve affinities, is towards the upper end of the food chain, and that's not even starting on her unique stats that let her exist in a level that she shouldn't be able to.

 To everyone watching their conflict, Shiva-Sil is committing a creative form of suicide.

 (Again, exceptions exist.)

 Past the Affinities, Divine Beings also share several passive abilities, some of witch you probably already know:

 Beyond Good and Evil

 Celestial Combat

 Among others not shown. These abilities show that the entity possessing them is divine in nature, if not affinity.

 Stronger and weaker versions exist, but the weaker versions will not allow the entity the ability to effect those with the stronger versions, because they exist on completely separate levels of reality than each other.

 Again, there are some exceptions to the rule that allow a weaker existence the ability to harm a stronger one but those are rare... ish.

 The Four Goddesses (crystal watcher's magical girl quest) are all exceptions in their own way.

 They're called Goddesses for a reason.

 Anyway, outside all that, Divine Beings tend to be as different from one another as the stars in the sky.

 When making Divine Beings,(as opponents or otherwise) just remember that they come in all shapes and sizes.

 But they also don't see the world the same way we do, as far as most of them are concerned most mortals are little more than pests like ants or blobs of goo.

 If a Divine Being takes up a species as a weapon, then they tend to garner a lot more attention: Humanity being one of the scariest weapons out there thanks to our Evolution of Warfare which is so far an ability they have in the quest.

 Edge of Mortality / Tectonic Combat

 The Divine Being cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to affect a continental change.

 Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. / The Divine Being can wage combat on continental scale.

 These are the bridge between merely mortal existences and Divine Beings. Theoretically, powerful mortals are more than capable of engaging these guys on their own, but individuals of that kind of power are rare.

 Beyond Good and Evil / Celestial Combat

 The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect a global change.

 Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. / The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against planetary bodies and godlike beings.

 These are where the real "Godlike" beings start.

 At their weakest, they hold sway over some form of natural phenomena like storms and tides.

 An easy way to think of these types are ancient pantheons like the Greek Pantheon with Zues, Hera, and their inter-fuckery family tree.

 Stronger Divine Beings on this level go into Gaia's territory of being entire planetary Biospheres or even the immediate space surrounding a planet. (World)

 Blue And Orange Morality / Titanomachy

 The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect interplanetary change.

 Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. / The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against interplanetary beings and multiple planets simultaneously.

 This leap goes from planetary bodies to entire solar systems.

 This means the Star, every planet that orbits it, and everything else caught within its gravity well.

 Powers at this point start becoming a lot less interested in "Mortal" matters because the likelihood of a mortal gaining enough power to affect them becomes far less likely.

 Instead what they focus on is the overall strength of a given mortal species instead, identifying them as a single entity instead of individual existences.

 Getting noticed by one of these things is usually a good way to get your people extinct. (Solar)

 Abstract Morals / Stellar Combat

 The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect interstellar change.

 Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. / The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against interstellar beings and multiple star systems simultaneously.

 Again, this leap goes from star systems, to entire star clusters.

 They average out about the Exodus Cluster in sixes normally. Beings on this scale are beyond the reach of Mortals to match, but are still easily comprehensible to our understanding.

 At this point anything that can't reliably kill a star system doesn't register on their radar, and if it does, they tend to ignore it until whatever it is starts bothering them.

 Then they supernova the area and call it good.

 Think about that. (Exodus)

 Impossible Morals / Galactic Warfare

 The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect galactic change.

 Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. / The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against galactic beings and entire galaxies simultaneously.

 These guys represent galactic arms at minimum and two or three galaxies at the higher end of the scale.

 By the time you hit this point these things don't even know that Mortals even exist.

 From this position, Gaia herself is nothing more than a fleck of dust that dances in the light to them.

 Billions of stars are born and die almost constantly within their bodies, and they don't even notice.

 A cursory thought from one of these things would probably vaporize Gaia, let alone a mere mortal. (Star Stream)

 Edge of Rationality / Universal Combat

 The Divine Entity cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect universal change.

 Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored. / The Divine Entity is capable of waging combat against universal existences and their universes simultaneously.

 Exactly what it says on the tin: Everything within a single "Universe" makes up one of these things.

 Every now and then one might get just strong enough to spill over into another universe, but that doesn't happen often.

 But all of that is besides the point, because these guys are so far above your ability to so much as scratch it wraps back around into funny, then collapses into a back hole.

 If you need it to explain what kinds of scales I'm talking about here, then you're probably not that far in school yet.

 Or you simply skipped the rest of this post. (Universal)

 Beyond Morality / Infinitely Your Greater

 The Divine Being cannot be targeted by anything incapable of causing change on an intergalactic, trans-dimensional scale.

 Anything that falls short of such insane range is negated and ignored, regardless of power. / The Divine Being is capable of waging war on Trans-dimensional existences, as well as entire universes simultaneously.

 If the last one was the tip of the iceberg, then this is the ocean it was floating in.

 These are literal divine existences that go beyond just representing a given area or influencing it, and strike into taking up a physical aspect of reality. A stray shot from one of these can splatter a dozen or so universes by accident.

 And that's if they're not trying.

 Combat on this scale goes beyond a simple numbers game and into a contest to see who can cheat at life better than everyone else can.

 And they can cheat very well. (Universal-Divinity)

 Conceptual Armor / Enforcement of Conceptual Change

 The Given Divine Entity cannot be harmed unless the attack is capable of enforcing a Permanent Conceptual Change onto Reality itself. / The Divine Entity is capable of enforcing a Permanent Conceptual Change upon Reality.

 The pinnacle of Morality Barriers.

 These barriers are uniquely named based upon the Divine Being that is protected by it, but they all share the same aspect of becoming immune to pretty much everything that doesn't somehow enforce a permanent change to the underlying concepts of reality.

 Yes, it's that bullshit. Killing one of these things, means you just killed what they represent as a rule of the world.

 Kill Time? Time ceases to be a thing.

 Kill Life? Everything dies.

 Kill Death? Everything lives.

 Kill them both? Watch this.

 These beings can range anywhere from "a mortal could kill that" to "our reality just bent over" in their own individual powers levels, but all of them have a habit of just ignoring everything that goes on around them, and when they do get pissed off, things tend to start dying and there's nothing anyone can say about it. (Divinity-Exclusive)

 I will add Gaia's Character sheet in author notes.

Author notes

 I seriously recommend reading Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest, for a full understanding of what you have just drunk and read.

 (Growth affinities do not apply the way they do in the actual quest, they just provide damage and endurance boosts as described in the quest)

 Full character sheets from examples used

 Name: Magical Girl Son Goku

 Health: 1200

 Base Damage: 1000

 Base Resilience: 900

 Magic Modifier: 300

 Affinity: Saiyan/Power/Epic


 Name: Noyibo

 Level 1

 Attacks per Turn: 1

 Affinity: Saiyan/Combat

 Ability: Ghost touch/Extend Range


 Name: Kamehameha

 - A flexible Beam attack that destroys anything it touches-

 Level 1

 Base Damage: 2000

 Magic Modifier: Base Magic Modifier x2

 Affinity: Power/Epic

 Ability: Ray/Mana Charge



 Boost EXP gained from combat by x(Health lost/10)

 Ultra Instinct

 Level 1

 Counter any attack sent at you that is weaker than 30% Base Damage + Magic

 Modifier without taking Damage.

 Name: Magical Girl War Chaser

 Health: 2,000

 Base Damage: 2,500

 Base Resilience: 1,000

 Magic Modifier: 2,500

 Affinity: Conquest | Justice | Epic


 Godlight Starbow

 Level 1

 Attack Per Turn: 3

 Affinity: Justice

 Ability: Trans Smasher


 Memory In Amber

 Level 1

 Base Damage: 20,000

 Magic Modifier: 20,000

 Affinity: Conquest

 Ability: Double Cast


 The Final Rendition

 -Once per battle, War Chaser may resurrect at 50% of her max health.

 A Promise to Keep: Champion of War

 Level 1

 -All enemies on the battlefield take 1% of their Max health in damage per action taken.

 Magical Girl Solid Core

 Also known as Anastasia Boheart.

 A.K.A. Nepgear / Localized Genocide

 Health: 6,000

 Base Damage: 12,921 (Extended) / 6,460 (Retracted) 1.5

 Base Resilience: 2,600

 Magic Modifier: 400 +5 (x2-5)

 Affinity: Purity | Faith | Divinity


 Purifier Beam

 Level 17

 Attacks Per Turn: 4

 Affinity: Purity | Divinity

 Ability: Smite | Juggernaut | Mode Shift: Apocalypse (Barrel Extended) / Unstoppable (Barrel Retracted)


 Celestial Severance

 -A One-Hit linear attack that obliterates everything in it's path.

 Level 17

 Base Damage: 3,276,800 x2

 Magic Modifier: 450 +25

 Affinity: Purity | Divinity

 Ability: Unstoppable | Prime Evil Slayer | Double Cast | Echo


 -Watch the sky fall.

 Level 17

 Base Damage: 3,508 x1.25

 Magic Modifier: N/A

 Affinity: Purity | Divinity

 Ability: Rain of Light | Prime Evil Slayer | Quadra-Magic | Target: Army

 Flight (Boosted):

 Level 28

 -Solid Core is able to fly at 270mph. (Solid Core is capable of creating magical platforms mid-air that she is capable of pushing off of, or using to arrest her movement when necessary.)



 Level 25

 -The ultimate CORE frame. Once per turn if Nepgear would be killed, instead reduce her Health to 1.

 Nepgear is also immune to damage over time effects, as well as any form of mental pollution or mind control.

 In order for Nepgear to receive damage, the damage must exceed 99% of her total health.

 If this threshold is surpassed, reduce the incoming damage by 99%. Frame is capable of surviving CORE BREACH.


 -Sacrifice four moves to negate an enemy attack.

 Core Purge (Active)

 Level N/A

 -For five turns reduce Health by 5% per turn.

All enemies within 50 meters take (Health Cost x 75) in damage per turn.

Reduce Base Resilience by 25%.

 No Longer Human

 -Negate 50% of Total End Damage. Ignore body damage modifiers.

 Stacks with Armored Core.


 -During combat, Nepgear can kill a friend to gain a stacking x2 multiplier to her offense for the duration of the combat arc.

 Every friend she kills increases the stack by another x2 multiplier.

 Friends killed by Nepgear cannot be affected by the Reincarnate ability, or any of its derivatives.

 High-Speed Combat (Level 4)

 -Nepgear is able to track objects moving up to 360mph.

 The Insurmountable Gap

 -If Final End Damage dealt to an opponent exceeds 50% of their health, double the damage dealt.

 Echo of Peace

 -Presence of the ???? Core creates energy fields that reduce all hostile damage by 65% across the battlefield for Allied entities.

 Reduction is applied before damage calculation. Solid Core is unaffected by the damage reduction.

 Supremacy Zone

 -I shine as a star in the sky.

 So long as Solid Core can be considered 'in the air' she is immune to all damage from ground-based sources, though they can knock her out of the sky.

 When engaging in combat with an aerial opponent, increase Solid Core's damage by 50%. While in the air, Solid Core will automatically Intercept all enemy attacks that are aimed at her or her allies so long as they are within line of sight.

 If an aerial Intercept is successful, double the damage caused by Solid Core.

 During an Army Action, Solid Core will also bombard the Opposing Army with basic attacks thirty times per turn.

 Fractal Synchronization

 -Solid Core is capable of aligning her Attack Spells with those of her allies in order to Synchronize them and create newer, stronger spells.

 If an ally has a Core Connection, multiply the Synchronization Result by Thirty.

 Calamity Circuit

 -Full power from The ??? Core. Nepgear's Spell limit has been removed.

 Segarite Core

 -Self-sustaining love... Each turn Nepgear gains 75% of her maximum health with no upper limit.

 Excess health is shed after the fight ends.


 Will of the Earth.


 Health: 35,000,000

 Base Damage: N/A

 Base Resilience: 11,500,000

 Magic Modifier: 66,666,666

 Affinity: Earth | Fire | Wind | Water | Lightning | Sky | Magic | Life | Horror | Hope | Creation | World.



 Level 999

 Attacks Per Turn: Yes

 Affinity: Earth | Fire | Wind | Water | Lightning | Magic

 Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Evolution of Warfare


 Level 500

 Attacks Per Turn: N/A

 Affinity: Magic | Horror | Hope | Creation | World

 Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Instant Recovery


 Instant Evolution

 Level 800

 Base Damage: N/A

 Magic Modifier: 10,000,000

 Affinity: Life | Horror | Creation

 Ability: Possession | Max Boost


 Passage of Time

 Gaia is completely and totally aware of every event that has ever happened upon her surface.

 Every thought, every idea, and every concept.

 As time passes this knowledge updates automatically and continuously through the collective experiences of the entire Human Race as they fight across different dimensions.

 The World Egg

 -Gaia is capable of directly affecting anything and everything within her sphere of influence to a minor degree. The more in line with her intentions the object she influences, the more control she has over it.

 Beyond Good and Evil

 -Gaia cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect a global change. Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored.

 Celestial Combat

 -Gaia is capable of waging combat against planetary bodies and godlike beings.