

As I wake up the following day, I feel foul.

Wasn't that Alfredo good for my tummy? But it was delicious though.. I might try it again, just not soon... how can I go to a place I was embarrassed so soon. Alfredo has to wait till my face is forgotten there or I look for some new place to get my food.

Thinking about yesterday...

When I returned from the diner, I had my lunch and took a nap. 

Since I was off duty, I decided to bath Judy. That took me approximately 2 hours and then I cleaned the house... After that I did my laundry. I can't imagine I did the laundry of a very saucy and ungrateful lady whereas I haven't done mine in months. let's just say my house got a reality check...

Can you believe I washed my bathroom and toilet?!

Something is wrong with me... 

Not like I was a dirty guy... I just had a lady that come clean it for me for 50bucks so I didn't mind paying her that to help her sometimes... Its just that I was so mad at Merry that I wanted to be busy so I don't think of her.. but it was all I did while working and the anger helped me do my chores faster.

Then finally I was exhausted..I slept at about 8pm and I woke up at 6 this morning.. no nightmares so that's a good thing..but then i feel foul...I feel empty.. this happens when I miss my parents but I didn't think about them yesterday.. so why? 

I get to work in record time. I am the first in the office today_ I'm usually the first in the office... I take my seat.. and start doing something. If I must pass this day I must be on George's good side... I haven't been to work at all this week and it's already Wednesday. Granted Sheriff Jakes demanded the Monday off for me because I had that appointment with Dr Kennie.. then yesterday..I didn't come to work because of that somebody.. I just have to be on my good character and then I'm good to go.

Joe comes in after 20 mins and goes to his station inside. He didn't even look towards me.

That stung...

The last I heard from him was when he called yesterday morning and I hung up on him when he tried to show me love. If he wanted space then I will give him space.

George comes in at 9am and sees me and looks at me. I didn't chicken out..

"Good morning George" I tell him.

"Jones.. its good to see you. How's your leg?"

I look at him. Joe must have told him... if he did care would he give me the overtime? He is asking about my leg now when he gave me a warning yesterday... 


"Its better." I finally tell him.

"Better. So Don't forget your overtime Jones till Saturday" he says... Like I didn't remember.

George is not a bad guy... He was the general manager of V/V automobile.

I've been working with him now for the past 5 years and being the head of maintenance of an automobile company is not candy on a stick. He gave bonuses when he wanted and my one room apartment wasn't because I couldn't afford it.. its because I wanted my space.

We always had work to do in the office but if you fucked up, you end up doing some of his as overtime.

And to be honest, this time I don't mind because it's going to help me keep my mind off so many things especially one annoying woman.

"Yeah.. it's cool."

I finish that week at work completely absorbed... I was getting better. 

It was Saturday and I was just done at 8pm and went to the grocery store. 

My fridge was totally empty.. I had nothing in my house and newsflash! 

I am done spending money buying food.

I was going to do something about my cooking skills no matter how poor it was... If I made what gave me diarrhea, I'm gonna put up with it. 

Getting in, I grab a basket and start going around... I take rice, vegetables and even yoghurt... Chips, potatoes, ketchup and lots of bread and mayonnaise.. some chicken parts...I also go for some broccoli and carrots.. and Beans.. and eggs...some omelettes could do me good. yeah.. while I was rounding up the 2nd column...I heard my name.

"Evan!" I turned. I didn't see anyone.. that was odd.. because I know I don't have a fanclub.

"Evan? Evan Jones?" I turn and see a pregnant woman and a man beside her who I guessed was her husband.. how does she know me?

"Yes...I am.. who are you if I may ask?"

"Its me Gracie Calm... We were at the orphanage together at Boston. I was the girl that poured you flour while miss Emily taught us how to cook... You never came for cooking classes again after that."

Woah... She has a good memory.. I can't remember all that but I could remember miss Emily. She was the owner of one of the orphanage I was in for 2 years... Yes... there were so many classes I didn't attend but one day a small girl poured me.....

"You are that girl?!" I remembered.

"Yeah... Hahahaha... You haven't changed a bit you look more handsome now but still hardfaced" she said.

"Hmm hmm!" 

Her husband said. I also would have gotten angry if Merry had called another man handsome.

Wait... Merry? 

Not again!

Something is wrong with me.

''oh come on baby.. you know you are more handsome. Evan meet my husband.. Ryan Tucker."

His name is like Merry's Surname.

What? I need to forget that woman!

"Nice to meet you man. I'm Evan Jones."

I stretch my hand for a handshake and he takes it.

"My pleasure...and of course I'm more handsome.. for my wife" 

hehehhehe.. I chuckled...they are funny.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in another country" she said. 

Yeah..I did cut off from the world.

"I came here for my groceries.. I live here." 

I tell them. I might likely not see them again so it's okay to be nice.

"Really? Ryan got transferred here and we moved here 3 weeks ago."

We start walking towards the counter.. they just got here..

"Wow.. that's nice"

It is. But I hope they don't inv...

"Please come visit..I know you might want to be alone and not mix up with us but I have all the time in the world because Ryan doesn't let me do anything as I'm already in my 3rd trimester."

Now. I genuinely smiled and looked at him..His ears were red.. he was embarrassed.. lemme help him. I give the cashier my baskets.

"But he came here with you.. so he tried. If it were me.. you would be in bed all day." 

I looked at him and he smiled 

"you see? I told you about being in bed all day."

"Oh men! I am pregnant... Not dying" she rolls her eyes.

"Duh.. if I left you to do anything.. you get tired easily and your feet are swollen... And besides your appetite has increased greatly so we have to buy so much"

"Well, is it my fault? You did this to me!" I laugh...

Even the cashier that looks bored passes a smile.

They are in love. Its so pure you could see it.. and deep deep down for a millisecond.. I wish I had the same.

The cashier gave me my stuff already bagged..

"that would be $200 and 80cents."

Wow... did I buy all that already? I take my card from my wallet but Ryan gave him his card before I could reach out.

"Bill everything together." 

I looked at him.

"You didn't have to... Really."

I move aside so Gracie could have enough space.

"We are paying so we could have access to your place so we could come eat whenever we want... And besides.. you're welcome." 

I smiled at him and muttered a thanks.

We exit the store together and we exchanged numbers. I helped them put their stuff in the car boot. They offered to take me home but I told them I came with Judy.. they understood. Then Ryan moved to assist Gracie sit at the back so she has enough space to spread her legs.. she really was heavy. I could see how she walked slower than normal. He turned to the driver's seat and started the car.

"Evan.. please call okay.. you don't have to be alone anymore.. we are here now."

I nod. I knew she understands me without even saying a word to her.. she was an orphan too... I guess when a pain is shared, it brings hearts closer.

"I will." I tell her because I mean it.

I look as they drive away. 

Suddenly feel like I'm being watched, I turn and see a someone getting into a cab..

Was that Merry? I didn't even see a silhouette.

I knew it was Merry. It had to be her.. I don't have someone stalking me. But before I could call, they sped off.

Was she following me? Oh that girl! 

I wish she wouldn't shut out and just tell me what's wrong.

Was it me? Did I do something? How am I ever going to find out?

I need to talk to someone. Someone I can trust.

But who?

I got it! Sheriff Jakes is definitely giving me this favour....again.

Please comment as much as you want and vote for the chapter.

What do you think about Evan's new friends? Do you think he deserves the light?