
Merlin in SCP

Man dies in a extremely convoluted way, asks for the best magic potential possible. Gets into the SCP verse and starts to mess with the foundation. Find out what happens next. UPDATE SCHEDULE: 1 or 2 chapters a day.

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17 Chs

Up further than the heavens

The 50 swords floating behind me spread out evenly across the narrow hallway infront of me. Making impossible to dodge.

"Creation magic: Domain Of The Swordsman"

Able opened his pocket dimension and pulled out two long and thick black swords, slamming them into the ground to form a defensive wall in front of himself.

A magic circle started to form in front of my swords, taking longer than I wanted due to Able's magic disruption. The magic circle then flew backwards across my swords making them speed in Able's direction.

*Clink Clink Clink Clink*

8 swords hit the wall Able prepared, but with a hurra he lifted his swords up and sent 2 swords into the other 40, stopping them in their tracks.

Then with speeds I could barely see he dashed forward at me.

"Sword Technique: Thuder Cross Split Attack!"

He swords crossed in a x shape across his chest before he lashed out and he-

Got clawed in the face by a Ki infused Gumiyeong. Yewoch.

Able was sent flying far away into the enforced steel wall of the fountain. Gumiyeong hopped up and down in front of me whilst in a boxing stance. Looking smug.

It appeared me and Gumiyeong had set up a RPG brawler and mage dynamic between us.

Able after being pushed into the metal wall and deforming it, got up and observed me and Gumiyeong. Before a boisterous laughter left him. Leaving me and Gumiyeong severely confused.

"Ahagaha, Youkai woman, is he your lover?"

Gumiyeong nodded.

"And I see that you are pregnant with his child?"

She nodded again.

"Well then, I wouldn't want to leave lovers such as yourself apart until his child is born and raised to the age of 10! Then I will seek you out again mage!"

Able then promptly left. Much to the chagrin of the MTF behind him.

I now knew how the ROB felt when interacting with me, a magic junkie. Fucking battle junkies.

"But I will not, young one."

I turned around to face the sound. When I turned around I saw an old man with a long white beard and head full of white hair as well. He wore what you would expect to see a christian priest dress in during church.

"Although you are not of my own, the souls you have taken most certainly are."

Huh? Was this SCP-343? What did he mean his 'own'? As in, his creations? And he said he couldn't effect me if I wasn't his own?

I threw the jar full of souls on the floor, shattering it instantly. During their time in the jar a few souls had merged and transformed into amalgamations of the dead, forever ruining their chances of reincarnation and a happy after life; creating abominations that the living would have to face.

After throwing the jar on the floor the old man started to fade again.

"Quite fast on our feet our we? It matters not. You will be consumed by the greed for power once more. And then I shall end you and your unlawfully pregnant what did the kids call it these days? Girlfriend? Fornicators shall burn in hell I will have you know."

The old man fadded from view. I guess SCP-343, AKA god, didn't like the fact I was stealing the souls of his 'children'. Several MTF's fell on the floor praying to SCP-343 to help then live through me.

He did not.

Without the magic suppresant AKA Able, they were completely decimated without chance for resistance. But I didn't have the gall to take their souls this time.

After disabling the MTFs I realized something. I was completely lost. I had no idea where I was going. For all I knew the set up a trap of some kind for me. Perhaps with some unknown SCP that could suppress my magic.

Since I definitely did not want to stick around here, and I don't want to destroy this place, I should test out a lesser version of dimensional magic.

I raised my hand in front of me and formed two magic circles, one to spread out the fabric of existence, allowing me to traverse it, and the other to make sure I didn't go too far with my ripping of the fabric of reality itself.

"Spacial magic: Teleportation"

At first nothing happened, but several moments later a crack appeared, then another and another. Until eventually a hole as big as a bear in length and with floated in front of me.

I grabbed Gumiyeong's hand and lept through, entering it before I used another bit of mana to put the fabric or reality back in place.

All around me vibrat colors danced, the word full of ambient mana and many other energies that I didn't even hypothesize existed.

I could have floated their forever if not for thr fact my mana was being drained at an extremely alarming pace. A normal mage my age couldn't survive here for a second. And I could barely survive for an hour, and Gumiyeong could survive for 10 minutes, and the baby inside her 30 seconds.

I pumped 90% of my mana into breaching the fabric of existence of the place where there was no fabric of reality. And another hole opened. This one smaller than the last but big enough to jump through.

And so we jumped through it.



phew- we made it out of the… reality gap alive. Not teleporting again without some form of protection.

Gumiyeong was unconscious besides me, clearly her mana levels couldn't withstand going into and out of reality so fast. I just hope the baby is okay.

I decided to gather information on my surroundings, so I flew into the ait, above all of the surrounding foliage and fauna. It looked like we where in a jungle of sorts as I saw no civilization around for as far the horizon went.

Well I better set camp, as I didn't want to be anywhere near civilization with the foundation active. I could just create all the luxuries of civilization with creation magic.

Hours pass.

Something odd was going on here, I couldn't tell at first but, the mana levels here are higher than regular earth but not by too much. Enough so I could just pass it off as this area being untouched by mages.

But the mana was increasing at a slightly visible to my senses pace. And that was very odd. In earth, the mana was decreasing at a much faster pace. All of the anomalies taking in mana to fuel themselves caused this.

But here? The world was taking the natural mana of everything. Enough to effect me slightly. It looked like the bigger your reserves of mana, the bigger the drain. For me who had roughly a few thousand more times mana then mages who trained arduously day and night, it was around 3 normal mages worth of mana drain per minute. My regeneration, was of course, higher than that, but not by much. Only half a mage more.

Gumiyeong had long woken up and waa helping me set up the camp said she felt it too just to a lesser extent, but when we checked on the baby it was fine, in fact it was growing. Absorbing the mana in the air at a rate that would kill adult mages and Youkai. Mabeop Yuukai were no joke apparently.


It was in the middle of the night when I heard something walking, trying to be silent, but failing as I had my enhancement magic active due to my paranoia. Clearly it paid off.

I silently slunk out of the bed I created, not alerting Gumiyeong or the creature of my actions. Even with Gumiyeong being nearly on top of me, floating didn't make any sound after all.

I closed my eyes and listened intently, looking for any more sound of the creature.


A twig. Perfect. You know I should really set a bunch of twigs around camp for this purpose only. All horror movie characters should, it would alert them of the creatures movement.

"Light Magic: Invisibility."

If you were looking at me before you could clearly see me in my stylish outfit, but if you blinked at the wrong time, you would just see what was right behind me.

I flew out of a window and into the air outside my cabin, finding a fox like creature salavating as it looked towards were it presumably last smelled me. It stood on its two hind legs at the hight of 6'6, 2 meters. And from its back sprouted 2 tails.

I recognized this guy in an instant. He was a Kumiho. It seemed I ended up in Gumiyeong's homeland huh? The Youkai dimension.

But right as the Kumiho took another step towards my cabin it looked to its right side in fear and ran away. I turned towards where it was looking.

3 outwardly presented humans stood. A cart behind them with the corpses of several other Kumiho's. All ranging between 1-3 tails. Oddly enough they seemed to be very old as they were decaying.

The only male Youkai in disguise walked forward and spoke, "Whoever made this camp must have been a high tailed Youkai, no others would feel the need for a base. And look at how detailed it is. Clearly someone or something lives or lived here."

He turned towards one of the two women in the back, "Jiyeon, use your divination."

The woman named Jiyeon nodded and started to chant into the air while her eyes glowed white.

"Oh, mighty lord above, please grant this humble one sight into the past and future, into the mysterious nature of this beautiful world, and to the secrets that lie hidden beneath."

Her eyes ceased to glow white and returned back to normal. And a smile granted traction on her face.

"Praise the lord! He has granted us a leader in our time of need!" She pointed towards the cabin.

"Inside that cabin is a 10 tailed Kumiho!"

-The others looked flabbergasted.-

"But that is not it! She is pregnant with a Mabeop Yuukai!" Then she looked directly at me.

"But yet again that isn't it! Right there, hidden beneath his magic is the husband of the 10 tailed Kumiho, the one who got her pregnant with the Mabeop Yuukai!"

The others had their jaws hanging wide open in shock. It appeared Mabeop Yuukai were a bit rarer than I expected.

probably the only chapter today. but definitely two tomorrow because its the weekend baby!

Random968creators' thoughts