
Talking and Building

Shimmer's POV.

As Gloom kept me still, I couldn't look at her in the face, "Look, if we are going to talk, then can you help me build some structures?" I request.

Instead of answering, Gloom pulled her tentacles back into her body and went away, leaving me quite confused.

About an hour later, she came back with her Vision and Wand, which she pointed in my face, "The sooner we start building, the sooner we start talking." She stated, picking up a piece of wood and putting it on her wand.

Doing the same, we began making some foundations, staying quiet for a bit before Gloom started talking, "What's wrong?" She asked, "I know there are more questions I should be asking, but for now this seems like the most appropriate one." She explained.

"That's fair..." I comment with a sigh, "I uh... I screwed up... Big time.." I say apologetically, "I really shouldn't have done that..." I say.

Gloom's POV.

Hearing that surprised me a bit, she just stole a Delusion after all, "I mean, I guess you're the first one to do that." I admit, but with that I notice that Shimmer's expression turned horrified.

"I-I'm the first!?" She questioned, "Oh my God... I'm so sorry, I- I don't know how I can make up for it." She said nervously.

As I made a third foundation, I switched the wood on the Wand for stone to make them better, "Woah, woah, it's not a big deal really." I reassure.

When I said that, Shimmer's face turned into a frown, "Whatdou- What do you mean it's not a big deal!?" She exclaimed angrily, accidentally flinging her wand at me, causing a 'serpent' of wood to come in my direction, which I moved out of the way of.

"I- You- Wha- Why are you mad!?" I questioned confusedly, it's just a Delusion after all, "I told you it's not a big deal!" I repeat which only seemed to get Shimmer angrier.

"Well it may not be a big deal for you, but it is for me!" Shimmer exclaimed, turning away from me with her arms crossed.

At this display I really didn't know what to do so I decided to ask someone who would know, "Asmodeus... Please help me..." I thought, hoping my helper would reply.

"It seems you two are referring to two completely different things." Asmodeus responded, which caught Shimmer's attention.

Shimmer's POV.

When Gloom's head voice seemingly replied to her question, I was confused as to what it meant with 'two different things', "Gloom... What are you talking about?" I asked, wondering if I got worked up for nothing.

"I'm talking about the Delusion you stole..." She responded, which made me want to slap myself in all honesty, "...What are you talking about?" She asked as expected.

The only problem is that now I don't want to answer after that misunderstanding just occured, "It's nothing..." I reply, trying to save my ass.

"So you got mad over nothing..." Gloom summarized, "Seriously what the fuck?" She questioned, calling out my bullshit just with that.

Seeing as there was no lying to her, "I'm... Sorry I kissed you like that..." I apologize, "I should have waited for... A more appropriate time, if it ever came..." I continue.

"That?" Gloom asked, "No, I..." She stopped, seeming unsure of how to say it, "I liked it..." she admitted, catching me quite off guard, "I wanted to tell you after it finished, but you ran away..." She explained, making me think back to how I just ran, not even thinking that straight.

Looking Gloom in the eyes, the full realization of what she said hit, causing me to blush right red, "Wait what- You liked it?" I questioned in surprise.

Gloom's POV.

The moment Shimmer blushed and her hair and eyes turned pink, I realized that I just said that outloud, "Oh- Well- I mean... Yes...?" I reply, unsure of what to even say at this point.

After that left my mouth, there was an uncomfortable silence which lasted for about a full minute, "So uh..." Shimmer let out, breaking the silence, "Do you think... We can do it again?" She asked, causing me to blush now.

I really wasn't expecting that question, so I just approached Shimmer, and lifted her by the arms so she was at eye level, "Do you really want to?" I ask, wanting to make sure Shimmer was actually okay with it.

Without even giving an answer, Shimmer pushed her lips against mine, pushing me to the ground and we kept kissing on the ground for a bit, taking some pauses to breathe in.

After we finished, we looked eachother in the eyes, letting me see that Shimmer's turned even pinker than before, "So... What does this mean for us?" I asked her.

"I think I already know..." Shimmer responded, "It's up to you now to decide if it's the actuality now..." She pointed out.

"In that case..." I started, waiting for the butterflies to leave my stomach before continuing "Please be my girlfriend..." I requested, causing Shimmer to smile.

"Thank you." She stated before hugging me thightly.