
Merciless Smith

Temwani_Mhango_3572 · Thanh xuân
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4 Chs


.... currently city z.....

"Maria please tell Elise and Eloise to come eat dinner"zshe orders."yes ma'am" she heads up stairs. "

After ten minutes a girl with brown hair and brown eyes and freckles called Elise along side a girl with brown hair and brown eyes called Eloisé . "Yes Mom""they say at the same time.

" Now be honest who got your dad's car last week" Camille asks

"Umm..... It Was ...." Élise hesitates . " It was Alexandra" Éloise blurts out ."Alexandra ?? She can't"

Some minutes after After Alexandra comes down stairs

"Was it you who got your dad's car last week" in an inpatient tone

."No" Alexandra says honestly .

"Mom am saying the truth it was alexa you can even ask Maria and the other maids" Eloise says and does an I will increase your salary gesture. "Yes ma'am it was ms Alexandra I saw her" one of the workers says ." Okay Alexandra since you have the guts to get your dad's car you're grounded". Her mom says harshly. Alexandra just goes upstairs to her room. " I know it was one of you but I just wanted to make a fake meeting so that if your dad check's the surveillance system it will show that we all met up "she says and they laughs at the end.

Meanwhile in Alexandra's room

"When will I learn to stand up for myself?".she thought.