
Mending Our Broken Hearts

Heather Halloway is forced into an arranged marriage by her business minded mother and is made to get married to one of the Moore boys, Austin Moore . However she finds herself falling madly in love with one of her brothers -in- law Xavier, who seems oddly interested in her too, will she learn to love her husband or will she still choose to love her husband's younger brother . Please leave a review and let me know what you think.Thanks

Nimbus_Feels · Thành thị
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8 Chs

chapter six

<p>"Come with me " Heather's groom said to her after they had spent what seemed like hours greeting the guests.<br/>It was a wedding but also a business gathering of sorts and that bothered her, she had been going around with him as he introduced her to his business partners and she had had to listen in on their boring stories about business and smiled politely at them as they took in their congratulations.<br/><br/>"Where too?"she asked as she looked unmoving at him, he frowned and taking her hand in his pulled her along with him from the crowd.<br/><br/>"What are we doing here?"she asked as he led her into his room, <br/>"Seat" he said as he closed the door behind her and walked to a closed room before coming back with fluffy slippers in his hand, they were grey.<br/><br/>"Put these on" he said, as he put them down infront of her.<br/>"Why?" She asked in amusement <br/>"Your ankles" he pointed out.<br/><br/>She stood in amusement as she looked at him, was he really being nice because he had noticed her being uncomfortable in the heels or was he pretending to care? She wondered as she looked at him.<br/><br/>Austin walked over to the astounded looking Heather and pushed her back lightly into the seat before he disappeared off back into his room.<br/><br/>Heather looked up as her groom walked towards her,<br/>"We should head back" he said <br/><br/>"Did you invite her?" Heather suddenly asked as she looked up at him, <br/>"Bella did you invite her?" She asked again when he did not reply, he frowned lightly as he looked at her, pocketing his hands into his pockets, <br/><br/>"Can we not pretend to be close ?" He asked as he looked at her <br/><br/>"You have a private life and so do I , I don't expect you to go around poking in mine" he said<br/><br/>"Now, shall we?" He asked .<br/><br/>Heather frowned as she looked at Austin, was he admitting to it or denying it and what's all this about private life, was he telling her beforehand that he was expecting her to let him live his life as hhe see fit and she should do the same? She wondered as she looked at him.<br/><br/>"Sure" she smiled lightly as she moved forward to take his hand.<br/><br/>"I guess we are keeping this professional then" she said,<br/>"The feeling is mutual by the way" she added as they walked out and headed back for the crowd.<br/><br/> "Where's your husband?" Jasper asked as he walked up behind Heather who turned lightly to look at him.<br/><br/>"Look what the wind blew in" she said irritatedly as she looked him, <br/><br/>"Yeah well, I'm not here to cause trouble " he explained, <br/>" I know better than to mess with the Moore's and you happen to be one of them now " he said as he looked smilingly at her.<br/><br/>"You look pretty " he said as he looked at her , Heather had changed from her wedding dress to a much shorter dress, cream in color but well, more revealing.<br/><br/>"I must assume the groom won't be able to deny that he has hit the jackpot with your looks and tush" he said as he looked at her.<br/><br/>" Well, atleast you seem to know what you lost" she said as she looked at him.<br/><br/>"Come on, I wanna be friends, let's let the past be past" he said as he extended his glass to her for a toast.<br/><br/>"Sure" she said as she toast him back.<br/>"To new beginnings" he said as they took sips off their drinks, <br/><br/>"That reminds me , I got something I gatta ask, about last night at the club" Heather asked hesitantly as she looked at him, she remembered that he had backed off immediately when the stranger she had been dancing with came, he must have been someone he knew.<br/><br/>"Yeah, what about it?" he asked as he took a sip from his drink, <br/><br/>"Who's the guy that ..."<br/><br/>"Speak of the devil" Jasper said as he looked up behind Heather , she turned lightly to see who it was he was talking about but before she could ask him again someone called for him.<br/><br/>"Mr. Hart" someone called for Jasper as they approached them, he smiled lightly at the bride , congratulating her before he asked to steal Jasper away, she smiled in agreement as she took another sip from her wine when someone approached her from the back.<br/><br/>"Drinking again?" A familiar voice asked, Heather felt her heart race in her chest as she turned around to see who it was , that scent , that musk , she knew it very well, she turned around and smiled as her eyes landed on the familiar stranger infront of her, his looks were nothing in comparison to her groom, but he had a deadlier stare and a more dangerous look, if her husband was the normal handsome, the man infront of her was the unfamiliar handsome, something about his features that weren't as beautiful of stunning but deadly, he had dark brows, his eyes a dark shade of grey and a light shade of brown coupled with long dark lashes, his lips were thin and his nose straight, he wasn't handsome, no, not even stunning, he was breathtaking.<br/><br/>"Hey" she said nervously, waving lightly at him,<br/><br/>"I, ermm, I didn't expect to see you again so soon" she said as she smiled lightly at him, she could feel her cheeks hit up, she was blushing, he was staring hard at her, holding her gaze as he smiled back at her.<br/><br/>"Yeah well, neither did I but here we are" he said as he moved closer to her, taking the glass from her hand and placing it down.<br/><br/>"You seemed like a light drinker too me" he said as he handed her the glass of lemonade he was holding in his hand.<br/><br/>"Thanks" she said lightly as she looked at him questioningly.<br/><br/>"I never caught your name last time" she said as she looked at him, he had a bit of familiarity in his looks but she couldn't tell where or what she found familiar about his looks.<br/><br/>"Oh ,yeah, that, I told you it didn't matter didn't I?" He asked as he looked at her.<br/><br/>"Did the dress fit?" He asked before she could reply<br/><br/>"You,...."<br/><br/>"I see you've met the bride" Austin said as he walked up towards them, he had left Heather's side after he got an urgent phone call, but Heather was certain that it was Bella, not that she cared, but it looked to her like her husband was stuck up on his ex and she could understand, she had been their with Jasper too.<br/><br/>"I have " he replied as he looked at her , <br/><br/>" She's quite the beauty isn't she?" He asked as he looked at her , she felt her cheeks burn as she shyly looked away.<br/><br/>"There's no need for introductions then" Austin said instead.<br/><br/>"I didn't think you'd show" Austin said as he looked at his brother .<br/><br/>"Neither did I, but well, here I am" he said as he smiled at him.<br/><br/>"Xavier " Bella called as she approached the group, <br/>'So,Xavier is his name ' Heather thought as she looked at him <br/>'and how does he know Bella?' she wondered as she looked at him <br/><br/>"Oh, the bride and groom" she said as she feigned surprise, <br/>"Congratulations " she said as she smiled at them, Heather smiled lightly in acceptance of the congs while her groom stood with a frown on his face.<br/><br/>"How's the venue? , I hope it's too your liking" she said as she looked between the bride and groom.<br/><br/>"Hasn't it been a while?" She asked as she turned to look at Xavier after she got no reply.<br/><br/>"It has , and I thought you were going to be my in-law " Xavier said as he smiled at her.<br/>'In-law?' Does that mean? Heather wondered. 'Are they brothers?!' She wondered.<br/><br/>"Yeah well, that makes two of us" she said .<br/><br/>"But the new bride is pretty a catch too" she added turning to look at Heather.<br/><br/>"I.." <br/><br/>"Heather" Amber called as she walked up to them<br/><br/>"Hey" Heather replied as she turned to her friend, she had taken offense in what Xavier and Bella had said and had also felt a strange vibe between the two brothers thus feeling relief when her friend came up to her.<br/><br/>"Excuse me " she said to the trio before running off to her bestie for the rescue.<br/><br/>"You looked like you could use a hand" she said , Heather looked back at her new husband and the familiar stranger she had just learned was a Moore as well, she could see the resemblance and difference all at once.</p>