
Mending Our Broken Hearts

Heather Halloway is forced into an arranged marriage by her business minded mother and is made to get married to one of the Moore boys, Austin Moore . However she finds herself falling madly in love with one of her brothers -in- law Xavier, who seems oddly interested in her too, will she learn to love her husband or will she still choose to love her husband's younger brother . Please leave a review and let me know what you think.Thanks

Nimbus_Feels · Thành thị
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8 Chs

chapter six (ii)

"You looked like you could use a hand " Amber said as she took Heather away.

" I sure as hell did" Heather said as she smiled at her friend,

"What's up with Austin and Xavier?" Heather asked curiously, maybe it was high time she knew more about her husband and her current crush before it got out of hand, and for fucks sake why was she even crushing on her husband's young brother of all people.

"Ermm, " Amber said hesitantly

"You should ask Fall, " she said and they both turned to the direction where Fall stood talking to some cute guy, as usual, they thought.

"Xavier!?" Fall asked when she heard from Heather that Xavier was the gentle guy she had met at the club.

"He's bad news, very bad news" she said as she looked at Heather cautioning her.

" There are rumors he's partly the reason to why Austin broke up with Bella, they had been dating for two good years by the way but staff went south when she met him" she said,

"I know you think Jackson and Alfred are asses but Xavier is the devil itself " Fall continued

Jackson was the eldest son of the Moore's and also Sage's ex husband and Alfred was the dad to the Moore's,

"He takes after his dad I think" she continued

"Well, I don't know much about Austin , he's normally off the grid , keeps a low profile unlike his other brothers, well, except that he dated Bella and that says something" she added , this time taking a sip off her drink before she turned to look at Heather.

"I guess it's time someone figured out who Austin Moore actually is," she said.

"I mean past all this facade he puts on of a tough guy, am sure there's something about him, there must be something, he's a Moore after all" she finished.

Heather sat in wonder as she listened to Fall go on about the Moore's, as it turns out, her crush wasn't actually the good guy she thought he was and well, her husband was a mystery, a mystery she had to look into, well, according to Fall.

Heather turned lightly to look at her newly wed husband, he was handsome not just his face but even his build , he was tall and lean , looked like he worked out and she watched curiously as he listened indifferently to one of his business partners, he seemed to always keep a straight face,

' Does he ever smile?' she wondered,

Her eyes wandering off when she caught a glimpse of Xavier, he was watching her, Heather felt her heart skip a bit as they made eye contact, and frowned lightly as she watched him signal for her to follow him,

"Excuse me " she said to her friends as she got up and walked to follow Xavier to the balcon

" I didn't think you'd actually come" he said as she walked up to him, well, she didn't know why she had followed him either, curiousity? She wondered to herself as she looked at him.

"About earlier " he said. " I seemed to have offended you" he added lightly,

" I apologise for my words, or actions " he said chuckling lightly,

Heather stood as she looked cautiously at Xavier, she wondered if she should be cautious around him or not, he seemed nice, not evil, she thought as she listened to him air his apology, she had believed what Fall had said about him a few seconds ago because of their earlier encounter but right now, she was starting to think otherwise again.

"Ermmm, " he said as he looked inquisitively at her.

"Are you ermm, are you gonna say something?" He asked

"Well, Im not sure what to think right now" Heather said honestly as she looked at him,

" One minute you're an ass and the next " she said as she shrugged.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd take offense in what I said, it's an arranged marriage after all, and well, he dated Bella for two years, she was his first girlfriend" he explained,

"His first?" Heather asked suprised, as far as she was concerned, her husband was 24 years of age, 4 years older than her and if he dated Bella for 2 years that meant that he was 22 and that was his first relationship? She thought as she listened to Xavier.

"Looks like you didn't even bother to look up what type of person your new husband is" Xavier said with a light chuckle as he walked closer to her.

"No, I didn't find it necessary " she said.

"Wow," he said looking at her " you surprise me Heather" he said moving his hand up and pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear and Heather felt her ears burn from his touch, she stepped back, this was wrong, he was her husband's brother for God's sake , she thought to herself.

"Erm ,I ...ahh....I'll accept your apology " she said stattering as she looked at him.

"Does that mean that we good now?" He asked as he looked down at her, he had his hand that had pushed her hair strands back tucked away in his pocket.

"Yeah, and I , I've been away for too long, I should go" she said before turning around and literally fleeing from the scene, only to bump into Austin on the way,

"You okay? " He asked as he helped her stand straight and Heather shook her head lightly in agreement.

"You sure?" He asked as he looked attentively at her ,

"I am"she smiled.

"Good, I think it's time we took our leave" he said as she stood facing him,

"You know, the wierd one" he said and Heather laughed.

He was talking about the exit and the fact that he called it wierd made Heather laugh, she didn't like it either , well , she found it exaggerated and wierd too, but, the way Austin said it made it funnier , especially with his expressionless face.

"What's funny?" He asked as he frowned at the laughing Heather .

"Nothing, it's just, I find the exit unnecessary too" she said ,

"Well, how about we just elope from the scene?" She teased, she knew there was no way in hell he would agree to that, but

"Sounds like a good idea to me " he said thoughtfully, " I've been thinking about doing just that" he added, " I just didn't think you would be up for it" he finished

Heather looked dumbfounded at Austin for a second, he seemed serious, she couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but she sure as hell didn't take him for someone who could joke.

"Come" he said as he extended his hand out to her,

"Let's get out of here" he finished

Heather looked between Austin's outstretched hand and his face , trying to figure out what she should say, she had meant it as a joke, rather she had been trying to tease him, but he seemed to have taken her serious.

"Hey" Someone called as they approached them, Heather turned to see her mom's secretary approach and Austin retreated his hand.

"Sorry to interrupt, Everyone's waiting outside for you" she said as she between them

"Will be there in a moment " Austin replied and she left .

"You had your chance" he said " and now it's gone" he finished as he turned to walk towards the hall, while Heather followed suite .

Heather screamed as she pushed against Austin holding on tightly as she held his hand trying to cover herself from the champagne splashing trail that they were currently walking through.

She herself had chosen it as their exit and she seemed to be regretting it at the moment, she bent down, pushing closer to Austin who had his free hand from Heather up covering their faces from getting splashed on as they pushed through to their car which was waiting at the end of the line.

"Whose idea was this again?" He asked frowning as they got into the car, while he took off his jacket that was drenched and took out his handkerchief and handed it to her .

"Mine, it looked fun before," Heather explained as she took the handky from him and tried to pay off the champagne from her dress

"Yeah?" He asked mockingly

"Yeah" she said, " where to any way?" He asked

"To the airport, we have a flight to catch" Heather said .