
Well Paid Day Off

Alarm buzzing.

Madeleine's hands are searching for the alarm clock who's ringing vigorously. Waken up by it from her sweet dream, she wanted to smash the clock but could not afford to.

She nuzzled in the bed for awhile trying to sleep again but failed. She wanted her dream to continue. She was about to kiss her prince charming when the alarm starts ringing.

She got up from her bed and stretched her arms upward, yawned then headed to the bathroom.

It's past 8 am in the morning already but she's still inside the bathroom singing like hell.

It is her day off, her long awaited day off.

It's been a long time since she have gotten a day off and a day like this can't be wasted.

Madeleine's humming continue as she searched her cabinet on what to wear.

She wanted to go shopping and pamper herself.

She found the dress she wanted to wear.

It is a floral maxi dress and very comfortable. She paired it with flats and a hat, then, off to go.

She bought a bouquet of lilies in the nearby flower shop.

She wanted to visit her twin's grave.

She parked her car in the side-walk and entered the cemetery.

After awhile, she found her sister's grave.

She noticed that there were lilies on her sister's grave and placed hers above the old one.

Madeleine sat beside, caressing the marble stones.

"It's been awhile sis, I missed you." she said.

Madeleine continued to share her mischief to her sister as if she were there listening. She laughed, and sometimes cry. All of her emotions were laid as if there was someone listening to her. She kept talking and talking until her mouth run dry.

Time flies so fast and it was near noon already. Madeleine got up from where she seated and dusted off the grass from her dress.

"I should get going sis.." she bid farewell to the grave and patted the marble stone.

"I missed you so much. I love you. See you soon." and walked away.

She drove her car to the city. It was Saturday and many had come to the pier to unwind and relax. She found an unoccupied table and sat down, after awhile, she went to the counter to order some drink and walked back where she sat but someone is already sitting at the table she occupied earlier.

Luckily, she found another beside the garden.

She sat and began sipping her drink.

After finishing her drink, she took her bag and headed towards the city.

It's been a long time since she gotten off from work, she wandered around aimlessly in the city and then shopped some ingredients from the supermarket for dinner.

That night, she planned to make some beef stew to reward herself for her long awaited day off. When suddenly her work phone began to ring.

She dashed towards her bag and rummaged it and found her phone.

At the screen, her boss' name is on display. Automatically, she pressed the answer button.

"Hello ma'am." she answered abruptly.

"Please be advised that your next flight will be in 500 hours." said the female voice at the end.

"Yes ma'am..." she shortly replied then the line was cut.

Luckily, she did not chop the ingredients. She was about to but work came. She shoved all the ingredients to the ref and hurriedly went to her room. Her suitcase was standing beside her bed. She carried it above and unzipped then she started piling her basic necessities for her work.

This time, her flight would be in 5 different countries and it will be a long time before she will be back. Then she thought of the vegies she bought. It will make a putrid smell if she will not take care of it now.

She walked through the living room and gone to the kitchen. She open the refrigerator and packed the vegetables. She will just give it away than seeing it will be just spoilt rotten.

She rang the bell on her neighbor's door.

After waiting a few minutes, the door swung open and an elderly woman greeted her.

"Mrs. Sun, here." she handed over a cellophane full of vegetables.

"What's this young lady?" asked the elderly woman.

"Well, I was about to cook dinner but work came and I will not be back in few months. I don't want to go it to waste so I'm giving it to you." she explained.

The woman accepted the vegetables and let out a smile. "Thank you." said she.

"Nah.. Don't mention it. I will be going then." Madeleine waved goodbye to her neighbor.

She arrived in Aurora Inc. branch office and hangar in Florence.

She already received the iterinary of her flights through her phone. She went straight to a private plane and greeted Gregory. After that, she placed her suitcase in the compartment and made the necessary arrangements.

After few hours, two of her companions arrived. They were in their uniforms and ascended the plane. They greeted Madeleine and she just smiled back at them. She already finished the necessary arrangements for their flight. She overheard them talking about the VIP on this flight. It was Benedict Lui.

She is shocked. She doesn't want to create trouble for him. She knew she was her late sister's husband but what can she do? It was her job after all. She sat on their designated chair and waited for his arrival.