

The flight took 2 hours.

Benjamin carried all the stuff to the car and as the car drove by the road, he handed some documents to Benedict.

"It is what you requested earlier Sir." said Benjamin.

Benedict skimmed the rest of files related to Madeleine with no expression at all. He handed back the files to Benjamin. Benjamin thought that maybe she did not matter to him at all. So, he kept himself busy with his laptop. He organized the upcoming schedules for his master.

It was nearly midnight when they arrived at the manor.

It was a vast land. It is located at the top of a hill surrounded by forest. The main gate is at the bottom of the hill. The house is grand. In front of it is a fountain and a wide garden. It was built upon the request of the late lady.

The maids were all aligned to welcome their master after 2 years of being gone in the manor. They hoped that he will be better after he had therapy.

A black car stopped in front of them.

Benjamin got out in the car first and prepared Benedict's wheelchair and he signaled all of his subordinate to welcome him.

"Welcome back Master Lui." said everyone in chorus.

After that, they hurriedly helped the driver to pull out the things they have brought along.

Benjamin pushed the chair toward the grand hall of the house.

It was grand. The big chandeliers hanging in that hall are shining so brightly. It has two staircases but was modified for the condition of their master.

The center of it is a huge portrait of Benedict and Lucia on their wedding day. They wore their best smiles.

Benedict was staring at the portrait.

"Take it down." he commanded.

"Sir?" asked Benjamin. He was unsure of what he heard.

"Take that portrait down." rephrased Benedict.

"Y-yes sir." obeyed Benjamin.

It was so sudden to take it down. He thought that it was the last thing his master would do.

"Also, clean Lucia's room. Take all her things away." said him.

"Yes sir." all what could Benjamin say.

Benjamin was serving him when he was only a child. He really knew what he thinks and his actions now are seem questionable to him. He didn't show any of these in the surface at all and did what he ordered to by the master of the house. He called two guards to help him take down the portrait.

Probably he thought that it is his way of moving his life forward.

He can just say that his master is coming back to reality. The life without his one and only light, Lucia but to Benjamin, it is so sudden.

As Benjamin carrying out his master's order, Benedict pulled back some documents in his study. He skimmed through it and called Benjamin.

"Yes sir?" asked the butler.

"Find out about Aurora Inc. I want a detailed report." Benedict ordered.

"Yes sir." answered Benjamin and excused himself from his study.

The following morning, Benedict sat down in an 8 seater table. Alone eating his breakfast, he felt lonely. He called Benjamin to accompany him.

Benjamin wanted to decline but seeing his master's lonely face, he just agreed.

The two of them dined and soon after, Benjamin handed him the documents regarding Aurora Inc.

It was sunday, so, Benedict did not go to his company.

He called Benjamin to his study.

"Bring the necessary documents for purchasing Aurora Inc. tomorrow at the office." he instructed.

"Okay sir. Is there anything else sir?" asked the butler.

"No. That's all."

After, he exited his master's study and went to his room preparing the documents for purchasing the company.

Though it was weekend, he was rather busy.

Making all his master's orders.

It makes him feel gathering his pace to be back at his real world.