
Memoir of the Death God

Soul Society is a place known to cater to the souls of the dead. Various beliefs teach everyone to do good so they can end up in heaven, but Soul Society is anything but heaven-like. Governed by the Shinigami, who possess human desires, ugly things happen in Soul Society. Kurosaki Ichigo is a young man who is forced to become a Shinigami by the situation and remains one to save his friend. In a battle that almost costs his life, a small part of his dormant soul awakens. He is born anew. With a past that is riddled with death, he bears great displeasure toward how the Shinigami rule over Soul Society. Armed with the knowledge to reach his full potential and beyond, he is determined to change the world. How will Soul Society react to his goal? Will he remain a fearsome ally or a domineering foe?

Frona_Gorgophone · Tranh châm biếm
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66 Chs

My Name is…

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


"Good morning… Ichigo!"

Already awake since a few minutes ago, Ichigo caught the axe kick delivered by his ever-loving father and then remorselessly slammed him into the ground. He stepped on his father's stomach even before his father could commend him for his reflex.

"Morning, too, Goat-chin."

"Goho! You are grinding my bowels!"

"You almost killed me."

"I know you won't die!"

"I know you won't die."

Kurosaki Isshin, formerly Shiba Isshin, the Tenth Division's Ex-Captain, twisted in agony as his son stepped on him harder. It was only when his soul almost escaped his Gigai that he was pardoned from the torture. He noted that his son was less talkative but had gotten more brutal. His son was just like his wife.

Despite being Sunday, the Kurosaki household had a strict rule to have breakfast at 07.00, therefore, everyone must wake up before that. Yuzu, the chef of the house, prepared the breakfast while everyone was busy with their morning activity. Ichigo joined her after taking a bath, making her excited. It felt like a long time ago since she had last hung out with her brother.

"Did you have a good sleep, Onii-chan?"

"I did. Do I look exhausted?"

"No, but you look like you have been awake all night!"

Ichigo chuckled at Yuzu's ambiguous analogy as he put down another dish on the table. She didn't seem to understand why he found it funny as she tilted her head owlishly. Ichigo patted her head, causing her to blush. After what he had last night, an idea crossed his mind.

"Do you have a planned activity today?"

"Hmm… I will learn new recipes from the cookbook I recently bought, but before that, I am thinking of asking Karin-chan to buy some clothes with me! I don't know if she will agree, though," Yuzu answered contemplatively.

"Do you want to hang out with me today? I have secured enough fortune from my job."

"Hangout with Onii-chan!? I want that!"

Ichigo smiled at Yuzu's excitement. It briefly made him wonder if his sister would have acted like Yuzu if that misfortune hadn't befallen his family. He had made peace with the life he had left behind, so he didn't find his mood dampened. Last night was the last time he cried over his tragic past. He had a new life, so he focused on cherishing it.

Before long, everyone sat at the table. The family ate together in silence until their goofy father decided to crack jokes that he only found funny. Despite their show of annoyance, no one hated him for doing that. Their father could never replace their mother, but he fixed the hole in their heart.

"Anyway, Karin, are you going to be busy today?"

Shooting Ichigo a surprised look, Karin asked, "No, but why is it, Ichi-nii?"

"Yuzu and I are going to hang out. Do you want to join in on the fun?"

Karin blinked her eyes as she looked at her brother's warm smile. It reminded her of their mother greatly. It was not that surprising. Other than Yuzu, her brother resembled their mother the most, after all. What was surprising was that her brother was inviting her to hang out. Her brother was a certified lone wolf. He was not very fond of hanging out unless for a good reason.


With that said, she liked the change. Maybe, the hormone spike that caused her brother's hair to lengthen also did something to his head. It seemed to be the case since he hadn't scowled for close to two weeks now. She was happy for her brother, so a small smile involuntarily crept up her face.

"Eh, am I not going to be invited?"

Of course, their father had to ruin her mood.

"Shut it, Goat-chin! Don't you have a seminar you have to attend to?"

"Gah! Masaki-chan! Look at how cold our children are to me! I am hurt! I am hurt!"

Already, their idiot of a father was whining before the gigantic poster of their mother on the wall. They had already gotten used to it, but it still annoyed them. Well, their brother didn't seem annoyed which was quite peculiar.

When the breakfast was finished, Ichigo helped Yuzu despite her refusal. They washed the dish together and Yuzu seemed very happy about it despite her initial refusal. As soon as they finished washing the dishes, Ichigo told both of his sisters to change clothes as they were leaving soon. The two complied easily, which would have made Isshin cry if he hadn't left for his medical seminar.

While Yuzu and Karin were getting dressed, Ichigo also changed his clothes. He wore a white shirt under a cream-colored cardigan and a pair of slim-fit grey pants. It was simple but more than enough to make him look gorgeous. He would have fallen in love with himself if he had been a narcissist.

Getting down, he found his sisters waiting for him. Karin dressed herself like a boy which fit her greatly. She wore a hoody, a hat to cover her head, and a pair of chinos shorts. Yuzu dressed herself in a pink T-shirt underneath a white, cotton-made open jacket and a skirt that was right above her knees. Both of them looked adorable in their outfit.

"Well, look at that. How lucky I am to have such beautiful sisters," Ichigo complimented with a smile.

"T- Thank you, Onii-chan," Yuzu said shyly

"Geez…. Why are you being corny out of the blue?" Karin threw her head to the side but was glad by the compliment.

"Well, I love you guys too."

That remark made the two sisters freeze. When they recovered from their shock, they did what they deemed best in that situation. Yuzu quickly reciprocated meanwhile Karin wondered if Ichigo's spiking hormones had damaged his brain. Despite the dichotomy, the two still agreed that they liked the new Ichigo.

After wearing their shoes, they got out of the house and then walked to the main street together, so they could get a taxi. Upon arriving at the main street, they immediately got one. Their destination was Karakura Central Mall. Karin was not that fond of shopping, but hanging out with her brother was not something she wanted to miss. Therefore, she was quite looking forward to what they were going to do.

Upon arriving at the mall, all eyes turned to them; to be precise, Ichigo. Knowing their brother's attractiveness, the two sisters knew it was going to happen. It was annoying that everyone's eyes followed wherever they went, but they eventually got used to the look. On the other hand, Ichigo had never paid any mind to the eyes.

"Let's buy some clothes for you guys."

"Ugh… why does it have to be now?"

"It is going to be fun, Karin-chan!"

"I doubt it."

Despite grumbling, Karin still followed along. They arrived at a quite high-end clothing store under Ichigo's lead not long after. Before any of them could ask Ichigo if he knew how expensive the clothes were, one of the store clerks greeted them and took them inside. They had no choice but to follow.

As they looked at him in worry while the clerk suggested clothes that might fit them, Ichigo assuringly said, "I have enough money to buy the entire store. Don't worry about the price."

Their brother never lied, so they immediately nodded their heads in astonishment. Trying each one of the clerk's suggestions, they only chose to buy some of them. Some of the suggested clothes were too high-class for their taste. Heading to the counter to pay, they keenly listened to the price of their clothes. Their eyes bulged out of their sockets, but Ichigo remained unfazed as he took out his card and swiped it.

They exited the store after getting the receipt, sent off by the clerk who got a wide smile on her face. The two sisters looked at their brother in wonder. They believed in their brother, but they had to worry about where he got his money. They were fine with his being quite a bit of a delinquent, but they didn't want him to be a criminal.

"An organization called SS hired me to help them research metaphysical energy. It is a hard and quite a weird job since we work with something that most people think doesn't exist, but it pays well," he explained even before they could ask. "It is an honest job."

"I didn't know you were into science, Ichi-nii," Karin remarked, testing Ichigo to see if he was lying.

"Metaphysics cannot yet be explained by science. I got hired because I can see ghosts. We study souls."

Something in the back of her mind was telling Karin that she knew what Ichigo was talking about. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried to recall, she couldn't remember it. Then, suddenly, she recalled a face that seemed so familiar yet felt so foreign. As she forced herself to remember that person, memory rushed through her brain. She could recall everything. Everything instantly clicked into place.

"You are a Shinigami," Karin blurted out, covering her mouth in the next moment.

Ichigo patted her head with a smile. "That, I am."

"Eh, what are you, Onii-chan?" Yuzu asked.

"That will be my and Karin-chan's secret."

"Eh, that's not fair!"

Karin was slightly stunned that she could forget those life-altering events but eventually recovered. Knowing what her brother did, she couldn't say she was relieved given how dangerous the job was.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Adan Smith

Venerable Immortal Haider Alkefaji

Venerable Immortal B0mbaCl0ckBob

Venerable Immortal Jack Wright

Venerable Immortal SilverWolf

Why did I disappear yesterday? My friend just moved to Soul Society... if that place even exists. It was too abrupt. She was still young and had a long road ahead of her. Anyway, cherish your friend, folks.

Frona_Gorgophonecreators' thoughts