
Memoir of a Thief

Four magic attributes — Flame, Water , Earth, and Wind — dominate the kingdom of Lapis. In this kingdom, a young boy meets his fate as he embarks on his journey to the castle. He soon found himself at the centre of attention when he summoned a useless old ring with his Neutral attribute...where a threat is around the corner and his destiny awaits...

Takoyarou · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Lowborn Noble

There are invisible iron bars here. These bars hold Aure with twenty four others, while the King's throne stands proudly at the end. Aure has not been able to tolerate the level of boredom since fifteen minutes ago. Despite being a noble, Aure was all alone. No one would care to approach him as he is the lowest born of noble. He's now about to have a dinner in a spacious hall with other nobles and the King, except the King wasn't arrive yet.

Each one of them were chatting and laughing in groups. Two noble girls walked past Aure near the exit, talking about the visits they had and how fun it was. Aure enjoys his drink and overheard some of the girl's conversations regarding the heirloom.

"Do you think I could get my heirloom the same color as my family jewel?" said the ponytail noble girl. She is showing her yellow pendant with an eagle-crest craved on it to the blonde noble girl.

"Of course. I mean we are noble after all," answered the blonde proudly. "Is that right, Claudie?"

A retainer named Claudie replied, "Yes, my lady." He slightly bow and praises them, "Lady Frey and Lady Aurora are guaranteed to receive the heirlooms whatever they want."

Both of the lady smile, clearly satisfied with the answer.

Heirloom is a common term for nobles. Originally, an heirloom is something that has been passed down for generations through family members. In Lapis Kingdom, heirlooms are tools only for the nobles to support them. Some heirlooms (but not all) provide element magic boost while these pieces of gear are wore by its users. Some only increase the physical strength or defend while in battleground (most for Paladin Knight). There are many unknown power concerning the heirloom, as it is depend on the individuals. In other word, the world of heirloom is vast, you never knew what going to happen.

Aure remembers reading some histories in ancient books that involved the heirlooms. Once, a noble hero received a dragon as his heirloom. Another was gifted with 'key' and it was written that the key could opened anything from the dungeon door to treasure vaults. This is why some nobles quite takes their pride in this matter and to be bestowed such heirloom, you have to compete. Commoners doesn't deserve the heirloom but not all noble could obtain it. Of course there won't be any merit for those who are not chosen. The heirloom is simply aiding its user but in a great power.

Aure was about to drink a second shot when he heard a familiar voice. "Isn't that Aurelius Licorne?" said the familiar voice mockingly.

"I guess the test was too easy to think that you could overthrow another high nobleman."

Aure narrows his eyes as he saw someone was heading his way. It was Vil Fabian. Aure didn't wait for him to come, he simply walks away from his spot.

"What's with that attitude, you lowborn?" Vil jeered at him. He is Aure's bully, but to Aure, Vil is more of a parasite, boosting himself at a cost to others.

"To avoid people like you," answered Aure calmly, though the word 'lowborn' does stings his heart.

Vil snickers, "You sound so confident, want to spar later?"

Aure say nothing. He knew he would lose. The person in front of him isn't lanky though, there's bulk on him too; muscles beneath the uniform. Most of all, Aure is not a fighting-type. Vil pushes Aure hard causing him to jerk back a few steps. Luckily, Aure was fast enough to dodge the dripping water from his glass. Vil about to have him more a piece of him when a royal retainer announced the King's entrance.

"Introducing the arrival of King Caprius XIII"

Aure lets out a relief sigh. He could see the movement in Vil's jaw and his sombre expression but he don't care. Everyone is now positioned themselves and bowing in respect to the King. Behind him stood two generals, Sire Roy Huffin, The Strongest Warrior and Dame Lisa Deary, The Alluring Archer, whom the whole nation admires the most, including Aure. Aure stand on tiptoe as people crowded the heroes, searching for a person but then he frowned. Sire Atlas Winter, The Powerful Mage wasn't here. Aure wants to meet him so badly that he admires the mage to becomes his role model. The three knights are said to fight alongside together with our wise ruler, King Caprius XIII.

The King raises a smile as he looks toward all the future young nobles, revealing his cheekbones. Dark hair covering his head, long and fragrant with aromatic citrus. The King is not that old, he just turns 36 years old couple of weeks ago.

"Welcome to the castle of Lapis Kingdom, young nobles!" he greets every single person in the hall. "I shall make it brief and congratulated all of you who make it here through this year."

All the young nobles give him an applause. Aure did the same.

The King continued, "Live for today, let go yesterday but hold your hands open to tomorrow. If you do that, then you're good."

The King holds out the glass high and make a toast to everyone. "Let's us have a feast." The dinner party began as the classical music chimed in without effort, slowly rushing in and around every person in the hall but the real star is the food. Huge platters of savory foie gras accompanied by mustard seeds and green beans. Tagliolini with white truffle, kale chips and chocolate dessert. Not to mention the beluga caviar drizzled in different sauces desperately calling for spicy concoctions.

Aure already licked his fleshy lips and grabbed a set of silver spoon and fork elegantly. "Mushroom soup, roasted beef slice…" he murmured while eyeing another dishes that's been served on the table. He almost cry when he taste a bite of foie gras. Its rich flavor, a little buttery and delicate mixture immensely satisfying to him.

"You sure eat well," say a friendly voice.

"Fis food wfas outhstandinf!" answered Aure happily with his full mouth but then he almost choke on his food when he realizes the one who talking to him is the King.

"Is that so?" the King chuckled softly.

Aure quickly gives a low bow to him. He feels so dumb and ashamed for his vulgar manner. The King raised his right hand with a smile, signalling 'Don't worry about it' but Aure already felt a cold stare from around him.

"How's Sire Theo doing?" the King asked. "I heard he resolved the smuggling case in Ingris Village, I'm impressed."

"Your Highness, my father is currently clean-up the aftermath" answered Aure with a nod.

"Really? Perhaps it's your turn soon. Keep up the good work," said the King again. Aure give him the courtesy for a last time respectfully as he watches the King went to greet another noble.

"A king sure has a lot of work to do, huh," Aure muttered in a low voice.

After spending some time at the party, Aure went to his private room inside the castle. It's not like he had friends to 'chill out' with, but he's sort of anxious when he thinks about tomorrow. Tomorrow there will be a ceremony where he will receive his heirloom for the first time ever. A fate that he's about to encounter.