
We aren't sharing the same bed, are we?

Chapter sixty-three

Wait! He'd brought her to his room? Why would he? She was sure that there were many rooms in the house- but he decided to bring her here? His words rang in her ears again, "...the night is still new..."

Her heart raced all the more and she found herself swallowing hard again. 

"You wanted my clothes, remember? Where else do you think my clothes would be?" He leaned forward, searching her dilated credulous eyes. This woman was cute as a bug's ear and her cuteness was causing him to find her quite interesting. It was evoking in him an intense interest in her.

Right! His clothes. They were going to pick something she could wear. What was she thinking? But, he'd made it clear that they would be sleeping here- in his room. Where was he going to sleep or did he plan on sleeping with her in the same room? Another blush crept on her face as the thought came in a flash and that didn't go unnoticed by Xander. She couldn't count the number of times she'd blushed just this night. 

"I- I thought you said I was sleeping here. If I'd be sleeping in your room, where then would you sleep? You don't intend to give up your room for me now. Do you?" She asked looking surprised. "Oh no! That wouldn't be necessary. I could use any of the guest rooms, one of the sofas in the living room, the visitor's room, the sofa room or any other place- well any other place other than your room, of course. It's totally fine with me," she blurted out.

"And who said I was relinquishing my room for you, Miss Houston?" He chuckled. 

"Then- Then, if you're not..." What she feared suddenly hit her. 

"Y- You are going to sleep here too?" Oh no! She was completely screwed. Vanessa would scream if she heard this. She's even warned her against it. She'd never slept in the same room as a man before. Never. She'd never imagined even doing that. If it were a friend, she was sure that she'd have had no issue with it. But this was different, it was Mr Williams. It was someone she was in love with. How was she supposed to share the room with him this night? Or was he joking? Of course, he wasn't, she heard another part of her screaming in her ears. She knew for a fact that he wasn't the kind that joked, at least, not with things like this. 

"If it's about what I said earlier, about the room being too big for me to stay in...you don't have to babysit-"

Xander chuckled so loudly, cutting her short and Anna could hear his laughter echoing in the room. He was acting so different this night. It was like another Alexander Williams was being unveiled to her.

"Did you say 'babysit'? What am I? A nanny? You're so unbelievable."

"If that is not the case, then why would you want me to sleep here in your room?" 

"You think too much, Miss Houston." He walked away and opened his wardrobe, which was more of a closet and Anna found herself staring widely at his clothes which were neatly arranged in the closet. Did he own all of that? It was as though she were in a boutique. She could see that some of his clothes were hung, while others were folded neatly in the closet. She could see a white light there and again, she couldn't help but wonder how a wardrobe could have a source of illumination of its own. Every single thing she'd seen in his house was nothing short of perfection. 

On another side of the closet, she could see different wristwatches, cufflinks, sunglasses and footwear. She saw why he'd never run out of a different type of sunglasses or wristwatch. 

Xander's eyes raked the clothes in his closet with his hand on his chin. It was as though he was searching for the right cloth to give to her. There were different kinds of clothes there ranging from coats, sweaters, shirts, pants, and suits among others. He pulled a white shirt from the rack and walked back gracefully to where she was, handing the shirt to her.

"This should suffice," he said and Anna found herself examining it. 

"What? You don't want it?" He asked, his hands were in his pocket.

"No, not at all. Thank you so much. I appreciate it," she said, still looking at the shirt. She used that as a cue. She was indirectly telling him to give her some privacy without saying anything. She didn't know how to tell him. He couldn't be a pervert, could he? There was no way he'd want to watch her change into those clothes. 

As if sensing what was going on in her head, he said, "I'll just let you change. I'll be back soon," and with that, he left the room.

Anna felt relief wash through her as he closed the door. She looked at the shirt in her hand and brought it to her face, taking in his intoxicating scent. She loved the way his clothes smelled like. Anna randomly imagined him opening the door and finding her half-naked, trying to change into his shirt and she instantly felt adrenaline running through her veins. She decided that she'd change in the bathroom instead. She quickly went into the bathroom to change into his shirt. It was longer than she thought it would be. It covered her bosom well but it wasn't long enough to cover her knee. She could also see some parts of her thighs outside, but the shirt wasn't revealing too much skin.

A myriad of thoughts ran through her mind as she came out of the bathroom and spotted the bed. She hoped that they wouldn't be sharing the same bed. She was already feeling uneasy just thinking of the fact that they would be sleeping under the same roof when he'd told her that she wouldn't be going home. As if that was not enough, she found out that they would be sleeping in the same room. She didn't even know what would happen if he says they would be sharing the same bed.