
Thank you, Greg

Chapter ninety

When Greg returned to the hospital, he silently prayed that Vanessa was still there because a couple of minutes had passed. Vanessa was also relatively stubborn, she could have left without him. When he saw her on the bed as he entered, he felt relief wash through him.

"I thought you probably left or something," Greg said closing the door behind him and Anna turned to see him walk in.

"I did give you my word. I'm a woman of my word." Vanessa added and Greg handed her what he bought for her. She looked into the paper bag he gave to her and her stomach growled immediately. 

"Do you care to join me?" Vanessa asked, fixing her gaze at Greg who nodded his head in disagreement. 

"Why? Don't you like corn dogs?" Vanessa innocently asked Greg who shook his head in response. 

"I prefer hot dogs instead." 

"Is that so?" Vanessa innocently asked rhetorically. 

Vanessa ate her food in silence and when she was done, she felt bloated.

"Thank you so much, Greg," Vanessa said, looking over at Greg who was standing at a corner in the room.

"I really should be going now. I feel so lazy here." Greg rushed towards her and tried to help her rise.

"Are you sure that you can walk?" Greg asked concerned. "If you can't, I'll just carry you-" 

"I can manage." Vanessa stubbornly said, cutting Greg short. She rose to her feet and started leaping. Greg could only shake his head at her stubbornness. This woman was an entirely different breed.

"I'll just get a wheelchair. Wait a moment." Vanessa tried to hesitate but Greg didn't bother listening to her. He came in a few moments later with a wheelchair and carefully placed Vanessa in it, wheeling her out of the hospital room.

"Thank you for being here with me, Greg," Vanessa said, as Greg wheeled her.

"Hey ma'am, that's enough giving of thanks now. I'm afraid your 'thank yous' would be enough to build castles," Greg said, chuckling. He helped her out of the wheelchair as they reached outside he placed her hand around his neck to steady her. Vanessa wasn't expecting what happened next because Greg immediately scooped her in his arms and carried her like a baby. 

"We'll leave here faster this way," he whispered as she tried to protest. She couldn't believe that he still carried her even though she had told him not to. They got out of the hospital faster and in no time, he found a cab which he flagged down for her.

"Home, right?" Lines creased his forehead in concern and Vanessa replied to him by nodding. He carefully placed her at the back of the car and sat beside her. The drive home was quite silent because neither Vanessa nor Greg talked much.

"We're here," Vanessa said in a rather high-pitched tone and Greg's eyes flew open. He'd closed his eyes all through the drive home. Vanessa thought that he was probably tired. He deserved all the rest he could get because he'd helped her to no small degree at all today. 

He propped her up and helped her out of the vehicle draping his arm around her tiny waist to hold her in place. 

"Are you alright?" He asked her in concern and she simply nodded at him. She was at least grateful that this man was a persistent fellow. She didn't know how she would have made it home without his help. She'd been a bit sceptical about bringing him to her house, Anna's house to be precise, but it wasn't like she had a choice. There was no way she'd have made it thus far without his help. Besides, from what she could gather of him, Greg was a harmless man. Since she met him, he'd been good to her. She on the contrary had been the bad one to him.

When they arrived inside, he carefully placed her on the sofa like she was a breakable glass.

"Water, please," she asked and he looked around for the refrigerator. He spotted it almost quickly and retrieved a bottle of water from it, handing it to her. He propped her up carefully in a sitting position and she gulped the water down her parched throat. He carefully placed her back on the sofa and sat across her.

"Ensure you rest well, alright? Do you live alone?" He suddenly asked.

"No, I live with my friend, but she's at work now."

"I was wondering if there was anyone I could leave you with here." 

"It's alright, Greg. You've done more than enough for me. I can't keep you here with me. I'll be just fine by myself. Thank you, so much," she said, assuring him that she was fine.

"Are you sure?" 

"Definitely." She said and Greg nodded satisfactorily. He said his goodbyes and added that he'd drop by later to see how she was doing.