

Chapter twenty-four 

Vanessa was still in a frenzy, even after he'd gone. She couldn't control her actions as he stood there some moments ago. It was as though the world stopped completely, allowing only him to play a role in it. 

"That is the man you've been talking about?" Vanessa managed to ask, finally regaining her voice. Anna simply nodded. 

"That was no man, Anna! That was the god of beauty standing right before our eyes! I can't seem to join the knots together - what you've said concerning him and what I actually saw. I've never seen a man like him in my entire life." She said nodding her head in disbelief, her eyes still in astonishment.

Anna simply shrugged, not knowing how best to answer Vanessa.

"Why do I think that he knows more than he is revealing?" Vanessa suddenly said, after getting a hold of herself. 

"Exactly what I've been thinking, Nes! He's a man of few words. He'd confirm his doubts about something and leave you hanging on the same. He'd done the same to me just recently." She said in anger, arousing Vanessa's interest. 

"What was it about?" She asked eagerly. 

"It was- It was about my father?" She said, looking down at her fingers.

"What?" Vanessa asked, surprised. "What does your father have to do with Mr Alexander Williams? Is he someone he knows?" She probed further. 

"He asked me about him out of the blue. Imagine how shocked I was when he posed the question. When I told him all I knew about him, he refused to give me a heads up on why he'd asked or what he knows exactly about him." She rolled her eyes, clearly frustrated. She gestured for Vanessa to bring her another cup of water. She could feel her throat parched. 

"This man is such a strange one," Vanessa said, shaking her head in astonishment as she handed her the water-filled cup.

"You could say that again." She said gulping the water down her throat to quench her thirst. Vanessa gently placed the cup back on the table. 

"I'm glad you weren't too hurt," Vanessa said, changing the topic. 

"I was so terrified. I thought I'd die. It was a near-death experience for me. I thought that the end had come for me. I felt so helpless- so vulnerable."

"You need to be more careful, Anna, especially since you do not know who this man is. For all we know, he could even still be lurking around." 

Vanessa paused for a while before adding, "I'd advise that you also take a break from work, pending the time that this would be sorted out." 

Vanessa already expected the answer Anna would give her. "I don't think that would be necessary, Nes. I have a responsibility, which I must fulfil. I shouldn't shy away from work because of this." 

"At the expense of your life, Anna? Don't be ridiculous. I'm sure as hell that if this man is truly a stalker, he'd resurface again, trust me. I can't even begin to imagine what will happen then. Giving you a break from work is the least Mr Williams can do. This is a serious issue, Anna." Vanessa said, trying to convince Anna to consider her suggestion. 

"I'll be alright, Vanessa. Trust me. To be honest, I was quite sceptical about letting you know about this. I knew that you'd be worried about me, and that's the last thing I want from you, Nes. I don't want you to be worried about me."

Vanessa knew that Anna was stubborn. She'd always been. Once she'd made up her mind about something, it's almost impossible to get her to change it. She had a mind of her own. While Vanessa admired her for that sometimes, other times, it made her almost cringe in fear that she was such a daredevil. Vanessa knew that there was almost nothing she could do to change Anna's mind on this. 

"What can I say? It looks like you've made up your mind already on this. Don't come crying to me, because I'll definitely say 'I told you so'." She said, shrugging her shoulders in defeat. 

"You've seemed to forget that I'm a fighter. I'll get through this. I promise, Nes." She said, assuring her. Vanessa simply sighed in defeat, nodding her head. 

From the author

Hi, guys!💙💙💙

There has been a glitch with my uploads lately. I'm so sorry about that. I'm fixing it already. Guess what guys? My novel ranked 46th amongst Light reader's monthly updates! Thank you for staying with me. Thank you for choosing Anna and Xander. The goal is to reach the top five.😭 We can do this guys! Are you enjoying my book? Kindly rate it and send me your honest comments and reviews on it! I'd appreciate every single one of them.


Yours truly,


IG handle: precious_chel_sea