
Sprawled in the bathtub

Chapter one hundred and thirty

Xander didn't spend much time in the hospital because he found Kathryn sleeping when he arrived in her room. He'd figured that she was probably exhausted from waiting so long for him. He'd decided to visit her early the next day. He knew what her message meant. He knew that she'd forgiven him and he was glad. He was happy that she was no longer mad at him. Hell! He almost went crazy when she sent him out of the room many hours back. He'd been a little sad that Kathryn was not awake to see that he actually came.

He could imagine how she must have been feeling. He'd not seen Davis after the last time that they spoke. To be honest, he was angry at Davis, especially because he'd let things get to this point. The evil would have been lesser if he'd told Kathryn about this himself. Kathryn would have been really mad at him, but the whole situation wouldn't have been this bad. He knew how hearing from Natasha would have hurt her, and that was exactly why he'd been trying to get Davis to tell Kathryn about it himself. 

He wondered why he didn't do it. He'd promised that he would tell Kathryn all about it, but why did she hear it from Natasha instead? He'd not called Davis, Davis had also not phoned him. He'd been too distraught to even speak to him. He'd talk to Davis tomorrow and he'd better have a good explanation as to what exactly happened. He knew that it would take some time for Kathryn to heal from this hurt because of how much she loved Davis. He however hoped that it wouldn't take too long. 

Xander's drive back home was quiet, except for the soft music which was playing in the background. He got home in no time, and he figured that Anna would probably still be awake. He didn't know why, but he enjoyed her presence in his house. Somehow, her presence made the whole house bubbly and he liked it. She was like fireworks that sparkled and shimmered in the dark, emitting beautiful lights all around. 

When Xander entered his living room, he saw that Anna was not there. He wondered if she'd gone back to her room or was she in his room? Could she be sleeping? Wouldn't that be too soon? He'd left just some minutes ago. How could she sleep so fast? 

He decided to check his room first. He didn't know why he did that. Had he expected her to be in his room? Maybe he'd thought that she would be there because she knew her way in and out of his room. When he arrived at the front of his door, he knocked and silence followed. It was sort of ridiculous that he was knocking on the door of his room, but he had to act gentlemanly. For all he knew she could be changing her clothes, and he wasn't about to see her getting dressed or undressed. Not that he minded, in fact, seeing her that way would be a hell of a sight, but he knew what seeing her body could do to him, and he wasn't about to have another hard-on because of Anna Houston. He'd been having erections that he could do almost nothing about because of her. It was like only Anna had the power to make him feel that way.

When he entered his room, he noticed that she wasn't there. His room was exactly how he left it. He was sure that she didn't even step foot in there. She was probably in the room he carried her to. 

He immediately imagined her inside the forbidden room and he shrugged off the thought as soon as it came. There was no way Anna would go there, especially with the way she looked when he'd warned her against it. He knew that she was daring, but she would never defy him in that respect. He found his way to the room he'd laid her many hours before and knocked on the door. He knocked again because he was answered by dead silence. Slowly, he opened the door and saw that she was nowhere in sight. Where was she? He walked into the room and his eyes fell to the door of the bathroom which was slightly open. 

Did someone come into the room? Who would have dared to enter his house? He slowly walked to the door of the bathroom and knocked slightly on it,  but he heard nothing. His emotions got the better of him and he immediately yanked the door open. What he saw made his heart stop a bit. It was Anna. She was sprawled in the bathtub with her head tilted to a side. 

Did something happen to her?