

Chapter thirty-six 

She immediately felt his presence looming around her and Anna immediately convulsed as fear got the better of her.

"What. Are. You. Still. Doing. Here?" She felt his hot breath against her skin as he snarled. Anna couldn't even dare to look at his face. She was too scared to turn back as he stood behind her.

"T- T- The d- d- door. The door. It's- It's not opening," she whispered incoherently. Her heart was racing as she stood there trembling. Her whole body quivered, making it difficult for her to stand properly. His hands immediately banged on the door and Anna shrieked in fear. Her eyes welled with tears which made her vision hazy. She had never been so frightened. Every moment seemed like a ticking bomb as he stood right behind her. She slowly looked up at his hands which were clenched in a fist. His knuckles were very white. She could see his veins popping out.

That instant, Anna prayed for some miracle to happen. He released his hand and placed his palm on the door.

"Leave now!" He suddenly snapped and in that instant, the door clicked open. 

Anna immediately slipped out of his office. She held her face in her hands in an attempt to prevent anyone from noticing the tears in her eyes. She bolted out of the office and stopped right in front of the elevator, poking its buttons frenziedly. When it finally opened, she stepped in and headed for the rooftop. She walked briskly as she got out of the elevator, her hands were covering her mouth. She let the tears fall freely along her cheeks. It wasn't just about how terrified she was when she saw his face, nor was it about the way he yelled at her. She was crying because of what she said- the pain and hurt she saw in his eyes as she uttered those words- the pain she inflicted on him.

She'd never said such hurtful things to anyone. Never. Not even to her classmates who bullied her back in school. She'd always been the type that took all in. She'd always worn suppression like a caregiver. Her mom had taught her that. She taught her never to make anyone feel bad with her words, no matter what the case was. 

Anna heard approaching footsteps and she immediately wiped her face clean, facing the other side. She could feel the person's presence right beside her even though she was not looking.

"Would you care for this?" A melliloquent male voice said and Anna turned to see a rather young-looking man who had a pair of glasses on. He held out a handkerchief to her.

She looked at his cute round face and softly mouthed "thank you", grabbing it from him. She wiped the corner of her eyes with it and sniffed. 

"I'm Jaden. Jaden Park." He said, glancing at her.

"Anna Houston," she said, her voice still unsteady.

"Yeah, I know you. I've seen you a couple of times. Saw the whole thing between you and Stella a while ago." He added. 

A slight blush crept on her face as he reminded her of what happened earlier. That was one hell of an embarrassing moment she wouldn't ever want to happen again. "How did you know I was here?" She asked curiously as her brows furrowed.

"I saw you walk out of Mr Williams' office all teary, so I figured that you'd be here. I mean, where else would you have chosen to clear your head? The rooftop is always the best option." He said, smiling softly. 

"Didn't think anyone would notice that." She said, nodding her head.

"Well, let's just say that I'm pretty much of an observer. I'm quite observant, you know." He said, chuckling, his hand running through his tousled hair. She noticed his perfect dentition which came in view as he laughed.

"So, are you alright, Miss Houston?" He asked as his hands gripped the railing, which was made of steel. 

"Anna is just fine. You don't have to be all formal." She said, waving her hand in the air. "I think I'm better now, at least. Thank you." 

"You'll get used to Mr Williams. To be honest, I saw it coming. I knew he'd chide you if he saw you. He sees chit-chat during work hours as slothfulness.  But, I didn't expect that you'd shed tears after being scolded." His thin lips curved up in a little smile. 

"You must think I'm a crybaby." She said, managing a smile. 

"Well, such ice-cold eyes like Mr Williams' could make even a military man want to pee in his pants." He whispered and Anna instantly found herself laughing.