
Messy dog

Chapter Seventy-nine

Immediately after Xander pulled over at the company's parking lot, Stella spotted his car. She'd arrived very early and had noticed that Anna wasn't in the company yet. Despite finding that strange, she'd hoped that she wouldn't be around even when Xander gets to the office. She wanted to be one step ahead of her today. She also wanted Mr Williams to find any fault at all in her because she didn't like that she took nearly all his attention. She knew the exact time Mr Williams comes to the office daily and had lurked around to take Anna's role. 

She headed quickly to the parking lot, but froze almost midway immediately she saw an unmistakable female figure come out of his car. Anna? What was she doing in his car? Why did they come together? She hurriedly hid behind one of the walls around the parking lot to avoid being noticed by any of them. Anna grabbed Xander's bag and they both walked into the company together. Stella noticed that Mr Williams' demeanour was a bit different. He wasn't smiling, nor was he wearing his usual impassive look. Instead, his face was somewhat calm. 

Stella felt anger brewing in her insides as she watched the duo. "Bitch!", she cursed as she watched Anna disappear. Anna was still somewhat angry at Xander when they reached the company. He was to first to speak immediately Anna pushed the elevator buttons.

"You look cute when you're angry." He leaned forward with a little smile on his face and rubbed his palm on her head like he was talking to a child, an action that made Anna rather taken aback. 

"I'm not a child, Mr Williams," she said, moving away and running her fingers through her tousled hair. The elevator clicked open and Mr Williams told Anna to send him his schedule for the day. Jaden walked up to her with a smile on his face as soon as she settled in.

"You look stunning as always," he complimented her.

"You don't look bad yourself," she replied with a smile.

"You arrived pretty late today. I was scared to the bones for you because I know what could happen if Mr Williams arrived here before you. Thank God you were able to make it just in time. What happened?" Concern was evident in his voice as he spoke.

There was no way in the world she would tell Jaden that she came late to the office because she passed the night in their boss' house. She just couldn't. She had to find a convincing lie in her head. She wasn't a good liar. Everyone who knew her well knows that about her. 

"My dog. He made a really crazy mess in the house today. I had to scrub the whole floor before leaving and I sort of lost track of time," she said, trying not to meet his eyes.

"Oh...is that so? That's some messy dog. I think I'd love to meet him," he chuckled. "What's his name?" Anna wasn't expecting that he'd ask her that. She thought he'd only mumble an "okay" or an "I see". 

"Justin," Anna said rather quickly. That was the only name she could think of. How come it was Mr Williams' middle name that came to her mind of all the names in the entire world?

Jaden chuckled softly. "Justin? You really named him Justin? Now that's strange. I've never seen a dog with that name before. But lady, I must say that you should take lessons from Adam," he chuckled again.

"You mean Adam in the Bible?" 

"For all we know, I could be the Adam I'm referring to." Anna rolled her eyes and smiled at him.

"We'd better stop this little chit-chat if we don't want all hell to be let loose," Jaden whispered and Anna giggled like a teenager. He mouthed a "bye for now", and Anna waved at him. 

Stella walked into the large office as Jaden walked away from Anna's. She had a sullen look on her face which everyone noticed. Anna wondered what was wrong with her this time. Anna noticed a tall guy with beige skin whose seat was beside Stella's. She saw him move his seat towards her as he tried to speak to her but Stella angrily yelled at him to mind his business. Anna watched as he immediately swung back his rocking chair and Anna rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

Anna emailed Mr Williams the schedule for the day to him and her phone chimed almost immediately. It was Vanessa. Anna had completely forgotten to put a call through to her. She knew that Vanessa would yell the moment the call got connected and Anna quickly excused herself. She found her way to the restroom and took the call. The first thing Anna heard was Vanessa's loud shriek. 

"Anna!!!!" Vanessa hollered and Anna could almost not feel her ears after she heard Vanessa's shrill voice.