
Meeting face-to-face with her kidnapper

Chapter one hundred and seventy-four 

Before Anna could react to Jaden's news, she heard the clicking sound of keys and the creaking sound of the door, which caught her attention and Jaden's. The thudding sound of her heart was so loud that she thought she'd turn deaf from it. She couldn't see who it was from where she was, but she could hear the stomping of feet which echoed in the rather empty room. Fear gripped her heart despite the presence of Jaden, especially because the sound was familiar- too familiar even. It reminded her of the sound of his feet a few weeks back- it was exactly the same. The heavy sound from his boots which was indistinct before became clear, he was coming closer. 

Anna waited for his appearance in dread, every step he too felt like a ticking bomb and Anna was sure that her heart would explode anytime- maybe when she finally comes face to face with her kidnapper. The first thing Anna spotted was his black leather boots and she was certain that her heart almost stopped at that moment, she almost forgot how to breathe. He came fully into view and stood right in front of the tempered glass.

Slowly, Anna looked up at him, from his feet. At this point, she could feel sweat on her palm, her heart was in her throat. She noticed his black pants and black hoodie- this was the exact way Jaden had described him. She continued surveying him in fear, so far she hadn't seen any part of his body, as he was fully clothed. The moment her eyes landed on his face, she saw that he was wearing a mask- a black one which covered his whole face, his lips inclusive. The moment her eyes locked with his, Anna froze in fear, she stilled her breath, and her body quivered. His eyes were blue and they had a glint of silver. They were beautiful, but their beauty didn't stop Anna from flinching in fear, especially when he curved his lips up in a sardonic smile. Anna could tell that he was smiling from the way crinkles formed around the corner of his eyes. 

"You, son of a bitch," Jaden broke the silence, disrupting the tense atmosphere. He closed the distance between them and tried to push him, but was surprised when he felt electricity jolt through his body the moment his hands came in contact with his body. 

"Arrrrgh, fuck you, scoundrel." 

Jaden convulsed from the shock and he crashed to the hard floor.

"Jaden!!!" Anna screamed in terror, her eyes popped out of their sockets in panic, she rested her hands on the glass and watched as he convulsed on the ground. Anna shot her kidnapper a cold stare, her eyes bloodshot, the whites in her eyes were pink and the veins in her socket were visible. 

"Did I interrupt something, mademoiselle? You don't look good. You seemed to be having some personal moments with the young man," For the first time since he entered, he spoke. He sounded quite dramatic, especially as he gesticulated. 

"I thought that you must be hungry and that's why I came running with food- just for you. But what did I see?" His voice became harsh the moment he asked the last question. 

"I find you being intimate with that fool?" He said, pointing at Jaden who was still excruciating in pain. His shrill voice was so loud, almost deafening, in fact.

"No, No, No, mi amor ("my love"- Spanish). You shouldn't have done that." 

He trailed his fingers along the glass and watched Anna who was crying from fear now. She couldn't help tears from falling down her cheeks the moment he yelled at her.

"Pero ("but"- Spanish), I'll let this slide." He said curving the corner of his lips beneath his mask.

"Did you like the dress? El vestido es muy lindo ("the dress is very pretty"- Spanish), just like you. You look like a goddess. His fingers were still trailing the glass. "I could watch you all day long without getting tired of your beautiful face."

"L- Let me go, please. I- I just want to go home. I- I don't want any of these. Please, let me go," Anna pleaded. Her face was red from crying, her forehead glistened with sweat.

"I didn't go through all of these troubles to let you go. You belong to me and no one else." 

This time, Jaden had already stood up, he moved very slowly and surreptitiously toward him, the plastic chair from earlier was in his hands which were behind him. Anna saw him from the corner of her eyes, but he signalled for her to play along. 

"Why me? Why did you choose me?" Anna asked, sniffing. By this time, Jaden was already close to him, but before Jaden could hit him, he found himself convulsing from electric shock again. 

He'd noticed Anna when she watched Jaden from the corner of her eyes and he'd been prepared for him.

"Don't you dare do that again, do you understand?" He raised his voice at Anna and she found herself nodding in obedience, fresh tears fell on her cheeks.

"Why you..." He said, trailing off. He nodded his head as though he were trying to comprehend the words. 

"Because you are Anna Houston. You know, I chose you the very day I set my eyes on you. You looked so irresistible and I had to make a vow to myself that you'd be mine."