
Let's hope that Kathryn sees my message

Chapter one hundred and seventy-three

Jaden heaved a deep sigh, he knew that it was only a matter of time before she would ask him. He'd in fact been expecting the question. He rose and walked towards her, his hands were in his pocket.

"I left the company yesterday to grab something to eat at the restaurant- you know, my favourite restaurant," Jaden said, gesturing.

"I saw you immediately I pulled over. I was wondering what you were doing there all alone. It happened so fast. I was still in my car when I saw a masked figure come at you. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. The figure was clad in tight black pants and a hoody. I couldn't see anything other than that." Anna didn't take her eyes off him, even once.

"The figure carried you in a car and I followed. The drive was a long one- a very long one. When the car eventually came to a stop, I was still behind. The place looked deserted, it looked like a haunted house. I saw the figure carry you out of the car and I got out of my car, following surreptitiously. 

I don't know how, but I lost him, but I could swear that I saw him enter the scary-looking haunted house. The last thing I remember was that I felt a hard metal on my head from behind and I became unconscious. I don't know how I got to this room, or how I ended up on that chair." Jaden said, pointing at the chair on the hard floor. 

"He must have known that I was following him. He must have known all along. He waited for the perfect opportunity to strike." Jaden said dejectedly. 

Anna watched his dispirited countenance, he looked really sad. 

"Why did you act like that when you saw me?" 

Jaden was a little confused. He didn't understand her question.

"How? If it's about me not reacting quickly when I saw you, it's because of my pair of glasses. I'm not wearing them, and I was still drowsy. I had no idea that it was you. I mean, you had a change of clothes too." 

It was then that Anna noticed that her clothes had changed. This wasn't what she was wearing when she was kidnapped. Her eyes widened in surprise. How did this happen? He wouldn't be so crazy to change her clothes. Would he? She was getting crazier every hour. This man was driving her insane. Anna was clad in an azure mermaid silhouette dress which hugged her hourglass shape perfectly.

Jaden had noticed her dress since he realized that it was Anna, and he could swear that his heart skipped at the realisation. She looked so breathtaking that he forgot how to breathe for a moment or two. He wondered how she could be so beautiful despite the situation that she was in. How could she be so beautiful? Jaden had always had a thing for breathtaking women. Just like Kathryn, Anna's beauty was blinding.

"I can't believe this. How could he even..." Anna trailed off, she was lost for words.

Anna couldn't hold it in any longer. She had to let Jaden know that she knew who the kidnapper was, except that she doesn't know what he looks like. 

"J- Jaden, it's him," Anna said, her voice quivering. It was as though she couldn't bring herself to say it. 

"Him? Who?" Jaden shot Anna a puzzled look wondering what she was talking about. He arched his brow and furrowed them, anticipating her reply. 

Anna's heart was slamming hard in her chest. She sucked in a deep breath to prepare herself for what she was about to tell him.

"Remember my stalker back at the company's dinner? The strange-looking man I met close to the restroom, who was following me- it was he." Anna managed to say amidst the fear she was feeling- amidst her racing heart.

"Just before I passed out, I- I heard his voice. He addressed me the same way he did at the party. He called me "mademoiselle". Anna finally managed to say. 

Jaden's jaw tightened immediately. His eyes dilated a little, it was clear that he was surprised. 

"Jaden, I- I'm scared. I'm scared for our lives. What if he kills us?" 

"Don't be, Anna. They'll surely find us. Be rest assured." Jaden said assertively. 

"How? No one knows where we are. How would they find us?" Anna said, fear overwhelming her.

Jaden looked around, as though he was trying to ascertain if they were the only ones in the room before moving closer to her. 

"Just before I got down from the car, I sent a message to Kathryn, notifying her of the state of things and I also sent her the address of this place. Let's just hope that she sees it soon." Jaden said in a hushed tone.