
I used you, Vanessa

Chapter one hundred and ninety

Vanessa froze as she stared at the face before her, a myriad of emotions ran through her mind. At first, her mind was blank, she squinted her eyes in disbelief as if it ascertain if they weren't deceiving her. The first thing she noticed was his grey eyes, just before he pulled off his mask. The moment she saw them, her heart skipped for a moment- she knew those eyes too well. There was none like them, she'd never met any other person with those eyes before. Greg? Her boyfriend? The one that had come to mean everything to her? She'd waited for him to pull off his mask before coming to any conclusion. He couldn't be the only one with those pair of eyes in the entire world. There was no way it was her Greg. Her Greg was a good man, a perfect man in fact. She'd never met anyone on the planet as great as him. There was no way he was her kidnapper. Greg wasn't capable of hurting anyone. He couldn't even hurt a fly, he was soft- too soft even. 

The moment he took his mask off, her heart dropped, it squeezed into several knots, especially as she saw the sardonic smile on his lips. No way! Maybe the kidnapper just looked like Greg. It couldn't be him. She'd heard that doppelgangers existed in the world. Yeah, a double of someone who looked exactly like that person. She'd heard somewhere that each person in the world had about five doppelgangers and that a person could be privileged to meet at least one of them in such person's lifetime. Right! They had to exist. This man had to be Greg's doppelganger. He looked like Greg, but he was nothing like him. Greg wouldn't look at her like she was the most despicable person in the world. He loved her, so much in fact. Vanessa tried to give herself a thousand reasons why this couldn't be Greg, but the moment she heard his voice, her heart immediately stopped working, her insides knotted even more, she gasped involuntarily, her nose crinkled in disbelief, her dry mouth twisted, she shook her head in disbelief, hot tears streamed down her cheeks freely.

"Vanessa! Nessa! Nes!" Greg said, moving closer to her, he crouched and placed a finger on her chin to lift it and Vanessa immediately flinched in fear, she hunched her shoulders, she subconsciously shrank away, trembling underneath his gaze, her fear getting the better of her.

"Tsk tsk." Greg shook his head at her in disbelief. "I thought you were brave. Show me the brave woman from earlier. You need to see yourself right now Vanessa, you're nothing but a scared cat." A sad smile appeared on his face and he heaved a deep sigh.

"G- G- Greg?" Vanessa called his name in disbelief. Her eyes were pleading, begging that he should deny that he wasn't Greg. Her dry lips quivered in shock.

"Poor Vanessa. It's Greg, of course. Wait a moment, maybe it's not Greg after all." He said, rising. He moved around in circles, Anna watched him in surprise from the glass. Like Vanessa she was shocked, very shocked in fact, she still couldn't believe her eyes. She hoped that all this was a nightmare that she would wake up from fast. She was too shocked to speak. How could her stalker be Greg? Just how? It was unfathomable to her. She'd been envious of Vanessa's relationship with Greg. To Anna, he was her best amongst the guys Vanessa had ever dated. All of that wasn't real? It was just for show?

"Greg is just a name I thought of on the spot. Does it suit me? Do I look like a Greg to you? Huh? Anna, tell me, does that name really suit me?" He asked, moving to where Anna was.

"You see, Vanessa, you are so gullible. Very easy to deceive, well, just like my darling Anna here. At first, I thought that you'd be a hard nut to crack. I'd been stalking my beautiful Anna for a while. You see, I've been in love with her since the very moment I set my eyes on her. The only thing I wanted was to be with her, to see her every single day. To watch her like the beautiful sunrise. I've always wanted to have her so close to me, to have her within reach. But her stupid job at Brookswill and Sons Company wouldn't allow that. I hate that stupid Xander for snatching her away from me. He'd always been in my way. The more I got closer- closer enough the reach her, the more she drifted away because of that scumbag. I hated it. I hated it so much." Greg spoke with hatred and disgust, one that neither Anna nor Vanessa had ever witnessed.

"But I found you, Vanessa. You don't know how much happy I was when I did. Finding you meant that I was a step closer to getting Anna, my priced possession." He walked back to Anna and placed his head on the glass she was trapped in, his fingers caressing it very tenderly.

"I had to find a way to make you trust me. Remember the first day that we met?" He said, walking back to Vanessa.