
Hit the nail on the head

Chapter thirty-nine

"I'm just curious. Did you- by any chance see his face? I mean- the man who was following me. Did you see what he looked like?" 

He averted his gaze from her and squinted his grey eyes, as though he was trying to recall something. Silence lingered for a few moments before he finally spoke, nodding his head in the negative.

"I remember seeing just a few people after I carried you in my arms. I think they must have also heard the loud thud. Just gossips and a few worried folks. That's pretty much it. I don't think I saw any other person."

"I see." She said, despair washing over her face. 

"Don't worry, you don't have to look so dejected. I bet he's still lurking around somewhere. We'll surely find him." He said, inspiring her not to lose hope. 

"Thank you, Jaden. Really." 

"Now that's enough giving of thanks, ma'am. I think it's time to head back before all hell will be let loose." He whispered. His phone buzzed just then and he muttered, "Well, speak of the Devil," as he saw a message notifying him to come back. 

"Let's hurry. We don't want to have a repeat of that." He said, tapping her shoulder as they headed back to the office. 

As they got closer, Anna could feel her heart pulsating. She knew that she'd feel this way despite all the laughter some moments ago. She'd have to face him sooner or later. 

"Are you alright?" Jaden suddenly asked as they stepped out of the elevator. He seemed to notice that she'd been silent since they left the rooftop. 

"Yes. Of course, I am." It came out rather too fast and loud. It sounded more like she was talking to herself. It was as though she was assuring herself that she was fine. 

"O-kay. Don't forget our lunch date." He said as he went off to his seat, winking behind his pair of glasses, an action that Anna found really weird. She smiled at him and walked to her office. 

Her office was adjoined to the general office, which was for a few of the staff in Brookswill and Sons Company Limited. There were white pillars which were built in such a way that they formed rectangular open spaces which served as a form of demarcation between her office and the general one. The employees could however see themselves through the open spaces. 

Anna's thoughts were clouded with a lot of things. She thought of how she would tender her apology to him. She was so lost in her thought that she didn't notice the moment that the atmosphere became tense. Everyone was suddenly engrossed in their laptops as the CEO appeared in her office. 

"And why are you still here?" Mr Williams' deep voice echoed, jolting Anna back to reality. She suddenly jumped to her feet at the realisation of his presence. She met his cold eyes hesitatingly. She saw that anger had dissipated from them. Again, his expression was blank, giving room for zero emotions.

Anna stuttered in confusion as his words registered in her head. She did understand what he meant.

"Still here?" She asked in confusion. When he'd told her to get out, he couldn't have meant that she should leave the company, could he? Or was that what he meant? Anna thought, her mind hazy and her heart raced.

"Miss Houston, what time is it?" He suddenly asked leaning on her desk, his expression cold. It was when Anna glanced at her watch that she finally understood the message he was trying to convey. It was time for his meeting with the board of directors, where they'd be discussing shares.

"How incompetent can you get?' He questioned and Anna found herself apologizing to him. 

He made his way to the meeting hall, walking very gracefully. 

Anna followed him and stood at the far end of the door. There were chatters in the room, but the moment Xander entered, silence loomed in the air and the board of directors who were all already seated before his arrival stood from their seats to show deference to him. Xander sat comfortably in the middle seat reserved just for him as he waltzed in. He had his legs crossed and Anna could only gape at him. He looked like a work of art as he sat pretty there.

"You can begin." He announced, and a stout man clad in a brown suit who appeared to be in his mid-forties rose from his seat. He had a document before him. He bowed slightly at Xander before he started his announcement. 

"Mr Williams, I bring news concerning the company's shares for this particular month. We are aware that Brookswill and Sons Limited is one of the shareholders of Harry's Corporation, one of the biggest companies here in town.

"Hit the nail on the head!" Xander growled immediately, his eyes staring blankly into the space.