
Driving me crazy

Chapter seventy-five

The atmosphere turned tense immediately, at least to Anna and the air-con from the living room somehow spiked up, causing goosebumps to appear on her skin, or was it the way his fingers slightly touched her belly that made shivers almost run down her spine? If she got out of this house in one-piece today, she wouldn't be back again, she cried in her head.

"I- I know for a fact that if I'd go get new clothes, I can't go in these. Except you have a better option," she said, trying to be as composed as possible, even though her senses were already shutting down.

"Go upstairs. I'll join you in no time. I have to wrap up something," and again, he was wearing a deadpan look.

Anna mumbled an "okay" and she disappeared out of sight. Xander strolled out of the living room, finding his way to the hallway where he met Davis, who'd been dawdling away the whole time.

"Man, you fucking had me waiting here for a long time. Does that mean I was right all along? I fucking knew it, man. You're fucking that hot assistant of yours, aren't you?" Davis asked the moment he spotted Xander, not letting the air cool.

"And why would you think that?" Xander asked, pinching his glabella. 

"I'd be damned if I don't know you, man. Come on, I'm not dumb. Besides, I know there's no way you wouldn't want to get into her pants. She's fucking hot, man," he said, eyeing Xander.

"Well, not until some days back. By the way, how do you know her?" He asked leaning his back on the wall and crossing his feet.

"Are you kidding me, man? How couldn't you have noticed?" Xander just rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Kathryn mentioned her during our date yesterday. Well, she did mention that she was beautiful, but I didn't expect that she'd be this stunning."

"She did?" Xander chuckled. "I bet she also mentioned some other things, like 'I just hope Xander would get serious soon'," he said, mimicking Kathryn's voice.

"Tell me, man, what do you think about Anna?" His curious eyes were fixed on Xander, who rolled his eyes and scrunched up his face, knowing where Davis was headed. 

"Not you again, Davis." Xander rubbed his temple and sighed.

"Don't give me that shit man, just answer the goddamn question." 

Xander sighed again in defeat. He knew that there was no way he'd succeed in talking Davis out of this. 

"Well, she looks good enough to make me want to fuck the daylights out of her." Xander shrugged.

"And that's it?" He asked, finding his words unbelievable.

"The only thing is that she's nothing like them. Quite rigid. She is the kind you wife," Xander chuckled.

"So, you are not fucking her?" He asked again, just to confirm.

"I just told you, I'm not. Not like I wouldn't want to, but she's almost a hard nut to crack."

"Nothing deeper, just that?" Davis asked in disbelief again.

"You of all people should know the kind of man I am. Since when have I done anything deep?" Xander asked, glancing at Davis.

"How come you brought her to your house? You hardly bring women here." 

"Complicated," Xander said, cocking his head. "Now, enough of all these. Why are you here so early without even giving me a call? It's pretty weird. Is there anything wrong?" He asked, changing the topic. 

"Man, it's Natasha. That bitch is driving me crazy," he wheezed.

"I knew it."

"You wouldn't believe that she's been blackmailing me. Man, I'm completely screwed. She stumbled on Kathryn's page and somehow, they are friends now. She's threatening to tell her everything if I don't meet her demands. I don't know what to do, man. She's been sucking me dry. She keeps demanding for money. Man, I'm going crazy already!" He cried.

"Typically Natasha. I'm not surprised. The information would be out soon. I feel it in my guts that she's lying. The private investigator is working on it. I think you should tell Kathryn." Xander added, looking at him.

"What? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't have a death wish, man. She's gonna kill me," he bawled.

"How then do you plan on handling this?" Xander questioned, shaking his head.

"You think I'd come here if I knew that? I don't fucking know, man," he groaned, running a hand through his hair. 

"Be her money machine then till it's all sorted out."

"Damn it, Xander. Are you kidding me? I'd go bankrupt before that happens." He cried again.

"Since you've refused my golden piece of advice, what more can I say?" Xander shrugged.

"You and I know Kathryn pretty well. She'd go bonkers, man."

"You do know that either way, you'd still have to let her know. Don't you? Even if the child isn't yours, you still had sex with Natasha while you were with Kathryn, and you know Natasha well, she'll stop at nothing to ruin you and Kathryn. Besides, Kathryn would feel worse if she hears this from a third party. Think about this properly, man." Xander said, patting Davis' shoulders.