
Don't tell me...

Chapter forty-six

When Anna left Kathryn's house, the night was almost approaching. She'd enjoyed Kathryn's company so well. Contrary to what she thought, Kathryn was a really nice and approachable person. She exemplified the "don't judge a book by the cover" saying perfectly. With her alluring face, one would think that she'd be a snub. She'd even told Anna that she preferred to be called Kathryn instead when Anna called her Miss Williams. 

"Drop those formalities, please. Don't make me feel old. Kathryn is fine, please. By the way, I'm sure that I can't be way older than you. We're probably of the same age," she'd said, waving it off.

When Anna mentioned what she said about his mother, Kathryn had nodded her head. Anna knew then that she knew that side of Mr Williams. 

"He'd always been like that, ever since his mother disappeared. He'd suddenly rage if anyone mentions her. You're quite lucky that he only sent you out of his office." She'd chuckled, not giving her any other information.

"You know, it's not in my place to talk about Xander's mother, especially since it's a forbidden subject. But I know that someday, he'd come around. I think he's a really pitiable kid. You know, Xander is like an ice- cold, distant, unfeeling. Well, he made himself that way, since Aunt's disappearance. He'd set a form of barrier around himself, to prevent him from getting hurt. 

He thinks that no one can hurt him when he's like that. He gave just a few people access to him." She'd said, empathy written all over her face.

"What I think Xander needs is love. Well, something he's never had. He'd shut down that part of him that can feel- that part of him that can love. He just needs to find someone who would love the whole of him- someone who can melt his ice-cold heart. That's what Alexander needs." She'd said, heaving a deep sigh. 

Anna had felt pity for him. She wondered why his mother disappeared. If only there was someone who would shed more light on that part of his life that he'd shut out- she thought. He was a pathetic person. Her conversation with Kathryn made her know that he wasn't a bad person. If she tried to understand him better, she was sure that she could deal with him. 

Kathryn had urged her to be more understanding when it came to him. She'd told her to try not to be scared of him, even when he appeared intimidating. 

When she'd asked Kathryn how he was apologized to, she'd been a bit surprised. 

"To apologise to Xander, you just have to stun him in the right way. For example, you can do things that he would least expect. Also, I bet that you must know that his taste bud is quite unstable," she'd said smiling. 

"Well, there is a particular food that pretty much makes him happy. It's homemade jambalaya," she'd said, smiling softly. 

"As long as it is made pretty well, there's no way it wouldn't make him pleased," she'd added. 

Anna had thanked her with all of her heart. Kathryn had even told her that she'd be glad to help on anything that had to do with Xander. She'd also told her that it was fine for her to drop by anytime, stating that she was completely welcome in her house. She'd been friendly to Anna, who already liked her. 

Anna had still not gotten a call from Mr Williams and she was beginning to get worried. Her mind quickly went back to what Kathryn said, "do the things that he least expects, make him stunned," and an idea instantly popped into her head. 

She checked the time and saw that it was already approaching 8:00 pm. She figured that it wasn't too late to do what she was planning in her head. Anna had always been the type that acted on impulse. She immediately went grocery shopping. She got all the ingredients that would be needed in making jambalaya. Somehow, she was happy that jambalaya made Mr Williams happy. This was because it was something that she knew how to make. Her mother had thought her well. However, since she'd be making it for Mr Williams, she decided that she'd put in extra effort.

When she got home, she immediately found her way to the kitchen, greeting Vanessa casually. 

"Hey, is something up?" Vanessa asked her out of curiosity. 

"No. I'm totally fine." 

"Whoa! I can't believe this, Anna. You're finally going to make jambalaya. I can't believe that you're doing this without me goading you. Do you know how many times I begged you to make this? It's established. Damn! You love me so much!" Vanessa exclaimed as she spotted the ingredients and Anna looked up at her, furrowing her brows.

"And what gave you the impression that I'm making it for you?" She said, focusing on what she was doing.

"Wait. What?!" Vanessa exclaimed and Anna chuckled. 

"So, if you are not making that for us both to eat, then who are you cooking that for this night?" Vanessa asked, shocked.

"Wait, don't tell me..." Vanessa's eyes widened in realization.