
A Knight in Shining Armor II

Chapter Three

Xander slowly turned to the audacious woman who dared to tap on his shoulders and thought to himself that she was really bold and daring.

He looked curiously at her unyielding eyes and was about to say something to the woman, but was immediately interrupted by the Doctor.

"Of course, Mr Williams. Definitely. We would be needing a bone marrow transplant and we'll surely proceed with the surgery immediately we find a matching bone marrow. 

Also, I'd like to apologize on the young woman's behalf. It's all my fault. I was about to introduce you to her when you came in."

"This is Mr Williams, one of our very important clients in this hospital." He said looking more at him. "Mr Williams, she is the daughter of the patient. She's Miss..." The doctor looked at her, gesturing for her to say her name.

"Houston. Anna Houston." She said, heaving a sigh, not sure whether to be angry or grateful to the man. 

That explained why he could order the doctor around. No doubt, he was a great asset to the hospital, considering the tons of money they received from rendering their services to him.

The doctor simply nodded at her words and bowed curtly at Mr Williams, leaving him with Miss Houston.

"I am, I don't know why you did that and I also can't seem to wrap my mind around why you would want to do this. If the circumstances were different, I wouldn't have allowed this. However, I'll pay you back. I will." 

She shoved her hands into her pockets and looked at him before adding, "For the second time, my name is Anna Houston. It's a pleasure meeting you." She let out her hand for a shake and folded it back when the man didn't take it. 

She wondered what kind of person this man was. He was such a strange one and for reasons she couldn't quite understand, he piqued her interest.

"Forget it." He spoke, devoid of any emotions as he stared blankly into the space.

"Excuse me?" She asked, perplexed as to what he meant. She wasn't sure whether he was referring to the handshake or the money.

"It's nothing to me. Just consider it as a form of-" He paused for a moment to find the right words before he finally said "CHARITY. Consider it as charity." Again, she was taken aback by the impudence of this man. She almost gaped at him.

What? Charity? Maybe it was the way the word "CHARITY" sounded in her ears. Or the way he said the word. She just didn't like it and she wouldn't let it slide.

"Hey, I am. I know that you are filthy rich and the money is probably like the price of a gum stick to you, but I can't accept it as C.H.A.R.I.T.Y. I'm going to pay you back." She said, glaring at him.

The man just kept staring at the woman in front of him. She was a strange one. Anyone in her shoes would have been kissing his ass right now and singing "thank yous" in his ears obsequiously. 

The woman holds her pride in high esteem. He thought. And what was with the nickname she gave to him? I am? 

He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard her clear her throat. "So, is that a deal?" She asked, looking up at him unrelentingly.

He moved closer to her and bent his head while folding his hands. "I see you are hellbent on doing this but, have you considered how you would go about it?" Her eyes fluttered at his words. Right! She didn't even think about that. What would she do to get that kind of money? 

The money was quite a lot and she didn't have the mind to rob a bank, break into a filthy rich man's house to steal or even do anything illegal. 

He seemed to have noticed her uneasiness because he added, "Backing out now?" He searched her eyes for a few seconds before straightening. "Just forget-

"I WILL PAY YOU BACK. I haven't figured out how but trust my words." She blurted out, looking at him with those determined eyes again. 

The woman was stubborn and inexorable. "Fine, I see that you have made up your mind- 

His phone beeped in his pocket, interrupting his conversation with Miss Houston. He took it out and saw that it was Mr Hart. 

Right! The ultimatum. He almost forgot about that. He was so preoccupied with the turnout of the day's events that it skipped his mind.

Just then, an idea popped in his head and he let out a smirk, looking at the young woman. He took the call and spoke first. "Hello Mr Hart, abort it at your end. I've had it taken care of." 

His eyes never left her as he spoke. With that, he hung up not minding the resonating "what? (s)" that came from the puzzled man.

He placed both hands of his in his pockets before speaking. "What if I give you an offer?" She scrunched up her face, waiting for him to reveal what he had up his sleeves.

"Well, since you are clueless as to how you would pay your debt to me and are also very determined to do the same, work for me as my personal assistant." He said frankly. 

What? A personal assistant? Not just any personal assistant now, but one to this impertinent man? She knew that he was definitely the CEO of some company the moment she had a share of his churlishness.

She wasn't sure if she could work for him. Would she be able to deal with him? Many would jump at this opportunity he was throwing at her. There were most likely many more qualified persons than her, yet he asked her without even asking for her qualifications.

She must have been silent for quite a long time because she heard him say, "What? You can't do it? Fine. I guess-

She didn't even let him finish before she spoke. "I can do it. I. WILL. DO. IT." She said, more to herself, as though she was assuring herself that she could deal with him.

"Great. Deal." He said, pursing his lips. What he did next took her completely off guard. He let out his hand for a handshake.