
A bally chivalric Greg

Chapter one hundred and forty

She'd not even noticed Anna's absence when she arrived yesterday, her mind was still clouded with thoughts of Grey. It wasn't until she got a call from Anna that she noticed that she wasn't at home. Anna had mentioned among other things that it was strange that Vanessa didn't call her to scold her. She'd even asked if she was fine and Vanessa had replied positively. When Anna told her that she was with Mr Williams, Vanessa had been surprised. She'd become more surprised when Anna told her that she had a lot of things to tell her. She'd given her a sneak peek of it, by telling her about the kiss. Vanessa was so shocked. She could almost not believe it. She'd noticed the happiness in Anna's voice when she'd told her. Her friend was becoming someone else. 

Love was indeed a beautiful and powerful thing. Beautiful because it gives the one in question a child-like excitement and an unfathomable joy. Powerful because it can consume a person whole. It's almost the only force capable of bringing one's time of life back in actions and deeds. It makes an adult act like a child. It makes you feel like you can do anything in the world. It's no respecter of the principles or rules you've couched for yourself. It makes you want to bend those precepts for that person.

Yeah, that's love, and Vanessa was glad that Anna could experience it. She'd always been worried for Anna. But now, she was happy that she found someone whom she loved wholeheartedly. She only wishes that her love would be reciprocated because she deserves to be treated right. She deserves only the best. 

Vanessa was getting ready for her date with Greg. It wouldn't be bad to get to know him. Maybe she'd forget about Drake if she spends more time with Greg. She knew that it was bad to use Greg to get over her emotional distress, but she couldn't help it. She wasn't entirely using him. She enjoyed his company. He had a great sense of humour, and she's such a sucker for that. She needed anything at all that would keep her mind from Drake. She needed to delete him completely from her mind before the end of her vacation. Maybe Greg could be that man she wanted him to be for her. 

She heard the sound of the doorbell and knew immediately that it was Greg. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and a self-satisfied smile appeared on her face. She didn't overdress. She wore a puce one-shoulder crop top with white baggy pants and a pair of white sneakers. She let her curly hair fall to her back. She chose to wear very light make-up, she lined out her eyes and wore glossy lipstick. Her no makeup look accentuated her nose perfectly and she looked really stunning. 

She didn't dress to impress Greg. It's been so long since she looked confident in her looks. Since her breakup with Drake, she'd been so disinterested in her appearance. She wanted to feel more like herself again, and this date was a perfect opportunity for her.

When Vanessa opened the door, she noticed that Greg wasn't looking bad himself. He wore a pistachio green overshirt over a white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Like Vanessa, he had a pair of sneakers on, but his was black. His long brown hair was tied in a bun. His grey eyes glistened the moment he saw her. 

"Hi, Vanessa. Good morning. You look stunning." He said, immediately after assessing her, and he leaned forward to greet her with a kiss.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." She added, returning his friendly kisses. 

"You look ready to leave, so shall we?" Greg asked, he opened his arm for her, which she took by intertwining hers in his and she smiled at him. 

"So, where are we going?" Greg asked as they walked out of the house. Vanessa noticed a car which was parked outside and she shot Greg a glance.

"You came in that?"

"Let's just say that I had to give a Vanessa a befitting date." He replied modestly. 

"I'll say that this Greg is thoughtful." Vanessa nodded her head at him and a chortle escaped from his red lips.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Whatever you presume it to be." She walked gracefully to the car and Greg opened the car door for her before she reached there.

"A bally chivalric Greg," Vanessa mumbled, making sure that her voice was loud enough to be heard by him.

"Heard that. But guess what? I love the sound of it." A peal of laughter erupted from Vanessa before Greg drove off.