
Melody Of illusion

Dream is something that every person can experience.It can give you sense of joy,but sometimes,a nightmare. Kintaro was a fresh graduate of Art's and Entertainment Specially on singing. Kintaro turn eighteen on this year but he Didn't celebrate his birthday as he was super tired after the day. In the night when Kintaro fall asleep,He have a dream about living in another time and era,which his not very familiar,but that's not all.even the Living That he saw on his dream was not human but....A DemiHuman?! He see a different kind of DemiHuman.be It a tiger, Lion,Turtle, Phoenix,a fox, and even a Dragon are there living in harmony. Kintaro also saw his self in that dream and he was given a fright as this Body is not a human, instead,Its a DemiHuman.this DemiHuman has a blue Long hair color,which is styled like an Ancient time.His blue Eyes was very tempting as his face looks pretty and handsome at the same time. but that's not all,he also discover that,In that dream,Hes married into another DemiHuman,and what's more is that DemiHuman was also a male like him! Kintaro then wake up as he thought that it was a very interesting dream,but later,He didn't expect that, that dream will appear every night as the dream make a progress on its story. Kintaro didn't think about it too much as he only thought ' I should stop reading fantasy novel temporarily ' But everything has changed as everyday,he discover that he will learn something new Until he learn the Truth on why he keep dreaming about it.

MelodyRain1005 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Chapter 30: Vixen

the woman was very beautiful and only look at his 20.His hair,that was in a color of red was styled in a Two Pig Tail style.He have a shoulderbag that was hanging on his left arm.this woman look tall similar to Kintaro,as he wear a high heels.she's wearing a leather jacket that,was in color of black.her eyes can't be seen,as she was wearing a sun glasses while looking at Dio's Direction.

The woman walk toward Dio and others,as she was Holding a paper bag, both on his hand.

the Others notice the woman, who's walking toward them as she was an eye catching with the clothes she wear while walking in a sexy and seductive manner.Quil, who's also part of the group had his nose bleeding,as he look at the woman as if he have a "love at first sight".

while the other was admiring the woman.Dio,on the other side,had a frown on his face,as his face look very displeased when he saw this woman.

the woman Smiled at the group,as he slowly walk toward Dio before saying " Hello,honey"

as she remove her sunglasses before winking to Dio with his dark red eyes.

the frown on Dio's head furrowed deeper as he said in cold voice " Don't call me by that name" as he turned around.

Kintaro notice the behavior that Dio was showing and already guess that this woman leave a negative impression on him from the past.

Kintaro then frown unknowingly,as he look at the woman as the thought 'Vixen', suddenly past on his mind.

The woman only smiled at Dio's response,as she reach her soft and smooth hand toward Dio's neck.

"Why?you didn't miss me?" She slowly said as her hand slowly rubbing Dio's neck as it went down toward his chest.

Dio couldn't take it anymore as he suddenly grab the hand of the girl and yelled

"I said stop!" as he continue " Cindy! we're already over! And you know that I don't like you!" before Turning around to the group of people as he said " let's go back".

Cindy want to chase Dio,when a Soft and elegant hand suddenly block his way.

the hand that block Cindy was none other than Lucia as she said " didn't you heard brother Dio?" Lucia's eyes was turn into a frosty cold look as her gaze was only focus on Cindy while still blocking his path.

"how dare you to block my path?!"Cindy lift her hand as it was preparing to hit and slap the Beautiful face of Lucia,when a big hand suddenly grab her.

she look at the direction on where the hand was coming from as a shock and anger shown on her face as she yell "you?! Why Dio?is this your new fiance?"

Dio didn't bother to respond on her as he only said, "Lucia,go inside the car.let me deal with him"

Lucia wanted to stay,but still behead on Dio's command.She hummped and enter the Car.

Cindy then recovered from her shock as she say "ohh,so that's what it is" Cindy said as she bite her lips to show his anger before continuing " Is she your new target?"

Dio, who's walking toward the car suddenly stop his footstep,as he look at Cindy.

" she's under my instruction,and has nothing to do on what you're thinking" Dio said,but Cindy still didn't stop talking.

"lies! lies! You're clearly a pedophile!" Cindy was at rage " How could your family to break the Engagement with me just with your stupid plan two years ago?!" Cindy continue shout as her hand was lift up and prepare to slap Dio,when a hand suddenly block her hand...again.

"Please Don't disturb Brother Dio again" Kintaro said as He let go on Cindy's Hand.

Cindy want to talk back but he suddenly feel scared while her Legs was trembling like a noodle, as she See The look that Kintaro was giving her.She feels like she's a prey,while Kintaro act like a hunter towards her.

In Cindy's eyes,He saw that Kintaro was staring at him as if a God with a glowing golden eyes was looking at her.

A minute later after Her daze.Cindy didn't notice that Dio and the others already gone, including the Man that block his hand and make him tremble.

after recovering,her face suddenly flush red as a smoke was going out from his ears.Her beautiful face and Temperament suddenly turn 180 degrees to show that her mood had greatly change.

" Dio!!!!" she shout as she continue "I will remember this humiliation....as for the other two.... What's her name again?ohh Lucia.as for that young man...." Cindy then calm herself and thought ' I will let you feel how I felt,the next time we meet!'

Cindy then pick her phone from her shoulder bag as she make a phone call to someone....

" Dad!" She sobs as she continue " I was bullied earlier...wahhhh!" she cry.

the man on the call then said in an angry voice " who did this to you sweetie?! I will sure to make their life miserable?!"

Cindy then stop crying as a smile was formed on her smile as she continue "Dad, Don't worry.I will take care of it.its just.....can I borrow some people from you?" she said in a cute voice.

in the end of their conversation,Cindy suddenly show a satisfied smile as she thought ' Your day's are counted from now!'

she then open the PhaseBonk and search the Name of Lucia on it.She scroll all the result that had shown,until she saw a face and look,that was similar to the Girl earlier.

' Ohh, you're famous already....so what?! it's just a small reputation ' she thought and said

" I will show you the consequences of angering me!"