
Melody Of illusion

Dream is something that every person can experience.It can give you sense of joy,but sometimes,a nightmare. Kintaro was a fresh graduate of Art's and Entertainment Specially on singing. Kintaro turn eighteen on this year but he Didn't celebrate his birthday as he was super tired after the day. In the night when Kintaro fall asleep,He have a dream about living in another time and era,which his not very familiar,but that's not all.even the Living That he saw on his dream was not human but....A DemiHuman?! He see a different kind of DemiHuman.be It a tiger, Lion,Turtle, Phoenix,a fox, and even a Dragon are there living in harmony. Kintaro also saw his self in that dream and he was given a fright as this Body is not a human, instead,Its a DemiHuman.this DemiHuman has a blue Long hair color,which is styled like an Ancient time.His blue Eyes was very tempting as his face looks pretty and handsome at the same time. but that's not all,he also discover that,In that dream,Hes married into another DemiHuman,and what's more is that DemiHuman was also a male like him! Kintaro then wake up as he thought that it was a very interesting dream,but later,He didn't expect that, that dream will appear every night as the dream make a progress on its story. Kintaro didn't think about it too much as he only thought ' I should stop reading fantasy novel temporarily ' But everything has changed as everyday,he discover that he will learn something new Until he learn the Truth on why he keep dreaming about it.

MelodyRain1005 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Chapter 26: Welcome Party

In the C.E.O office, Everyone was dumbfounded on what they seeing as the silence permented the room but that silence didn't stay long as Dio began to speak.

" Brother Leoniel,what are you doing here?" Dio said as he smiled.

Leoniel act as if he didn't hear Dio,as he continue to give Sciziro a Loving smile and said to him " Accept this.its only for you".

Dio,on the side can't tolerate it as he walk toward Leoniel and whisper near on his ear

" what are you doing?" As a Vein was bulging on his head but still remain his smile " What if they think that you are a weird person? and besides, aren't you afraid that you will put A negative impression on your partner,since he doesn't even know you yet?' Dio then remind Leoniel.

after hearing Dio's word, Leoniel then realize that he have a point,as he look at Sciziro with an awkward smile before saying"Ahem... It's a congratulations flower for all of you.the others was still outside" Leoniel said as he Quickly mend all the mess he made.

Leoniel then pick his phone from his pocket before calling someone then whisper on his phone " Buy More flower....But just simple flower unlike the one earlier hurry up!" he said as he hang up the phone before smiling at the crowd.

Dio then Nodded as he was satisfied On Leoniel Lies,as he gave him a thumbs up.


Earlier when Leoniel Give Sciziro a flower, Sciziro was dumbfounded but that didn't last long as he feel a deep connection to the man.

he then observe the man Face Feature and can't help but thought 'He looks familiar', As his eyebrow frown slightly as he try to recall on where did he see this man.

when He was thinking,Dio suddenly said

"let me introduce you, Leoniel Ark,the C.E.O of the Lion Jade Entertainment" He introduced with a smile then continue" his also a Brother to me,but we're not blood related "

Dio explain to them patiently as he know that some of this People already know Leoniel, Including Lucia.

After Introducing Leoniel,Dio didn't stay on that topic as he said to them." Now,as your Instructor,I need you all to be acquaintance to your group member,as to enhance your Knowledge towards each other as a preparation for your first Project"Dio said as he glance at each one of them before smiling.


all of the members of Group A then Make a circle as they Introduce their self to each other.

Kintaro already know Quil, Dawn, And Xen Zen,as he already meet them one time,but didn't have a proper Introduction Back then,so they reintroduce their self in a good term.Everyone know each other specially Luna.

Luna was the daughter of the Acting Department Advisor,Suna.he was a clothes designer and a props maker to their team, which will handle all the things their Group needed on their project.

after knowing each other.Dio then said "now,as this was our first meeting, let's have a welcoming party for all of you" Dio said as he clap his hand then smile.

everyone was cheerup as they didn't expect that they will have a party together with Mr.Dio,who's also now their instructor.


When the moon had risen in the sky, everyone from group A are dressed in a very beautiful and Elegant manner,as they waited for their upcoming Welcoming party tonight, outside the Draconic Harmony Entertainment.

they talk about it with anticipation in their eyes, specially Kintaro and Sciziro,as it's their first time to go in a party like this.

While they're waiting,A man in a Black T-shirt appear Infront of them as it smile st them then ask " are everyone ready?" ,As he saw that everyone Nodded their head, which indicate that all of them are ready.

they walk outside the gate of Draconic Harmony Entertainment,as they saw a long white van Are waiting outside.

they also saw Klein,who have his hair Tie on Ponytail style,while waiting on them outside the van,as he made a gesture for them to enter.


Inside the van,all of them was discussing about on where's the party will be held.they even ask Klein about this but Klein only shook his head as a response.

Dio, who's sitting near the Driver set heard their discussion,and a faint smile appear on his face.

Leoniel, who's also sitting inside the van was smiling from ear to ear as he look at Sciziro.

twenty minutes later,the van suddenly stopped Infront of a tall and high building and a "Primordial Hotel" was written on it.

all of them don't know this place,so they enter the building with a curiosity in their Eyes.

when they enter the place,they were welcome by a very relaxing scenery of the forest theme,while a group of people was dress in an ancient clothes,similar to the clothes that old emperor and empress wear.

some of them have an ear fox headband,while some have a horn similar to dragon attached to their forehead as they dance and sing.

Kintaro then sense a Deja Vu,the first time he see the People dancing Infront of him as he thought ' isn't this....way too similar to what Jin show me every night?' He wondered as an amused look appeared on his face.

Dio,on the side, saw Kintaro's thoughtful expression,which cause him to smile as he invited everyone to take a sit.

when everyone found a place to sit in,Dio then began to tell them on what is this place "this place was build for me to relax" He explain to them slowly as he continue " as for why I choose this kind of theme,It just help me to remember someone special to me" He then softly said before looking at Kintaro.

Kintaro, who's sitting beside Dio,can feel his heart felt warm and relax 'what a strange feeling'

when everyone heard that,this place was build for Dio to help him remember special to him,they all was Shock and began to have a union thought

' Isn't Mr.Dio was single?!'

'why I didn't know this?'

'who could this lucky girl be?'

Dio saw their shocked look,but only smiled as he know what they're thinking.


After the explanation about this place,Dio then make a phone call,as he began to order the food for everyone to eat and enjoy.

when the food came, everyone was surprise the time they saw the amount of food that Dio ordered.

Dio then distribute the food to everyone as he smile,before giving the last pack of food to Kintaro " here is yours, eat well.dont be shy when you want more"he softly said

Leoniel, who's also sitting beside Kintaro can't help but thought ' Wow,he didn't even know you yet,but you're pampering him already?',as he look at Sciziro who's also beside him then grab a food,before giving it to Sciziro.

Kintaro,who just receive his food,say thank you to Dio politely,as he open his food,but to his surprise,the food that contain on it was all his favorite food,as his eyes was shining brightly.

Dio then make a faint smile and feel satisfied at Kintaro's reaction.

on the Other side.Sciziro was also surprised,as this food was his favorite so he began to say "thank you" on Leoniel energetically,as he began to eat.

Leoniel then feel his heart melting, when he heard Sciziro reply.He then look at Dio, who's also looking at him as the two of them thought ' Well done'.