
melody of a massacre vol 4

twins Yadara and Narimo kusake are affected by what their mother had done ten years ago and now they have to find out what happened to cause their mother to do what she had done ten years ago. Follow the twins on their journey to find the cause of their mothers actions and maybe some secrets that the twins didn't even know about themselves.

nishio_takeyoshi · Võ hiệp
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chapter 44: the last step

[itami arrives at the city hall]

Itami: [sigh] Finally, the last step before we eliminate yadara.

[itami enters the city hall]

[nagao looks up from his desk]

Nagao: Can I help you?.

[itami smiles]

Itami: I'm here to speak with Yamane and Amano about yadara kusake.

[nagao looks at itami surprised]

Nagao: oh, i'll go inform them immediately.

Itami: Thank you.

[nagao gets up from his desk and walks to yamane and amano's office]

Nagao: why is itami tameyori here to speak about yadara?.

Nagao: Does he have a plan to stop yadara once and for all?.

[nagao arrives at yamane and amano's office]

Nagao: amano?, yamane?, itami tameyori is here to speak with you about the yadara kusake situation.

Amano: go get him, and make sure to inform security that he is meeting with us.

Nagao: I will.

[nagao walks down the hallway back to his desk]

[nagao on the radio]

Nagao: yamane and amano will be meeting with itami tameyori so be on alert.

Security: understood.

[nagao arrives at his desk]

Nagao: I'm sorry for the wait.

[itami smiles]

Itami: It's ok.

Nagao: ok, well yamane and amano are ready to speak with you.

Itami: ok.

Nagao: Alright, then follow me.

[nagao and itami walk down the hallway]

Nagao: so, do you have any information about the yadara kusake situation?.

Itami: no, it's more like I have a plan on a way to eliminate yadara.

[nagao looks at itami surprised]

Nagao: oh, ok.

[nagao and itami arrive at yamane and amano's office]

Nagao: amano?, yamane? I've brought itami tameyori.

[amano opens the door]

Amano: thank you nagao, we'll take it from here.

Nagao: no problem.

[nagao walks down the hallway back to his desk]

Amano: itami, it's been so long since the last time we met, how are you doing?.

Itami: I'm doing good.

Amano: That's good.

[amano let's itami in the office]

Amano: So do you have any information about the yadara kusake situation?.

Itami: no, it's more of a plan to stop him.

[yamane takes off his headphones and looks at amano surprised]

Yamane: Does he have any information on the yadara kusake situation?.

Amano: no, he's here to discuss a plan to stop yadara, if you wouldn't have those headphones on you would know.

Yamane: Well, I'm trying to work and music helps me focus.

Amano: Well, you need to take them off now because he's here to talk to both of us.

Yamane: ok.

[amano and itami sit down]

Amano: so, what is your plan to stop yadara?.

Itami: Well first we need the city hall's approval to use all the screens in the city to broadcast a message to yadara.

[amano and yamane look at itami surprised]

Yamane: Absolutely not.

Itami: Well I guess it's up to you two to stop yadara.

[amano puts his hand on yamane's shoulder]

Amano: Wait, give him a chance.

Yamane: [sigh] ok.

Amano: itami, please go on.

[itami smiles]

Itami: ok, we decided to use the same plan we used to stop inaba with but broadcast a message to yadara.

Amano: But didnt the plan for inaba not work?.

Itami: yes, but yadara is different from any other we've tried to stop.

Yamane: And how do you think the plan used in inaba's defeat will work in yadara's?.

Itami: because we have the only thing he loves.

Amano: And what would that be?.

Itami: We have his sister, the only thing he swore to protect.

[amano and yamane look at itami surprised]

Yamane: So you plan to use his sister as bait to stop him?.

Itami: yes.

Amano: And what if this plan fails, i mean if you look at all the casualties that yadara has made anyone could think that he loves no one.

Itami: if it fails i will take responsibility for it.

Yamane: ok, i will notify every tv station in the city so we can broadcast the message.

[amano looks at yamane surprised]

Amano: what are you doing?.

Yamane: My job, if he is willing to take responsibility if the plan fails and he has evidence on how the plan will work I think it's enough to know he put time on this and my job is not about wasting anyone's time.

Amano: ok.

Yamane: We will call you tomorrow and let you know what time the broadcasting will air.

Itami: thank you, i won't let you down.

Amano: You better not.

[itami leaves yamane and amano's office]

Itami: Now, it's time to prepare for yadaras elimination.

[after sometime itami leaves the city hall]

Itami: I guess I need to call Mitsu about the news.

[itami calls mitsu]

Mitsu: hello?.

Itami: I have good news.

Mitsu: ok, what is it?.

Itami: the city hall approved our plan on stopping yadara.

Mitsu: That's good.

Mitsu: So when do we need to start preparing?.

Itami: immediately, let everyone at headquarters know and have them pack up every truck, because after the broadcasting airs we will have a long day ahead of us.

Mitsu: ok.

[mistu hangs up]

[mitsu walks to her office and uses the intercom]

Mitsu: Everyone, we need every truck packed up for tomorrow's event because after the broadcasting airs we will have a long day ahead of us, captain's words.

[hikimi and toby enter mitsu's office]

Mitsu: you're back.

[mitsu hugs hikimi]

Hikimi: I'm glad to be back, has anything happened since we've been gone?.

Mitsu: Yes, tomorrow we have our biggest mission yet.

Hikimi: what is it?.

Mitsu: tomorrow is the day we stop yadara once and for all.

Hikimi: So what do you want us to do during the mission tomorrow?.

Mitsu: Well, you'll be with the captain all day.

Hikimi: ok.

Toby: And I'm guessing you want me to take the shot?.

Mitsu: correct.

Toby: [sigh] I'm tired of this.

Mitsu: tired of what?.

[toby lifts mitsu up by her shirt]

Toby: I'm tired of knowing what will happen tomorrow!, especially what will happen to hikimi!!.

[mitsu tears up]

Mitsu: I know but it'll be for the best.

[toby laughs]

Toby: Now I know why yadara is trying to get revenge.

[hikimi grabs toby by the throat and slams him against the ground]

[mitsu looks at toby and smiles]

Toby: You'll have to live with the truth the rest of your life!!.

[mitsu crouches down and pokes toby in the chest]

Mitsu: not if i'm the one taking the shot.

[toby throws hikimi off of him]

Toby: I'm tired of this!, you use people as pawns in your own sick game just to receive some satisfaction!!.

[mitsu smiles]

Mitsu: Well, tomorrow is your last day here.

Toby: oh don't you try that crap with me!.

[hikimi tearing up]

Hikimi: That's enough!, the both of you stop it right now.

Hikimi: I know I might not know what will happen tomorrow but all I know is we're a team and we need to stick together so we can stop yadara once and for all.

chapter 45 February 15th