
Megalomaniacs Multiversal Chat Group[Currently moved]

What Happens When a Boy dies and gets reborn as chara dreemur with all seven fallen souls and also has a Multiversal Groupchat,Follow The Adventures of Chara and his Multiversal Group Currently invited Characters: Madoka Magicia: Akame Homura OverLord: Ainz ooal gown JJK: Itadori Yuji/Ryomen Sukuna Marvel:Nick Fury DC:Bruce Wayne/BatMan Main World:OPM

Ender_Child · Tranh châm biếm
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Hanging with Saitama and Talking to the group

Well After some time dealing with that ordeal I'm now Near Saitamas door With Nero on my head, And Also Genos beside Me…How I got here I don't Know it just happened.

After Genos knocked on the door Saitama opened it and Genos started this whole monologue of him wanting Saitama to train him

"Hello Saitama I was near the Area and decided to say hello "I said explaining to him how I got here

"Uhh hello" he said waving his hand after a few seconds he let us in and honestly he lives in a really small apartment,

After that he said we can sit on the floor since he doesn't have any furniture, I do not want to butt into their conversation so imma just check the chat group

[Cursed Kings Vessel]:huuuh You have an entire dungeon and you live in it?! Can I see Pleaase

[Supreme Being Ainz]:hmm I have a better idea Maybe you can visit sometime.

[Genocidal Child Has Logged in]

[Genocidal Child]:uh hello guys been a few days…Well it's only been a day but you know what I mean.

[Cursed Kings Vessel]: Hello chara how have you been :).

[Supreme Being Ainz]:Hello Chara how was your day.

[Genocidal Child]:oh It's Fine I guess, Just fought a mosquito girl she did get one tapped by Saitama though while Nero killed her swarm, Well a quarter of it…And also Nero is from the spider egg.

[Supreme being Ainz]:You Named the spider Nero? What gave you inspiration and also those things from the gacha are weird I thought it was a normal Model Skeleton but…it can actually copy any humanoids skeletal structure and appearance it's like an Advanced AI Doppelgänger.

[Cursed Kings Vessel]:I mean My book was the same too it gave me information on anything depending on my understanding like for example the multiverse theory I honestly thought it was a Normal Book.

[Genocidal Child]:huh Really hmm that is weird maybe it gave us good items because it was our first time using the gacha And also yeah Nero has shadow powers and is currently sitting on my head.

[Supreme Being Ainz]:Well that does sound interesting, But I think we're the only three currently online the other three are probably busy.

[Cursed Kings Vessel]: Yup I currently have nothing to do and just chilling in my room:/.

[Genocidal Child]:Im currently talking to a bald man who can kill anything with one punch and is probably still holding back, Technically if he wanted to he could easily destroy this planet and I'm with a cyborg.

[Supreme Being Ainz]:He sounds…Interesting.

[Genocidal Child]:yup and I'll just take care of something for a second I'll be back.

[Cursed Kings Vessel]:Ok :/

[Supreme being Ainz]:We will Wait

After I stopped typing Genos detected a high speed object arriving at our location..Which was actually a mantis monster which Saitama killed without hesitation.

"There are two more outside, Master leave them to me" Genos said then he jumped out out and now I'm left alone, With Nero on my head.

So I went outside to only see two monsters who were in the floor of the streets while Saitama was in between them.

"Don't bust people's ceilings" Saitam said

"Never mind then" Genos replied

"There's one under you Saitama" I said but I was already to late and saitam was dragged into the ground.

"Master?!" Genos worriedly said

"It's cool I'm fine, I kinda feel like a young bamboo shoot" Weird for someone inside the ground to say but ok.

"Elevated energy levels detected" an unknown voice said then suddenly an eco happened behind us in which another cyborg appeared in.

I moved back while Genos confronted the cyborg

"Genos be careful, don't underestimate the robot" I said

"Understood" he replied calmly but before he could fight him, a lion appeared in front of Saitama and a mile burrowed out of the ground with half of his body in it.

With that though I just watched while the lion or I quote the beast king taunting Saitama only for him to easily get out of the ground.

Saitama asked them to apologize for destroying his ceiling.

At the end of the day Saitama killed them…Well the beast king did do friendly fire so he killed almost half of them and the only one left alive was the Cyborg Gorilla which turned out to come from the house of evolution.

"…We'll sorry for not helping I guess, but I thought you would handle that Which you did" I said

"No problem there were weak anyway" Saitama replied with his Neutral face

"I shall take it as a test from Master it is Nice meeting you and being your friend chara" Genos said politely

"Ok well looks like we will see each other often or not We'll good luck teaching him Saitama and good luck getting stronger Genos" I said while getting to leave as I did they did wave their hand at me.

As I was going I decided to walk instead of Running, and then decided to check on the chat.

[Desperate Time traveler]: Really? Magic in my World is actually straight forward

[Supreme being Ainz]:Well i don't want to delve into your sensitive matters like that. You seem pretty uncomfortable to explain that time.

[Desperate Time Traveler]:….i can tell you about the magic but not what I'm doing with it.

[Genocidal Child]:You guys talking about magic if so let me butt in.

[Desperate Time Traveler]:You use Magic?

[Supreme Being Ainz]:I thought You used your knife?

[Genocidal Child]:I mean Yeah But really Depends on your soul Attribute like for example my soul attribute is Determination.

[Desperate Time traveler]:Souls Have Attributes I find that hard to believe, Using Magic in my world too much causes us Magical girls to turn to witches.

[Genocidal Child]:At the end of every adventure, it always restarts over and over again, Well that happened to someone I know it made her go crazy and commit genocide…

[Supreme being Ainz]: You sound like that friend though?

[Genocidal Child]:Well Maybe we will Never know.

[Supreme being Ainz]:So a female version of yo-

[Genocidal Child]:WE Will Never Know

[Supreme Being Ainz]:Did you just cut me off while I was typing…how?.

[Genocidal Child]:im the Admin that's How

[Cursed Kings Vessel]:Yo I'm back what you guys talking about.

[Genocidal Child]:Dont, Worry About it

[Genocidal Child]:Anyway Homura What does your Stopwatch do, I just found out the chat was messing with us.

[Desperate Time Traveler]:It accelerates the time of objects or just completely reverses it, It's useful I guess especially when using a gun.

[Supreme Being Ainz]:A magic girl Using Guns…Well that's New

[Desperate Time traveler]:Well when it comes to using guns…Mami is more of an expert her Magic is to literally summon shotguns, She can summon about a hundred or more of them I guess, she can also use her ribbons to trap someone I guess.

[Genocidal Child]: I get you there's literally a Loli esper that can cause Natural disasters in my World, And other Powerful beings I wouldn't want to mention or I'll probably get there attention, Which is annoying but i just don't want to deal with that shit Right Now.

[Supreme being Ainz]:Interesting I wonder how strong they are.

[Genocidal Child]:Hey who wants to go to another world and cause chaos just for fun, but we're probably not gonna kill anyone.

[Supreme being Ainz]:Count me in it's boring sitting on a throne and going through papers

[Cursed Kings Vessel]:+1

[Desperate Time Traveler]:+1

[Cursed Kings Vessel]:Hey where are the other Two.

[Desperate Time Traveler]:Probably busy or working you know what heroes usually do.

[Genocidal Child]:Hey I'm not that kinda hero any monster that attacks any city in my world immediately gets killed with no hesitation, So were probably more monster/Alien Slayer than hero…..


Hehe MHA Won't know what hit it