
Megalomaniacs Multiversal Chat Group[Currently moved]

What Happens When a Boy dies and gets reborn as chara dreemur with all seven fallen souls and also has a Multiversal Groupchat,Follow The Adventures of Chara and his Multiversal Group Currently invited Characters: Madoka Magicia: Akame Homura OverLord: Ainz ooal gown JJK: Itadori Yuji/Ryomen Sukuna Marvel:Nick Fury DC:Bruce Wayne/BatMan Main World:OPM

Ender_Child · Tranh châm biếm
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54 Chs

A-Rank Chara and Monster hunting.

as i woke up from my bed, nero who was now in spider form was sleeping, and death….she was reading manga since yesterday.

Kara was sleeping by nero hugging her tightly don't know how but okay.

i went to make some food.

after i was done nero seemed to have woken up due to the smell.

"dad what are you cooking" she asked as she entered the kitchen.

"eggs and probably pancakes" i said still unsure.

"oh ok" she replied as she went to sit down. after 4 minutes i was done with making breakfast.

After we were done finishing up with breakfast, kara asked me a question.

"hey why don't we get married instead" i stopped what i was doing and just looked at her strangely.

"uhhhm aren't we already married though we literally are bound to each other We are each other" i said.

"Yeah but a formal marriage seems better" she said looking at me with an innocent gaze.

"hehe~ well if you're going married why don't i join" god if you can hear me, please i beg of you end this conversation.

"uhm nero do you want to stay here or go out with me" i said quickly changing the question.

"ok lets go" she said with a thumbs up, though her sleeves were a little bit too big for her hand….girls and their fashion i guess.

anyways we went out of the apartment and just decided to walk, now currently im still weakened, but drinking angel blood will definitely help even if it was corrupted….Right?!.

well that is something we will find out soon,now let's see what's going on with the chat. i did see megumim and kazuma did join which is quite a suprise.

homura and itadori were silent too, i wonder why though, they must bee doing their own things.

[Supreme being Ainz]: well everyone seems to be quiet.

[Genocidal child]: tell me about it, i may be quiet for a frw days too.

[Supreme being Ainz]:hmm well even i will be busy i guess, everyone is just taking a break.

[War bound evil tyrant]: you are right i have to go commit more war cri- i mean doing good to my country.

As i talked a little around the chat, i eventually stopped, there was an annoying monster im front of me, it was a grass hopper looking mother fucker.

"heheheh~ i would enjoy ripping you apart especially that little girl" it said licking its lips while looking at nero.

"did i permit you to breathe" i said as an uncountable amount of red lines appeared on its body, then it fell apart into small little tiny pieces of blood, flesh and bones.

"oh that looked cool where did you learn it" Kara asked curiously.

"i stole sukunas technique and made a version similar to his, but much faster and better, using trial by error made it easier to make" i said bluntly, i learned that when training those kids in the anti-void.

though thats not the only thing i made, i also learned how to manipulate gravity more, but space seemed to be a bit more farther away, trying to manipulate space is harder and time meh, i could probably stop time or just break it if i really tried.

"heh you sliced his soul into a million pieces too" death also replied while floating on her back.

"dad there are more of them"nero said pointing at 5 more monsters in the distance.

and i could only use that technique like ten times a day before, i literally enter sleep mode.

of course i could minimize the output…but i dont want to and i clearly dont need to do it, anyways nero can handle it.

"Nero use abbyssal thread" she looked at me strangely but she still did and wrapped them into cacoons as they disappeared into the ground entering neros domain, i do not know what she ids going to do with them,….well she's a spider so maybe she will eat them, hopefully not.

"Now that, this is taken care of let's continue walking" I said as we continued our way.

"where are we going exactly"Kara asked.

"to city F, im planning to do some sightseeing" i replied to her question.

"are you gonna commit genocide" Death asked with sparkling eyes.

"Well yes but not today" i said as she floated more closer to me.

"i wish i could join you but i don't have that much energy or souls to form one" she said sadly.

"Yeah i lost most of my energy and souls while helping you, i do not regret it though~" Kara said as she rubbed her cheeks with mine.

"blergh i dont need love i already have LOV" i said while fake barfing.

"Come on don't be a tsundere" she said teasingly.

"I'm not a tsundere" i said my eyes twitching from annoyance.

"Really? that's what a tsundere would say though" death said with a raised eyebrow.

"Death you aren't helping" i said.

"well i did promise to torment you" she said as she looked at me in the sky upside down.

"fine whatever let's just continue walking" by this pace reaching city f will take is a long time but, it wasn't that bad.

"So do you want to talk about something chara" Kara asked in a chirpy tone while she was walking beside me.

"like what?" i asked looking at her.

"i don't know like…do you want to kiss me again or just a hug would do" she asked shyly.

"….not know" i answered.

"hey what do you mean it's my turn to kiss him" Death said while pouting angrily.

"Well let's both kiss him then" oh dear neptune, this conversation is back someone please help me.

"dad you have been talking to yourself lately so i used my eye ability to see who you were talking too, there are three of you know" nero said and i stopped in my tracks.

"are they my moms" she tilted her head, and i genuinely cannot answer that wrongly, like her eyes were just sparkling….i do not want to ruin that sparkle…so for the sake of nero.

"sigh yeah there your moms….technically" i said as death and kara both went too talk to nero, finally leaving me in peace.

"hehehe~ i like this much better" ugh death came back as she wrapped her hands on my neck while riding my back, what am i a car. her legs were locked on me.

"whyyyy" i asked.

"well because kara is not here right now and she is conversing, with her first mom, so giving me a piggy bank ride is most definitely neede" she said in a righteous and truthfull tone.

"You know what i don't even care anymore" i said while puffing my cheeks as we walked.

"come on you cute little tsundere you know you like it" she said as she playfully bit my ear.

"….ignore her chara, shes just a figment of your imagination, she doesn't exist" i said to myself as we continued walking. then i took out the angels blood, since i'm being harassed, why not just go back to full power.

"Wait your actually going to drink it?!" kara asked.

"why else would i get this from an SS grade gacha if im not going to drink it" i said looking at her.

"mmmm can you wait a bit longer, i like your touch and your scent" death said as she was rubbing her face on my neck….Why i do not understand this, dark enigma which is me but….well death.

"hmph your only saying that cause you're close to him spiritually right now" Kara said with a bit of jealousy l.

"heh you jealous Kara, dinner worry you will have your turn but, my fun has ended get along with your angelic transformation" she said as she got off me. after that i drank the blood….it actually just tasted like raspberries and, well blood i g- hmm i feel sleepy.

"haaah, yeah maybe i should have done this in a safer place" i said as i silently fell asleep, the other two disappeared.




in the outskirts of city z, a spidergirl watched as her father got covered in a black red cocoon , the cocoon pulsed then it split into two more cocoons making them three. one was golden,pink the other was golden black and the last was golden red.

"Hmp the monsters really think they will be able to touch dad huh, well i'll just kill them all, its been 7 hours already and this is the 50th one, i hope he is done soon. im bored" nero said as she was swinging her legs on top of a building, it is already afternoon, behind her were the monsters, all of them were still moving and screaming, but they could only see darkness and no one can hear them.

their voices muffled from the webs, as they will slowly suffocate to death in the web they have fallen prey too…..