
Mega gene

In this story, sanctuary becomes upgraded and becomes plasma sanctuary and genogenics become more powerful and humans don't able to kill them now because Ordinary changes into common, primary changes into basic, mutant changes into distorted, sacred-blood changes into holy-blood and Super changes into legendary.All the relationship between sanctuary and xeno universe has lost and xeno universe is collapsed and all are killed there. A normal boy is sent to plasma sanctuary. He rises widely and become the most powerful humans of the Earth. In this Story, we will see the journey of that normal boy.

rebel_knight_ · Khoa huyễn
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48 Chs

Do or Die situation

It's bloodlust hyaena and it is of distorted class. Mark knows it very well because it drop a ride plasma soul. This is because many peoples of the FAMAS shelter have the plasma soul of bloodlust hyaena. Only top class elites such as Max, Evelyn, Jack, Archet and some of his gang members have distorted class plasma soul while others have basic or common. Mark heard that if anyone will be trapped by this hyaena, then there will be Do or Die situation because if you have to alive then you have to kill that hyaena otherwise you will be the breakfast, lunch or dinner of that hyaena. Mark bring out his dagger from his wraist and try to stop the next attack of that hyaena but the claw of that hyaena cuts the dagger into slices and again scratch Mark but this time only skin. Mark quickly bring out his bow and arrow and fire it towards that hyaena but that arrow is again cuts into many pieces by his claw. Mark felt that his energy is about to finish and he cannot use his art for more time and his arrows are useless against that hyaena. Finally Mark decided to borrow energy by using "Energy-burst" hyper Geno art. After that Mark runs this art and felt that a huge amount of energy is burst in his body and he is feeling so energetic now. Mark knows that he has to finish that hyaena in very less time because he will not use energy burst for longer time. It will fully exhaust Mark's energy and after that he can't even move. Mark suddenly sees that bloodlust hyaena jumps on him to cut his neck. Mark sees around him and decided to call his three-horned lava bull's soul. Mark then transform into bull and dig his three horn into the stomach of that hyaena. After that hyaena roar into painful scream. Before hyaena can react Mark again dig his three horn into the neck of that hyaena and withdraw his plasma soul. That hyaena try to wake up but he can't even move. Mark bring out his bow and arrow and fires towards its wounded neck and dies after a while. A notification popup on Mark's power screen.

"Distorted creature Bloodlust hyaena haunted. You got the plasma soul of Bloodlust hyaena. You can consume the flesh of Bloodlust hyaena for 0-10 distorted core points."

Mark falls on ground because he felt that his energy is highly exhausted and he can't even move. He get out some nutrient solution from his bag and drink it. Mark's bleeding stops because of "Diamond-flex". But the pain is still there and marks of scratch is also there. After some time Mark gains some energy and get up and apply some medicine on his would. Mark check the type of Bloodlust hyaena's soul.

"Bloodlust hyaena's plasma soul type: ride."

Mark get out his ride and put the dead body of that bloodlust hyaena in his bag plasma soul and start travelling towards Lotus mountain. Mark's pain is increasing but he decided to take that double-sided sword and return to alliance for rest. With the ride Mark reaches that place where double-sided sword was buried. After traveling half an hour Mark reaches at that place and get out that sword from ground and put it into his bag plasma soul and withdraw it into his plasma sea of soul. Mark return into FAMAS shelter within two hours and return to alliance in Robinson Galaxy. And falls on the ground because he can't resist his pain anymore. The staff of Robinson Galaxy put Mark into hospital available in Robinson Galaxy. After a day Mark come back to his senses. A doctor asks him that how had you be injured like this. Mark says that a bloodlust hyaena approaches me. That why I am brutally injured. Dr tells Mark that he can't go for any hunt for two months. Before the doctor, Mark stops him and asks that he can go to plasma sanctuary just for visit. After thinking some time that doctor says that yes you can only go for visit but not for hunt. Mark says ok and slept in the hospital. Mark everyday goes to FAMAS shelter to eat that hyaena. After three days Mark finished that hyaena and got 5 distorted core points. After this Mark checked his status.

Mark: Not evolved

Age: 250 years

Core points required to evolve: 100

Obtained core points: common core points=8 and distorted core points=5

Plasma souls: Bag body Cat's bag, Distorted lava bull's Shapeshifter soul and distorted bloodlust hyaena's ride.

Mark want to go for hunt but his condition is not even so good. That's why Mark decided to rest. After two month, Mark is finally recovered and he again teleported back into FAMAS shelter and he heard that the elders decided to put a poisonous dagger distorted plasma soul for a reward of the person who came on first position. Everyone knows that no any human is still able to compete globally with other super powerful spirits. Mark thinks that if anyone come on first 15th position globally then he will receive a upper class something. But Mark's power is not so that he can compete with them. Even he can't be able to defeat one of the elders here, then how can he defeat a spirit. Mark also heard that the registration for Divinity bout is started and anyone is free to take part in it. Mark decided to go for a hunt and after that he will think about Divinity bout. In two months, he practiced "Diamond-flex" too much. That's why he decided to first check his fitness level and then he will go for hunt. Mark enters into Fitness checker are and choose a machine to check his fitness level. He punches that machine with his full power and after some time his fitness level is now 13. Mark thinks it's not bad. Mark suddenly sees a small button again and now he is so curious to know whose fitness level is high in FAMAS shelter. Mark tap on that button and sees that the name flashing there is Drake Johnson. Mark thinks that he had heard this name somewhere. After some time he remembered that Brian told him that Drake Johnson is the father of Max. After seeing his fitness Mark's mind collapsed. His fitness level is 40 which is very high. Mark remove that and decided to check his fitness level with the combination of "Diamond-flex" and "energy burst". In these, two months Mark learns to concentrate all energy at a point. That's why he runs his both art to it's maximum and concentrate all power in his fist and he punches that machine and after seeing his fitness level, the ground is collapsed under his leg. What the fuck is this? How can my fitness level is like this?