

Amy's hand holding to her phone to her ears shook means, Amy. Why would he not just tell you anyway?" her friend, Sonia's voice echoed in her earsSonia continued speaking but Amy was not listening to her anymore. She was angry, sad even but she does not understand why she felt this way. "Maybe because he wanted to do it with-" Amy could not even complete her thought. I have work to do. Bye" Before Sonia could speak more, Amy ended the call and shoved the phone away. Amelia Rave, nicknamed Amy. Average in height and beautiful but timid and clumsy. For twenty years, she has lived with her mum and for two years, she searched for a job. On her last quest, she got the job of a personal assistant to a popular actor in town. She got the job not out of qualification but out of a bet. What happens when she falls in love with her boss? What happens when she finds out about his bet? Rowan Ace, a handsome and popular man in the film industry, filled with pride and arrogance. He was perfect at his job and most importantly, rich. He never cared about anyone, not even his family but what happens when a clumsy, crazy girl enters into his life? What happens when their world clash in the society they find themselves in? Read to find out.

Archibong_Faith · Thành thị
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No experience

Once she shut the door, she sighed quietly before turning around to face the interviewers. They were three, two men and a lady. With the woman in between them.

Before them was a table and a single chair. They looked calm and had a smile on their faces, but they gave off strong auras.

"Amelia Rave?" the lady spoke with a British accent

Amy nodded with a smile, but quickly keeps a neutral expression when one of the men frowns. The lady gestures for the chair and she quickly takes a seat.

"CV?" the lady asked

Amy quickly brought it out from the envelope that lay in her bag, then handed it to her. The lady scanned it before passing it to the man on her right, and he later passed it back to her, which she in turn passed to the man on her left.

The man on the left nodded, scanning the CV in his hand. Amy smiled internally, thinking it was a good sign. "Tell us about yourself," the man on the right said

"I'm Amelia Rave. I graduated with a degree in Management two years ago. I'm dedicated to any work given to me and I believe I would do a wonderful job working as a personal assistant" Amy said.

The interviewers nod in unison. The man on the left spoke next with his eyes on the CV, "It says here you have no experience" he glanced at her before glancing at his colleagues and passing the paper.

Amelia nodded. "The ad listed at least a year of experience to apply" the woman stated, staring at her

"It wasn't, ma" Amy replied

The first man speaks, "What makes you think you are qualified for the job?"

"I help my mother out just the same way an assistant helps," Amy thought to herself, almost saying out loud

Amy's mother owns a mini restaurant. It's not so large and popular, but it helps to put food on the table. Some days, it can be busy and Amy's mother would have loads of things to do.

Amy, apart from helping with serving guests, helped by writing down every activity her mother had for the day and each time reminds her beforehand.

"Sir, I have worked before but…" she bites her lips "It isn't a personal assistant job and I could not list it since it was not an official job"

Amy stays quiet, contemplating if she has made the right decision to say more about her not-so-official job.

"Yes? We are listening" the lady said.

"Never mind, ma" Amy retorted

The woman nodded, glancing at her colleagues, then turned back to her with a smile. "That'll be all," she said, giving her CV back

Amy's lips part slightly. Did she say something wrong? Was she going to lose the job? Oh no, what's going to happen now? She wanted to ask, but she thought better of it and just stroke a nod but was still glued to the chair.

Snap! Snap!

"Miss Amelia?" one of the interviewers' voice echoed in her ears

"Yes sir" she replied with a small jolt

"You can leave now" he said, she stroked another nod before rising to her feet

A step close to the door, the paper fell to the ground and while trying to pick it up quickly, her tote bag found its way to the ground too.

"Sorry" She gave them an apologetic look before rushing out the door to avoid further embarrassing herself

Once out of the room, she sighed and gave way to the next person that was approaching the door, glaring at her.

Amy could not thrive in her hate stare because she had other things to be worried about, and that was how the interview went.

She is sure now her mother would take her to one of those cleansing sessions again. A sigh escaped her mouth as she walked back to the room to wait for their next instruction.

As she walked to the side of the room, she could not stop herself from relieving her entire interview. Maybe it was best to leave than be rejected again. She sighed, dropping her gaze when she saw a pair of blue heels coming close to her.

When she lifted her head, it was Queen bee. "Who are you?" Sophia asked, placing her hands on her waist then pushing her upper body back then throwing a leg forward.

Amy blinked a couple of times, trying to understand why she was standing like that. "Do you have a disorder?" she asked

Sophia stared at the average-looking girl wide-eyed, dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"

"The way you are standing, it seems you want to cut yourself into two" Amy responded looking concerned

"How dare you! You piece of…" Sophia is shut of words and raised her hands to hit Amy, but Amy holds it mid-air then rolls her eyes.

"Try again next time" With that, Amy walked out of the room to the main stage

Once on stage, Amy took a sigh of relief. No one could notice, but she was shaking inside. She needed to act bold a bit because she sensed they would bully her if she did not.

She put a smile on her face to calm herself. "The interview was bad, but they did not say I would not get the job. I still have a chance"

Despite her pep talk to herself, she was still not calm. She did not know whether it was because of the interview or the short ordeal with Sophia, but all she knew was that she was restless.

She needed water. Quickly, she grabbed her bottle of water from her bag and opened it, chunking the water down aggressively as it might calm her wrecking nerves.

Once she felt her nerves calm, she stopped and turned around abruptly, forgetting she was at the edge of the stage. Her leg left the stage, making her fall and the bottle that was still left open splash some water out of the bottle landing on one's face.