

Amy's hand holding to her phone to her ears shook means, Amy. Why would he not just tell you anyway?" her friend, Sonia's voice echoed in her earsSonia continued speaking but Amy was not listening to her anymore. She was angry, sad even but she does not understand why she felt this way. "Maybe because he wanted to do it with-" Amy could not even complete her thought. I have work to do. Bye" Before Sonia could speak more, Amy ended the call and shoved the phone away. Amelia Rave, nicknamed Amy. Average in height and beautiful but timid and clumsy. For twenty years, she has lived with her mum and for two years, she searched for a job. On her last quest, she got the job of a personal assistant to a popular actor in town. She got the job not out of qualification but out of a bet. What happens when she falls in love with her boss? What happens when she finds out about his bet? Rowan Ace, a handsome and popular man in the film industry, filled with pride and arrogance. He was perfect at his job and most importantly, rich. He never cared about anyone, not even his family but what happens when a clumsy, crazy girl enters into his life? What happens when their world clash in the society they find themselves in? Read to find out.

Archibong_Faith · Thành thị
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5 Chs


Crash! Smash!

"What was that Amy?" a gentle feminine voice came from below resonating through the room

"Nothing, Mother" she lied

She was frozen with her right knee close to her breast, her fingers around a shoe with a part of her right foot in the black shoe.

Amy has been struggling to put on her shoe as she is in a hurry to calmly put it on. She was hopping around the room with her left foot while trying to put her right leg in the shoe when she kicked her reading table.

The innocent vase that stood at the edge of the table twirled and fell to the floor, shattering to pieces on the red rug, adding to the disoriented room.

There were clothes, books, bags, and shoes scattered everywhere in the most inappropriate places.

Right now, that was not her problem, not even the broken vase, at least for now.

She resumed hopping on one foot, trying to put on her shoe.

Her problem now is putting her leg in her shoe and heading for her intervie-

She hit a pile of clothes, making her unbalanced, and she falls to the ground. Buttocks first.


The shoe leaves her leg, flies to the ceiling, and then takes its final position on the bed with a bounce.

"Amy, hurry, or you'll miss the bus" her mother's voice came in again

"Yes Mother" she responded and took to her feet

Angrily, she grabbed the shoe, took a seat on the bed and calmly puts it on with a sigh.

Ring! Ring!

She jolts up from the bed, grabs her phone where the alarm went off, dismissed the alarm, then shoves it into her big, black tote bag that could swallow a television.

Quickly, she headed for her dressing table and picked up her big, squared glasses, then placed them on her nose. She studied herself in the mirror, shook her head then took it off, placing it gently on the table before dashing out of the room.

Amy is a short form for Amelia that only a few people in her life use.

Amelia is an average-height beauty with golden long hair, bright hazel eyes, a moderate nose and thin lips. She lives with her single mother, whom she has known for twenty years of her life.

Amy is quiet and, most importantly, clumsy. Ever since she turned eighteen, she has been finding it difficult to get a job, either because of her clumsy nature or she turns up late, or she is not qualified.

Today, she had another interview, the 30th one for that matter and as usual, she was ten minutes late for it.

Her golden hair bounced as she descended the stairs in a hurry. At the foot of the stairs, she glanced around the living room before taking a turn to the right.

After a few steps, she came to the small dining room. On the table laid a mountain of pancakes covered in honey. She smiled as she approached it. Her mother's pancakes were always divine to her.

She checked the time on her wristwatch then quickly snatched two pancakes, shoved one into her mouth before spinning around to leave, only to meet with her mother's gaze.

Her mother was at the door with a bottle of water. She sighed as she approached her daughter. "Amy, I thought I told you not to eat that way" she reprimanded

Amy quickly chewed part of the pancake in her mouth before swallowing. "Habit mother. Sorry" she apologized then still shoved the other pancake in her hand into her mouth.

Her mother's head turned to the side, giving her a 'seriously?' look.

Amy's eyes widened when she realized what she had done. It was indeed a habit. She quickly swallowed again. "Sorry"

Amy's mother shook her head then handed her a napkin from the table for her to wipe her hand, which she took and cleaned her hands before rushing to the door.

"Bye Mother," she said

"Wait, your glasses… water" she heard her mother say, and she abruptly stopped before spinning around and rushing back to her, grabbing the water in her hand

"I don't need my glasses always Mother," she said, rushing out of the dining room

"Thank you, Mother. I love you" she yelled from the living room before heading out to catch up with the bus.

She did not take her glasses because people tend to call her a nerd because of it, and she hated it. She was not technically a nerd, she did well in school, but she uses glasses to aid her sight, which was not too good.

Now, she did not need to be made fun of because of her glasses when she got to the interview. She was certain high-class bitches like her friend, Sonia called them, will be around.

She shoved that thought to the side as she ran towards the bus stop. However, she was late for it but hopefully, it would still be loading before she got there.

As she thought, she was a distance away when she spotted some people getting onto the bus, but her sight was a little blurred because she did not have her glasses and she did not notice the last person was getting in.

The bus made a fart sound before it started moving. Her eyes widen. "Hey!" she yelled, running towards the moving bus waving her hand "Over here!" she yelled louder

To her relief, the bus stopped, and she got in panting and sweating.

"Thanks, Jerry" she appreciated, placing her both hands on her knees

"Late again, I presume," the man behind the wheel said shaking his head

Without answering, she found a seat at the end of the bus. Amy shut her eyes, still trying to even out her breathing. She opened her eyes some minutes later then checked her wristwatch.

9:00 am 

Her hand dropped, and she hit her finger on the iron rod under the chair.
