
Meeting the Mafia Monster

Fabien Nightshade is a monster .He's huge ,dark,powerful and ....tentacled.He's almost as terrifying as the nightmares that he inflicts on his victims.He's also my new undercover assignment.I'm supposed to gather evidence to bring down the mafia monster. Seducing Fabien and pretending to want to marry him is the only way to do that . Now,I've got a week to get the job done before the arranged marriage happens and I become the beast's bride and Fabien has made it very clear how much he wants me.The thing he wants to do to me when I'm fully his are dirty,depraved and involved a lot of tentacles .The scary part of is ,I'm starting to think that I'd enjoy it ....All of it

Saintnessa · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

Chapter 21

Its breath comes in long wheezes. It sounds like wind through the hollow of a tree, but I know it's breath because I smell it. It doesn't smell like the breeze. It smells like gods don't have mouthwash or floss.

Or, at least this god doesn't.

"Hi, are you the mountain god?"

My voice comes out squeaky. My throat tries to close up, like I don't need to breathe or swallow, or do anything except hide or die.

And boy do Ifeellike I should hide. Something that big, moving towards me, everything in me screams to get the heck out of the way, find somewhere to crouch. Or run screaming from the caves and tell the Nightshade clan they can kiss my tush.

"I'm just going to go overherefor a sec. We'll chat when you get up the slope."

I duck back and crouch behind a boulder. I can't help it.