
Meet Boa

Boa had been chosen, he will time by time get stronger and finally be worthy of certain trials, the real story will begin there.

dubheasa · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs


it was time to loot, Boa could atleast relive himself by this way, he found an cart and moved into the firs tent, he found gold and part spiky armor, the parts could cover hir arms, he equipped the on, even if they were massive and too big, they stayed intact his right hand looked like an spiky orc arm, it was ten times bigger than his arm overall but he could controll it easily like it was his own hand

'is this an function?'

[seems like it!]

'you are the helmet dont you know anything?!'


Boa moved to the next tent, as he entered inside an rotten stench came to his nose

"ugh! block that!"


Boa sighed after the stench dissapeared, as he looked at the source of the smell and his eyes widened, it was an rotting corpse of an human woman, her mating place was destroyed and her jaw was rippen in places, her throath and her stomach looked like exploded because of immense pressure

"ugh! what the hell!"

he got out of the tent as he crouched holding his stomach

"t- these filthy monsters!"

Boa sat down and removed his mouthpiece and siged, for whatever couse he felt like he couldnt breathe with his mouthpiece, he took a deep breath and got up again, he was completely lost in this load of bullshit but for his own good he needed to take any waluable he could

he went back to the tent and held the woman with his armored arm and got her out, he digged an hole to bury her

at this moment as he was burying her he saw to people running, it was orcs, he was pretty sure he killed them all. oh right, he forgot xruu and bula, he patted the ground and held the greatsword with his armored arm, it looked like an petite boy with an orc arm holding an great sword, pretty menacing.

Boa squinted his eyes to see xruu holding someone on his back, oh right. he forgot to check if loka was dead or not

they stopped as they looked at the bloodbath with no bodies, everyone was gone and there stood Boa with an absurd arm with their chieftains sword, bula collapsed on her knees with wide eyes and started to cry as xruu stood there motionless, Loka slowly opened her eyes to see the menacing aura of Boa getting closer, she started to sweat

"why!!! just what did we do to you!!"

Boa tilted his head

"ask that to your friend that you are holding on xruu's back"

Bula looked at loka with wide eyes


loka gritted her teeth while crying

"ı.. ım sorry.. ı couldnt .. hold back after his face..."

"you crazy! why! you knew how strong he was!"

"ı- ı maybe tought he would"

xruu dropped her and stayed away, loka fell to her knees, her injury was recovered but she had lost a decent amount of blood she panicked 

Bula crawled to Boa with eyes flooding with tears, her gase filled with terror

"please forgive us!!"

suddenly she felt and shackle putted around her neck, her eyes widened as he held the iron shackle, it was an slave collar! she looked up to boa with horror to see his gaze piercing her soul, she quickly looked down so that she wouldnt be crazed, she bowed to the ground with her most of her skin exposed, 

"y- yes..."

Boa didnt need to talk to tell her what happened, he looked towards xruu to see a sword piercing his neck, he killed himself. lastly he slowly walked towards loka 

"ah.. ım .. ım sorry! please!"

Boa gritted his teeth

"ı dont understand what you find so pleasurable when you do those act!, just what is so good about that!"

"it.. its just"

"then let me make you taste your own medicine you fucking monster!"

Loka crawled backwards but Boa held her 


"you fucking filth!"

Boa kicked her away from her gut he got his greatsword and lifted it with ease, he aproached loka and smashed her head with the greatsword killing her in one move, he lifted the greatsword and swinged it to clear the blood. now there was only Bula and him

Boa looked back to see Bula standing with her hands at the back, her expression was horrified as she looked right avoiding eye contact, boa looked at her disgusted, 

"fucking bitch.."

"you will follow like this."

he quickly moved forward and held the cart, he moved forward to the next tent as Bula followed him, as boa go to the third tent, he found another body, but this time it wasnt dead but completely broken, the girl was looking at nothing with empthy eyes, she looked at Boa but also didnt look at him, she was an loss case

Boa got close to her and unequipped the arm to easily move, he held her hand and closed her body with cloth

"miss are you alright?"

the woman looked at Boa and her eyes widened, she started to cry and talked with trembling voice

"please.. please kill me!!"

Boa huged her as she cried, he couldn't belive these orcs, he pulled back from the hug and wiped her tears

"dont worry, ı had come to save you! whats your name? your family? where were you before?"

she cried still sniffing

"ı.. ım claire.. ı was kidnapped while ı was picking herbs.. ı had a mother and father.. uuaaaaahh!!!! ı want my mother!!"

she started crying again and hugged Boa, after a while she calmed down 

"how old are you miss...?"

"ı.. ım 15.."

Boas eyes widened, she was too young to go trough this kind of shit and rest of her life wouldnt be easy too. but she atleast got to live

"is.. is there anyone like you here?"

"ı.. ı m new.. ı was here for two weeks.. for others.. ı dont think they have any reasoning left..."

Boa gritted his teeth 

"alright.. lets get you out of here.."

the girl panicked

"w- wait what about those monsters?!"

Boa looked back as he pulled her outside to a bloody mess without no corpse

"ı killed them all."

"o.. oohh..."

claire looked at Boa with wide eyes as she observed her surroundings, there was no monster, no corpse but there was blood everywhere, claire catched a glimpse of an orc, and se looked at her naked body and the shackle at her neck, she couldnt stop but grin. the monsters got what they deserved , she looked at Boa with pleading eyes

Boa grinned and gave her an bat

"you are free to do it."

claire's grin grew wider as she turned around to bula. Bula saw this and gulped, she felt immense ammount of fear and she knew she would be getting the hell of an beating looking at the face of that woman, she started to cry, she didnt want do die so she turned to Boa with horrified eyes

"p- please..!"

Boa narrowed his eyes and replied

"you should have thinked before betraying me."

"ı didnt contribute to this!! it was loka who gave you wrong directions and it was loka who tried to rape you, ı beg of you please!"


he turned to claire

"you can beat her to the brink of death but dont kill her."

Boa held the cart as he continued to push it to the next tent while claire gave Bula a beating.

uh, maybe ı was drunk writing this?

dubheasacreators' thoughts