
Mechanical Storm

A legendary man, clad in powerful mech armor, has become an immortal hero. His story brims with invincible battles and astonishing adventures, his name already a legend in countless mouths. He possesses not only remarkable combat skills but also an indomitable will and boundless courage. His mech, a war machine merging state-of-the-art technology with limitless power, renders him unbeatable in combat. Fearlessly challenging all adversaries, every battle he engages in becomes a legend, and each adventure inscribes history. However, the hero's journey is far from smooth sailing. He faces formidable foes, endless dangers, and daunting choices, yet he never gives up, forever upholding his beliefs and mission.

Jyrtsunoeso · Khoa huyễn
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27 Chs

Unstoppable Devil's Training

At this moment, Alex was not unconscious; instead, he found himself in a vast space. He pinched himself hard, but surprisingly felt no pain... Dazed, he thought to himself, "Well, I've survived meteor crashes; encountering ghosts is no big deal!"

Observing the blend of reality and illusion before him, Alex felt like he was in some sort of all-weather virtual space, almost like in a space battle game.

"Anyone here? If so, make a noise!" 


The sudden sound startled Alex. He turned around to find a spherical metal robot with wings... or rather, a mechanical toy.

"Sweat, was that squeak from you?" The robot was surprisingly obedient.

"Great master, hello. I am Kim, the 8th generation of Caesar KFBT toys, with serial number 9638. You can call me Kim." The robot said earnestly.

Alex's brain raced. Was he dreaming or experiencing some hallucination? He reached out to touch Kim, only to find emptiness.

"Where am I? How did I get here? What is Caesar? And what's KFBT? And who are you?" Shocked, Alex bombarded Kim with questions, but deep down, he suspected it had something to do with the meteor and his recent bodily anomalies.

"Master, Caesar is a civilization originating from Earth, representing the most powerful force in the universe. I am a creation of the Caesar civilization, model KFBT, which stands for Fully Intelligent Battle Control Drama Education Toy. Kim is your toy." Though his grades were poor, Alex never doubted his intelligence. While there might have been a Caesar civilization long ago, it certainly wasn't capable of creating something like Kim. And what kind of toy was called Fully Intelligent Battle Control Drama Education? It made no sense!

However, Alex managed to grasp the gist of it. This thing might actually be from another civilization, with Earth possibly serving as its temporary language system. Nevertheless, that wasn't the point. The point was why it brought him here!

"Cough, Kim, am I in your space now? Can you let me go back?" He certainly didn't want to be abducted by aliens, especially not when he had just met Tang Ling. What a way to go!

"Sorry, Master. The system has detected your request and initiated the training system. You must remain in this space until the training is complete. The ratio between here and reality is ten to one." Kim replied in its usual stiff manner.

Alex was close to passing out. Since when did he make such a request? Moreover, if he was the master, didn't he have the right to make changes?

"Kim, since I'm the master, can't I change that and train later?" 


"I'm sorry, Master. Due to severe damage during the journey through parallel space, your request cannot be executed. Please choose between waiting or exercising."

Hearing there was another option, Alex felt a surge of excitement. "Waiting? How long do I have to wait?"

"The elements in this universe are abundant but in primitive energy forms. With severe damage, there is a 30% margin of error, ranging from ten to one hundred Earth years." Kim remained meticulous as ever.

Alex was about to lose it.

"Oh my god, are you kidding me?" He didn't have a choice but to undergo the training as quickly as possible, even though his military training hadn't started yet, he was being trained by aliens.

Soon, he brushed off his gloom and threw himself into training with fervor. This training was designed by Kim to best suit Alex's physical condition and to incorporate some of the technology from the Caesar civilization, undoubtedly futuristic. The training was conducted in a holographic simulation, divided into two parts: physical conditioning and BS001 mobile training. Kim sensed Alex's admiration for the BS001 training, so it selected that model and increased the difficulty. The territorial training began.

Only Alex's spirit entered the training state, but with Kim's technological prowess, aligning the mental training with physical effects was straightforward. This technology had been achieved by the Caesar civilization five hundred years ago. While too high demands could damage Kim irreparably, this requirement posed no problem, given the relatively intact database and straightforward implementation.

The Kim in the simulated space was just a projection; its core was still undergoing self-recovery, an extremely slow process. The initiation of this process was due to the strong mental fluctuations sensed from Alex. Thus, the reason behind it ultimately lay with Alex himself.

As the illusion unfolded, it became almost indistinguishable from reality. Alex's surroundings gradually transformed into a training ground, a luxurious one at that. Some equipment was familiar to Alex, some he had heard of, and some were entirely unheard of—definitely not from Earth.

These were the training apparatus Alex had longed for. The ones Sosha bought were no longer sufficient, but he didn't have the nerve to ask for more. Seeing so many good things, he couldn't help but rush forward excitedly.

"Master, the first phase of training begins. The equipment in this training ground is designed according to your physical condition and can train every important part of your body. This training phase is divided into two aspects: active training and passive training."

"Huh, what is passive training?" This was the first time Alex had heard the term.

"Passive training is training your body's endurance when under attack."

Gulp... Enduring attacks? He only wanted to be a mobile warrior, not a martial arts master!

However, seeing the meticulous robot ignore his master's intentions entirely, Alex realized it was either because the civilization on that planet was too backward or because of severe damage during the journey through parallel space... Parallel space???

Although Alex didn't attend classes much, he was still a young man of the 23rd century. Parallel space was a power that was still in the realm of science fiction speculation. It was a theory even more unimaginable and harder to reach than simple time and space travel. Did it really exist?

"Are you really from parallel space?"

"Yes, Master. The original masters have all ascended and merged with the universe. Prince threw Kim into parallel space for some unknown reason. The seemingly impossible traversal succeeded."

"...Then why do you call me Master?"

Oh god, please don't scrap me after a while! 

"Due to severe damage, and sensing the same lineage as the Master, according to the rules of robot recognition, a robot that has completely lost its master must choose to recognize the same lineage as the original master. During landing, it happened to encounter the Master and activated the recognition program."

Alex roughly understood that the Earth they referred to was another Earth, with a civilization at an unimaginable stage. Both Alex and the previous master should be Earthlings.

"Can the Master change? I mean, find someone more suitable than me?" Alex tentatively asked. This was a matter of life and death.

"Unless the Master dies, a robot cannot recognize a new master. Furthermore, if the robot fails to fulfill its duty to protect, it must self-destruct."

The reason for coming to Earth to recognize a master was analyzed by the system. They had already reached another dimension, and it was impossible to return. It was also the original master's will.

Traveling through parallel space came at a price. Unexpectedly, even with the severe damage, the robot Alex picked up was still quite impressive.

"Master, according to the efficiency principle, if you have no further questions, please begin the training!"


Alex was feeling somewhat confident and eagerly began following the training routine. The sequence was already laid out, but as he picked up the oldest dumbbell... it was so heavy! How much gold was in there?

"Master, all the equipment is designed based on your body's sub-limits. To motivate you during training, if you slack off, you'll experience random sensations like electric shocks, fire burns, ultrasonic impacts, and laser touches."

Alex didn't pay much attention and enthusiastically started exercising according to the virtual coach's movements. For the first exercise, he was supposed to do just ten reps, but Alex managed eight and felt his neck cramping. He pushed himself for the ninth rep, thinking he could finally take a breath.

Zap... Boom...

A lightning attack... and Alex blacked out.

He felt excruciating pain, as if his body and bones were melting from the lightning strike. The sensation lasted for five seconds, but for Alex, it felt like five years.

"Master, please continue. The system is designed based on your body's limits and the peak of your mental bursts. For instance, just now, at your physical limit, you could have done a maximum of eleven reps. If your spirit is highly stimulated, it could even reach up to thirteen."

Kim's robotic voice sounded, and at that moment, Alex no longer found it cute. It was downright diabolical!

God, he understood physical limits, he understood mental bursts, humans could unleash extraordinary power in dangerous situations, but he had never heard of training for this.

He tightly closed his eyes, hoping that when he opened them, everything would be back to normal!

Three seconds later, it wasn't Alex who opened his eyes, it was the lightning strike that hit his body, making him open them. The sensation of his flesh and bones melting forced him to do so. Even though, according to Kim, this pain was within his mental tolerance.

Alex learned a new idiom — "Better off dead!"

He experienced the terrifying nature of an advanced civilization firsthand. It was a test on the brink of physical and mental collapse. Alex began the real territorial training.

But don't think this was just robotic training. While other civilizations might have approached it that way, the Mayan civilization was part of Earth's civilization, albeit the most advanced part. If military experts saw this training method, they might worship Kim as an ancestor because this was the highest limit they had ever dreamed of achieving, but due to various limitations, they were still far from it.

Alex was lucky to have been training himself since middle school; otherwise, he might have collapsed under the pressure. This was also a miscalculation in Kim's calculations — the threshold of collapse varied randomly.

However, Alex was indeed different from ordinary people. A high school student from an ordinary family would never be fascinated by such monotonous training. But Alex did it. When he realized there were benefits in pain, he gritted his teeth and persevered. He knew he had to either survive and complete it or die and become a vegetable here!

He didn't want to die. He had parents, friends... and he was still a virgin!

The most basic training, according to Kim, was to hammer various parts of the body and master the fundamentals. For example, Alex could only kick close to his head before, which was already quite exaggerated, but now he had to kick vertically towards the ground in just 0.3 to 0.4 seconds. Otherwise, it was... zapping!

The basic training lasted a whole month. In the first week of that month, Alex thought of suicide three times and came close to the edge of collapse twice, but he got through it. Even he was surprised he managed to survive. He didn't die in Kim's basic training. And Alex also renamed Kim: Devil Kim.

For a month of training, Kim gave Alex a barely passing score, sixty-one points according to Earth's algorithm, with one point being an encouragement prize.

The results of the basic training enable Alex to fully utilize each part of his body and make precise attack responses even under ten times the gravity. However, these are just the fundamentals. In the words of Devil Kim, this is merely mechanical movement, a basic requirement for a warrior. It feels particularly eerie for a human to be described as performing mechanical movements by a machine. Besides, there's the aspect of countering such attacks. Constant exposure to laser beams, electric shocks, radiation, and more has made Alex intimately familiar with the effects of these attacks. After experiencing them numerous times, he has completely lost any fear and gained a thorough understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each attack.

This training originates from a simple analogy: facing someone with a wooden sword versus someone with a sharp blade elicits different visual and psychological effects, resulting in different reactions. Therefore, the training with laser beams not only hones the body but also eliminates any fear, ensuring the ability to make calm and rational decisions under any circumstances.

From Devil Kim's perspective, Alex barely manages. Not because Devil Kim is too diabolical, but because its emotional systems are severely damaged, rendering it unresponsive to Alex's condition. Whether this is fortunate or unfortunate for Alex, he cannot tell.

Furthermore, the mental response, directly connected to Alex's body through the system, triggers various genetic self-evolutions. This type of evolution, originating from the essence of the being itself, cannot be detected by existing Earth technology.

In theory, evolution is determined by the environment. Devil Kim accelerates this process using the technology of the Caesar civilization. However, in the concept of a machine, this is merely a lengthy process. But to others, it's nothing short of divine creativity.

Unfortunately, Alex is completely oblivious to all of this and has no interest. His days consist only of training and sleep. He even skips eating and drinking. Sleep is essential, as mental well-being requires rest. Eight hours is optimal; more is pointless, less is insufficient.

At first, Alex struggles to adapt. Either he can't sleep or he has nightmares. After several days, he learns how to control his entry into deep sleep for maximum rest. However, this newfound peace doesn't last long. Despite still sleeping eight hours, he now experiences one to three attacks during that time. This means he must maintain a certain level of alertness. It seems contradictory, but Devil Kim claims there's a balance that Alex must find himself and maintain.

Alex is at his wit's end. Is this training to become a mobile warrior or an assassin? But Devil Kim doesn't care about reason. In moments of danger, human potential is fully unleashed. While some may develop a sixth sense, Alex has trained himself to have one.

But all this is just the basic training, and only the first month has passed. The subsequent training has already begun.

Initially, Alex thought after physical training, he would move on to his beloved mobile warrior training. But he's disappointed because the training is still focused on his body. According to Devil Kim, if it weren't for his poor foundation, there would be no need to waste a month. This disappoints Alex greatly. At school, his physical abilities were top-notch, and even if he were to join the military, he wouldn't be considered weak. Yet, he was given such a low assessment.

The second part of physical training mainly focuses on adapting to the environment and real combat situations, not piloting a mobile warrior in combat but rather surviving on his own!

The environment of the training ground has disappeared, replaced by a primitive forest. Seeing the peculiar appearance of the trees, Alex's first reaction is that this must be like an adventure movie, only with the price being his life. If he makes even a small mistake, he's done for. Although Devil Kim says it's arranged according to his strength, Alex no longer believes it after the first stage. If it weren't for his resilience and numerous concerns, he might not have been able to endure it. Now that he's come this far, he can't afford to give up. Furthermore, Alex faintly senses that if he can survive and leave this place, he will make unimaginable progress.

"Master, this is Devil's Forest, one of the planets we've conquered. The technological civilization here is relatively backward, but it possesses formidable combat capabilities. There are two types of life here: plant-based and animal-based. You need to live here for a week," Devil Kim's mechanical voice said.

"Oh, so it's just plant-based and animal-based monsters. What are their strengths and weaknesses? And what about my equipment?"

They are standing at the entrance of the forest, and the scenery suddenly changes to the outside world, giving Alex a sense of freshness. However, after a month of training, his curiosity about unknown things has been relegated to second place. Survival is now his top priority!

"You need to discover the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents yourself. You have been given an Alpha alloy knife, consistent with the technological level of your planet. Additionally, your dietary system has been activated. If you don't consume enough nutrients, your combat effectiveness will decrease..."

"Stop, stop! I know all this without you having to say it!" Alex interrupted. Good grief, if his combat effectiveness decreases, it

"A decrease in combat power is just like game over!"

"Well then, I wish the master a smooth passage through the test."

Devil Kim seemed to flap its wings respectfully, then after a few shakes of its head, it disappeared, leaving behind an Alpha alloy knife on the ground.

Picking up the only weapon, Alex deeply scorned his "servant." Even for a master like him, this level of assertiveness was truly unprecedented and audacious.

"The test begins. Please enter the Devil's Forest within three seconds. Countdown starts: three..."

As soon as the voice sounded, Alex didn't hesitate. He swiftly plunged into the forest at high speed. This damn machine wasn't giving him any face, not even an extra minute.

Upon entering the forest, his vision immediately darkened, severing all connections with the outside world. Alex remained motionless, cautiously sensing everything around him. This would be a true test of survival!