
Mechanical Storm

A legendary man, clad in powerful mech armor, has become an immortal hero. His story brims with invincible battles and astonishing adventures, his name already a legend in countless mouths. He possesses not only remarkable combat skills but also an indomitable will and boundless courage. His mech, a war machine merging state-of-the-art technology with limitless power, renders him unbeatable in combat. Fearlessly challenging all adversaries, every battle he engages in becomes a legend, and each adventure inscribes history. However, the hero's journey is far from smooth sailing. He faces formidable foes, endless dangers, and daunting choices, yet he never gives up, forever upholding his beliefs and mission.

Jyrtsunoeso · Khoa huyễn
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27 Chs



For the first time in ages, Alex woke up early, ten minutes earlier than usual. Normally, he could control his waking up, and he could have slept more, but feeling the smooth body pressing against his arm made it impossible to doze off.

The sky was just getting dimly bright, and Alex had a dream-like feeling. The dim room didn't obstruct his vision; Tang Ling's beautiful body was completely within his sight. The fact that he had possessed this angelic body yesterday filled him with pride and emotion. Tang Ling, a little princess like her, unexpectedly fell for him, which was truly surprising.

Although affairs between men and women were common in this era, and nobody cared, for prestigious families like GAD, some things were still significant. But Tang Ling didn't refuse him yesterday. Looking at Tang Ling sleeping soundly, Alex didn't move, afraid of waking up the tired sleeping beauty.

Alex didn't know how Devil Gold had transformed him, but he had a monstrous body now, with some monstrous abilities too. Tang Ling was just an ordinary girl, with good health but quite fragile. Perhaps her competitive spirit was at play; she insisted on sparring with Alex, despite being quite weak. The two inexperienced young people, after tasting the forbidden fruit, tossed and turned for a long time until Tang Ling completely exhausted herself. It was evident from the satisfied look in the little princess's watery eyes that she felt fulfilled. This made Alex quite proud. Finally, he could hold his head high in front of Marca. But alas, his virginity was gone forever!

Maybe Tang Ling had grown accustomed to Alex's gaze. She slowly turned over, revealing her excellent figure completely to a certain perverted wolf. Early in the morning, Alex reacted immediately, much to Tang Ling's discomfort, who casually slapped him.

"Sweat... 'Ah, is it already several days? Won't we be late for class?"

"It's just past five. But today's morning training is canceled," Alex said with a smile, his hand still resting on Tang Ling's tender white buttocks.

Tang Ling slightly twisted her body a few times to protest, but Alex showed no intention of moving his hand. The young lady had made her decision. Neither of them had any intention of getting up, lying in bed embracing each other and chatting. It was the happiest thing in the world for a couple in the peak of love.

"I confess, please go easy on me."

"Oh, really? Then from now on, I'm in charge. Behave well, or else I'll still expel you from my domain."

Originally, Tang Ling was expected to get angry or cry sentimental tears, but in reality, she didn't. It was evident from her eyes that there was still some faint regret, but it wasn't as Alex had imagined. This touched Alex deeply. Tang Ling was not only outstanding in appearance, intelligence, and family background but also in her heart, which was rare among girls like her.

Alex was too moved to speak and could only hug Tang Ling tightly. Tang Ling also remained silent. From the strength of this embrace, she felt the warmth of suffocation, but she preferred to be immersed in it.

Time flew by quickly. It was already past seven in a blink of an eye. The training had long been thrown out of the window by Alex due to the power of love, which was indeed mighty. Even Superman couldn't resist, let alone Alex. When he left Tang Ling's room reluctantly, he realized he hadn't returned home all night.

Fortunately, there wouldn't be any room checks, but that didn't mean nobody was watching.

"...Sosa, why are you squatting there?"

Early in the morning, Sosa was squatting next to the flower bed in the dormitory area, his eyes wandering like a pervert. Obviously, being an elite female didn't deter him from pursuing beauty.

As soon as Alex heard Sosa's voice, he immediately jumped up. "Hey buddy, where did you go last night? You didn't even answer your communicator. Didn't you say you'd let me visit your five-star dorm? You didn't come back all night, Alex, you're quite daring!"

Sosa's eyes scanned Alex like an infrared beam. With his keen sense of smell, something must have happened yesterday. Others might not understand Alex, but Sosa knew him too well. This guy was as regular as a robot. Now, suddenly...

"Oh, I forgot, haha, it's okay, let's go now!"

Sosa grabbed Alex's arm. "Alex, do you think it's wise to change the subject in front of the future king of gossip? ... There's a scent of perfume, Chanel Silent Forest series!"

Alex had a headache. He forgot about this guy's keen nose. Of course, Sosa was proud of his own too.

"Is that so? I don't understand those luxury things. Maybe I picked it up in the library by accident. We stayed up all night yesterday. Our school library is really good, haha, hahaha!"

Sosa was a bit suspicious, but he couldn't catch any evidence. Anyway, Alex seemed a bit strange. Although Sosa was his friend, he didn't believe that Alex suddenly had a girlfriend. Recently, Alex only had Tang Ling by his side... To win over Tang Ling, one probably needed star-level charm. If Sosa couldn't do it, the chances for Alex were slim. Although the two were friends, there was a world of difference between friends and girlfriends.

When they arrived at Alex's room, Sosa began

 searching for clues like a detective. As he searched, he sighed, "Alex, if you have something to say, just say it. You know I won't tell anyone."

Alex held Sosa's shoulder and looked into his eyes. "Brother, I've found the one I love. In this life, I only want her. This is my first and last love. I hope you understand."

Sosa couldn't help but shiver as he looked into Alex's eyes. He felt a sense of vicissitudes in his gaze, like a person who had experienced the vicissitudes of life. Sosa thought he had understood Alex, but now he realized he didn't know him at all. 

"Brother, don't worry. I'll support you no matter what. I believe you'll find true happiness."

Tears welled up in Sosa's eyes, and he hugged Alex tightly. No matter what, friends should support each other. He had to believe that Alex had made the right choice.

After this incident, Sosa treated Alex with greater care. He was not only his friend but also his brother.

Love was a beautiful thing, but it was also a heavy burden. No matter what, Alex had to carry it himself. He would protect Tang Ling with his life.

That night, Sosa found a beautiful girl to accompany Alex, hoping to help him get rid of his troubles. As for Alex, he smiled and accepted it. He didn't care about other girls. In his heart, there was only Tang Ling.

Time passed quickly, and graduation day arrived. Alex and Tang Ling stood side by side, facing the future with confidence and determination. They knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they were together, they could overcome them.

As they received their diplomas, Alex whispered in Tang Ling's ear, "Let's start our new life together, my love."

Tang Ling smiled and nodded, her eyes shining with love and excitement. They were ready to face whatever the future held, as long as they were together.

"By the way, do you play Universe War? You should know about Blade Warrior, right?" Tang Ling quickly changed the subject. Men naturally like to tease girls, and there aren't many girls who can resist it.

"Yeah, I play. What about Blade Warrior?" Alex didn't directly answer, facing Tang Ling made it really difficult to hide anything.

"Why, jealous? Don't worry, whether Blade Warrior is round or square, a skilled pilot is crucial for the research on mech combat. We've encountered some obstacles in our experiments, and even the military pilots couldn't operate them." Tang Ling sipped her juice casually.

Alex was stunned. He couldn't help but wonder why women have such a great attraction to men.

"That's true. A good pilot can explain some issues in the design process of mobile suits. If there's a chance, I can give it a try." Alex took the initiative. He had long admired Exciter Warrior, and now the military's mobile suits were not enough to unleash his combat power. Even if they were more difficult to operate, he could handle them. He wasn't afraid of difficulties.

Tang Ling stuck out her tongue. "But it's not just up to me to decide... But seeing how strong you were yesterday, I guess you're pretty good in this aspect. I can..."

As she spoke, Tang Ling suddenly realized the huge ambiguity in her words, especially when she saw Alex's smirk. She couldn't help but stomp on him heavily.

"You're so bad!"

The charm in which she said these words was something one had to experience personally to understand, feeling like being electrified all over.

Alex innocently shrugged. "I didn't say anything. You're accusing me unfairly!"

In the cozy lunchtime atmosphere, Alex probably didn't expect that having a meal could be so enjoyable. It was a hot day, and lunch break was relatively long, but both of them were full of energy. There were still some unresolved issues from yesterday, which they could continue discussing today.

As shocking news tends to spread quickly, the military academy was no exception. Tang Ling, who was expected to become the new school flower, was preempted by someone else. For many admirers of beautiful girls, this was a major blow.

When Sosha heard this news, he was shocked, but his classmates looked at him with envy. "Sosha, your friend wasn't lying. That's amazing! Just as you said. I underestimated you before. I really didn't know enough."

"Wait... wait a minute, you're saying Tang Ling's boyfriend is Alex?"

"Yeah, they were seen holding hands intimately and having lunch together. Many people saw it!"

Damn, no wonder it felt familiar. It's the same perfume Tang Ling uses. That brat, knowing that he loves gossip the most, actually hid it from him. No, he had to settle the score. Oh... he didn't come back all night yesterday, could it be?

Sosha carefully recalled the morning encounter with Alex. It's hard to distinguish between a boy and a man, but there was still a slight difference in temperament, especially for someone as familiar with Alex as Sosha...

"Oh my god!" Sosha couldn't help but burst out with a vulgar exclamation, praising God. Could it be that Alex had a perfect first night with Tang Ling yesterday?

Is that possible?

Sosha couldn't hold back anymore and rushed out, relying on his sixth sense as a man to intercept Alex on the way.

Seeing Sosha's flushed face, Alex immediately covered his mouth. "Go to the library and wait for me. I need to have a man-to-man talk with this guy."

Tang Ling nodded with a smile. This kind of banter between these two was not the first time, and she was well aware of Sosha's love for gossip.

Dragging Alex to the side of the road, Sosha stared at him like a bulldog. "Spill it. Did you do it? Didn't do it? Did you? Didn't you? Did you or didn't you?"


"Hey, are you even a man? Can't you stop being so nosy? Although we're close..."

Rolling his eyes, Sosha said, "Stop preaching. We've both worn the same underwear. What's there to be embarrassed about, bro? I swear I won't tell anyone. So, did you or didn't you?"

"Man, this is not just about me. I won't say a word even if you kill me."

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, how did such a good thing fall into your lap, Alex? It's so unfair! You have to go out more at night from now on!"


"To wait for shooting stars! Haha, don't worry, I know what to say and what not to say. Congratulations, buddy. Tang Ling is the best girl I've ever seen. You're lucky, but you're also in for a tough time!" Sosha patted Alex hard, feeling proud of him, truly passing on his teachings. A pupil surpassing the master indeed!

"What's tough about it?"

"Man, people's hearts are treacherous. Tang Ling is not only a rare beauty but also the heir of GAD. What better way to succeed than to win her heart? There will be plenty of guys who think the same way as me. They might not think like you do, but that doesn't mean others won't. "

Sosha spoke the truth. He also came from a business family, and although he didn't have much exposure, he had heard a lot about the business world and had a considerable understanding of human nature. Girls during their student years are the easiest targets. He could guarantee that many people were waiting to make a move on Tang Ling during university. Who would have thought that Alex would suddenly appear like a knight in shining armor? As for what actions these people would take in the face of obstacles,

 no one knew. While he was happy for Alex, he also felt a bit worried. But now that his buddy was in love, he didn't want to spoil the mood with such concerns.

"Don't worry, don't you think I'm not bad either?" Alex puffed up his chest, looking cool. Both of them burst into laughter.

However, Sosha didn't notice the flash of coldness in Alex's eyes. For anyone who dared to offend him and Tang Ling, he would definitely not show mercy. Underestimating him would come with a price!

Sosha didn't want to be a third wheel, so he quickly let Alex go. But this wasn't something that could be settled over a meal at KFC. It would at least require a Pizza Hut!

As Sosha said, Tang Ling's love life had indeed attracted a lot of attention, and many people were not happy about it. However, they didn't care much. In their eyes, there was no relationship that couldn't be broken up. Moreover, Alex was just a poor boy. Maybe he had some talent, but so what? Wanting to get rid of him was as easy as squishing an ant. But Tang Ling was not easy to mess with. If she found out anything unfavorable, these people could only think of other ways. Anyway, there was still a long time in university, and they could take their time dealing with this boy named Alex. They simply couldn't understand that in matters of love, one's status also mattered.