
Mechanical Hearts

Synopsis: This story took at 2040 where production of human like program coexists with humans around the world. But, they have shorter lifespan than humans called life service. One day, kazumi saw a woman named yuuki. He then forms a contract with her to "retrieve" the machina from expiring. Thats supposed to be their job but...

Hisato_Dola · Khoa huyễn
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48 Chs

Chapter 4: Signature

Chapter 4: Signature

"I can't sleep. It must be because of the coffee i drank." While Kazumi is thinking how to sleep Yuuki knocks on his door. Yuuki asks "Can you please open the door?" Kazumi replied "Yes, wait a minute". When Kazumi opened the door he saw Yuuki's handling a jar.

[Yuuki]: Here *gives him the jar*

[Kazumi]: What is this?

[Yuuki]: It's a sleeping pill. I'm sure you can't sleep right? After consuming coffee.

[Kazumi]: i see.

[Yuuki]: Goodnight

After giving the sleeping pill Yuuki leaves. He consumed 1 sleeping pill immediately. After a minute he felt asleep.




The alarm was ringing. But, Kazumi is not waking up. It was already 7am when Yuuki decided to wake him up. "Hey Kazumi, Wake up we need to be early today. I'll prepare coffee for us.". Kazumi grabs Yuuki's hands while he is asleep. Her face was blushing, and embarrassed. "Why are you touching me! Idiot!". She tried to let go but Kazumi is not letting go. Yuuki got pissed of and slaps him. "OUUUUCH"----Kazumi finally wakes up screaming in pain. He looked to Yuuki.

[Kazumi]: Why did you slap me?

[Yuuki]: You hold my hands when you were asleep, you're not letting go.

[Kazumi]: Huh!? How can i hold you when i'm sleeping???

Yuuki was pissed of. She slaps him again and again until his face became red.

"Here, your coffee". As Yuuki's offering him coffee He immediately accepts it. After drinking coffee and eating their breakfast Yuuki discussed her rules to Kazumi on their room.

[Yuuki]: To prevent what happened yesterday i want to make rules here.

[Kazumi]: Rules? Got it.

[Yuuki]: First, i'd like you to enter to your room before i leave the bath.

[Kazumi]: Oh, i remember it.

[Yuuki]: Don't bring that up you idiot! *looked away and blushing*

[Yuuki]: 2nd, No talking about unnecesarry things. And Lastly, I will do the cooking, and you will do the cleaning. Is that clear?

[Kazumi]: Yes, Maam.

[Yuuki]: Maam?

[Kazumi]: No, Nevermind.

After bathing and eating breakfast, they rushed to get the keys to Shiina. Shiina was surprise to Yuuki's becoming that active. When they arrived at the Hayama residence the Hayama family greeted them "Goodmorning, sir" Kazumi and Yuuki also greeted them. As usual, Kaito was offering them tea. After filling their cup Yuuki started the discussion immediately.

[Yuuki]: We are here to talk to you about Mitsuru.

[Kazumi]: If you would, please sign this. *gives Kaito the pen and the file*

[Kaito]: You really are straightforward person.

[Kazumi]: I'm sorry, we just want to not bother you anymore so you can enjoy your last moments to have Mitsuru.

[Kaito]: I know.

Retrieval File

Name: Mitsuru

Gender: Female


Family: Hayama family

Address: Quarter 3, block 1 Hayama residence

Expiration: 1 day and 8 hours


Kaito call Mitsuru. He asked Kazumi and Yuuki to go out for a moment. "Yes, Sir Hayama".

When Mitsuru enters the room Kaito asked him if she was okay to be retrieved. Mitsuru smiles gently and said "Yes, because if i ended up hurting anyone, then i'd better be retrieved. My service with your family is fun to me, I think i've had enough. When i'm gone, please take care of your child." Kaito felt sad. He thank Mitsuru for everything she did for their family. "Mitsuru, please call them here now, i will now sign this. Please be happy in your last moments."---Mitsuru replied: "Yes, sir".

When Kazumi and Yuuki gets back on the room Kaito already sign Mitsuru's retrival file. Kazumi thinks of how strong Kaito's resolve was when he sign it. "I already sign it. Please take care of Mitsuru when the time comes."We got it, sir." After taking care on their job Yuuki and Kazumi went to mall to buy foods.Yuuki asked him what he wants to eat. "Just take what you want, Yuuki. I'm not a picky eater you know?". Yuuki went to meat section and puts beef and barbeque marinade. Then she picks some vegetables in vegetable sections.

When they got home, Naegi asked them if the discussion is settled.

[Yuuki]: Yes, it is settled today.

[Kazumi]: Don't worry, we consult them properly to avoid hurting them.

[Naegi]: I see. Good work today i suppose.

[Kazumi and Yuuki]: Thank you sir

Yuuki immediately marinate the beef and prepare utensils. Kazumi ask "What will you cook, Yuuki?" Yuuki was so focused that she didn't hear Kazumi. While Yuuki is cooking Kazumi clean their room. After an hour, Yuuki finished cooking prepared the table.

[Yuuki]: Hey, Kazumi. It's lunchtime. Eat now while it's hot.

[Kazumi]: i'm coming.

Kazumi was surprise when he saw their lunch. It was barbeque and vegetable salad. He told Yuuki why he chose this meal. "Ah, that. We're not eating properly since the first day we met." Kazumi replies "Thank you, Yuuki." Yuuki smiles.

Meanwhile the whole Hayama family, including Mitsuru went to the amusement park. Shimizu ask's Kaito why he chose to go to amusement park. "Amusement park is where we can be happy and create memories right? That's why i chose to come here."

Time before Mitsuru's retrieval: 1 day and 4 hours.

End of Chapter 4