
Mechanic Cultivator: Damn! His and Her Souls Got Swapped?!

Two souls from different worlds met in a weird twist of fate. An antisocial male mechanic walks the path of solitude while aiming to become the top designer of giant robots of mass destruction, Doppels. However, the jealousy of his surroundings caused an unfortunate "accident," leading him to the brink of death. An evil female cultivator sets out on a path of revenge after getting betrayed by the whole world. However, she was given a chance to redo her life once again from the moment she started her journey. Both souls wandered around a pure white space and met a mysterious system before entering their bodies... But the wrong one?! Female cultivator in the mechanic's body: "Where did my cultivation go?!" Male mechanic in the cultivator's body: "Where did these melons come from?!" Follow the unfortunate love (?) story of the two, who were literally worlds apart, as it unfolds!

SeraphWedd · Huyền huyễn
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370 Chs

Sudden Reunion

The location of the Mechanized Army First Division was to the south of the academy, roughly 10 hours of travel by car. If Melody wanted to go there in time through the land-route, then she'd have to depart before 10 p.m. assuming that she meets no delays along the way.

The current time was 6 a.m. and Melody was still within the academy's premises. Well, she never planned to go to the army through the land route, anyway.

"Sylveria to Control Tower, requesting permission to lift off."

She was instead already onboard her Doppel and ready to set off at any moment.

If she traveled through the air, riding her Doppel, then even if she didn't rush, she could still make it to where General Bethilda was in under 40 minutes. She should still have a lot of time to spare.

And she didn't even have to wait for long, as the permission already came a moment later.

{Control Tower to Sylveria, request confirmed. You are cleared to launch.}